Make your hair silky smooth

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


Healthy hair feels and looks slightly silky smooth. If your hair has become too dry and brittle, it has likely lost the natural oils that keep your hair hydrated. You can repair this shortage of oils by using natural masks and rinses and by treating your hair with oil. You can also do things to help keep your hair healthy and prevent further damage.

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Method 1 of 3: Using natural hair masks

  1. Make a mayonnaise mask. Mayonnaise consists of an emulsion of egg yolks and oil, and can nourish your hair with oils to make it soft and shiny. Cover your hair completely with mayonnaise and leave it on for about 30 minutes. When the mayonnaise is absorbed into your hair, rinse it out with warm water. Then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as you normally do.
    • Use full-fat mayonnaise for the best results.
    • Do not use mayonnaise if you are allergic to eggs.
  2. Make a gelatin mask. Gelatin can also help make your hair silky smooth. To restore protein in your hair, mix a tablespoon of flavorless gelatin and a tablespoon of warm water. Then apply the mixture to your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for about 10 minutes and then rinse it out.
    • After this treatment, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  3. Use aloe vera as a hair mask. Aloe vera gel can also help make your hair silky smooth. You can use the gel you get from the plant or buy a bottle of pure aloe vera gel. Apply the gel to your hair and massage it into your roots, working towards the ends. Use enough aloe to cover your hair from roots to ends. Let the gel soak into your hair for about 30 minutes and then rinse the gel out.
    • After this treatment, wash your hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner.
  4. Make a mask with avocados and bananas. Avocados and bananas can also make your hair silky smooth. Puree an avocado and a banana and mix them together so that you get a paste. Massage the paste into your hair, making sure to cover all strands. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour and then rinse it out.
    • The combination of avocado and banana can also help to soften split ends and make your hair more elastic.
  5. Make an applesauce mask. Buy a jar of applesauce or make your own applesauce by peeling some apples and removing the cores. Boil the apples in water until they have softened, discard the water and mash the apples. If you are making your own applesauce, make sure to let the applesauce cool to room temperature before applying the applesauce to your hair. Then apply the applesauce to your hair from roots to ends.Leave the applesauce on for 30 minutes and then rinse your hair.
    • Complete the treatment by washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  6. Make a mask from egg yolks. Mix three egg yolks with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Beat the ingredients together until they are well mixed together. Then apply the mixture to all of your hair. Put on a shower cap and leave the mixture in this way for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair and use shampoo and conditioner to remove any egg residue.
    • Wash your hair with water that is warm but not too hot. Water that is too hot can boil the egg yolks in your hair, making the egg remnants difficult to remove.
    • You can also buy ready-to-eat egg oil if you don't like the smell or mess of raw eggs. You also do not run the risk of a salmonella infection or an allergic reaction caused by raw eggs.

Method 2 of 3: Using rinses and hot oil

  1. Treat your hair with hot oil. Heat four tablespoons of coconut, olive, almond, or castor oil in a pan until the oil is slightly warm to the touch, but not hot. Pour the warm oil into your hair and use your fingers to massage the oil into your roots and scalp. When all strands of hair are covered in warm oil, put on a shower cap to cover your hair and wrap a hot towel around the shower cap. The heat from the oil and the towel will open the pores in your scalp, allowing the oil to soak in and soften your hair.
    • After about 10 minutes, rinse the oil from your hair and wash your hair as you normally would.
  2. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can also help make your hair silky smooth. Mix 120 ml of apple cider vinegar with 240 ml of warm water. Spray or pour the apple cider vinegar on your hair after you wash it. Leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes. Then rinse the apple cider vinegar from your hair with cold water.
    • This treatment can also help if you have dandruff or an itchy scalp.

Method 3 of 3: Take care of your hair

  1. Don't wash your hair every day. The hair follicles produce natural oils that make your hair shine and make it soft. If you keep washing your hair with harsh chemicals (like the chemicals in most shampoos), these oils will be removed from your hair. These oils can build up and cause your hair to become oily over time, but washing your hair every day can also remove the healthy oils from your hair. Try to wait a day or two before washing your hair again to keep your hair looking and feeling better.
    • Wash your hair every day if you have very fine hair or sweat a lot.
  2. Leave a little conditioner in your hair. Conditioner can make your hair silky smooth, so it's a good idea to leave a little bit in your hair. Don't rinse your hair too long after using conditioner. Try to rinse your hair until most of the conditioner has come off, but your hair still feels smooth. This helps to keep your hair silky smooth all day long.
    • It is also best to squeeze excess water from your hair before applying conditioner. This helps to ensure that your hair is absorbing as much conditioner as possible.
    • If you have fine or thin hair, apply the conditioner to your hair only. Do not apply it on your roots.
  3. Avoid tools that use heat to style your hair. Blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons can dry out your hair and cause split ends. This dry, brittle and damaged hair is difficult to smooth and looks dead and dull. So use these tools as little as possible or avoid them completely. Always let your hair air dry after shampooing.
    • If you do need to use a hair dryer, flat iron, or curling iron, apply leave-in conditioner to your hair first. This will help protect your hair while you style it.
  4. Cut off split ends. If you don't cut your hair for a long time, you can get split ends. Split ends can make your hair look damaged and dry. Take the time to get your hair cut at least once every three or four months to help prevent split ends and keep your hair looking healthy.


  • Always use conditioner after shampooing your hair. Your hair will become softer.
  • Buy shampoo and conditioner appropriate for your hair type. Everyone has different hair and you can certainly find special products that are suitable for your hair type.
  • Never use a hairbrush when your hair is wet. Instead, use a fine-tooth comb or a net comb to soften your hair and reduce hair loss.