Thicken your hair

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Grow THIN Hair into THICK Hair - Dr. Berg
Video: Grow THIN Hair into THICK Hair - Dr. Berg


Not all of us are blessed with Penelope Cruz's natural luscious locks. Whether you have recently noticed that your hair is thinning with age or if your hair has always been on the thin side, the steps below can help both men and women improve the overall health of their hair and make it look fuller and thicker. to show off.

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Method 1 of 5: Take care of your hair in a different way

  1. Wash your hair less often. Of course, you have to keep your hair clean, but if you wash it too often, your hair could even get thinner. With each wash, nutrients are washed away from the scalp, making your hair brittle and breaking. Instead of shampooing your hair daily, try to do this only 1 to 2 a week.
    • Buy dry shampoo to keep your hair looking clean in between washes.
    • Use conditioner every time you wash your hair to restore moisture balance.
  2. Pay attention to natural ingredients. Most shampoos and conditioners contain harsh detergents that dry out your hair, causing it to break. In addition to washing your hair less, use a sulfate-free shampoo. If possible, use products that contain only natural or organic ingredients.
  3. Don't use heat too often to style your hair. Tools such as blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons can burn the ends, causing split ends and breakage. Use these tools as little as possible. Limit its use to once a week.
    • When possible, let your hair air dry and only use these types of tools for special occasions.
    • If you don't like the way your hair looks when it dries naturally, apply anti-frizz products to your wet hair so that it dries smoothly.
    • If you still want to use these tools regularly, use a product that protects your hair from the heat, such as argan oil. Apply this in your hair just before styling.
  4. Do not use harsh hair dye. We all love to dye our hair, but some bleaches and other chemicals can dry out your hair. Together with tools such as blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons, this can seriously damage your hair. Avoid using these harsh chemicals in your hair and opt for more natural ways to bleach and dye your locks. You can also use vegan hair dye such as Manic Panic.
  5. Comb your hair properly. Combing your hair regularly is good for its overall health.Your scalp produces natural fats that are distributed to the ends of the hair by combing, strengthening your hair. However, combing can damage your hair if you do it the wrong way. Use a wide-toothed plastic comb to comb your hair, instead of a round or flat hairbrush.
    • Do not comb your hair when it is wet. Your hair will be more brittle and will break more quickly.
    • Try combing your hair once a day to spread the oils all over your head and stimulate your scalp.

Method 2 of 5: Using home remedies

  1. Make a protein mask. Your hair is made up of proteins, so what better way to thicken your hair than by adding some more? Mix 1 or 2 eggs (depending on the length of your hair) with a little fresh aloe vera gel. Cover your hair completely with it and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm water.
  2. Try a fenugreek paste. Fenugreek seeds are not only good for your health, they can also remove and reduce dandruff while making your hair thicker. Soak some seeds in water for 8 to 10 hours. How many seeds you use depends on how long your hair is. Then mix them together to make a thick paste. Apply the paste in your hair and leave it on for half an hour. Then rinse it out of your hair with the water you soaked the seeds in.
  3. Give yourself a hot oil massage. Natural oils, especially olive oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil, strengthen your hair and stimulate hair growth. By massaging your scalp, you stimulate the hair follicles and help them to grow hair. Combine both by heating oil to a comfortable temperature and massaging it into your scalp. You can let the oil sit for another 30 to 60 minutes before rinsing it out.
  4. Make a rinse with flaxseed. These tiny seeds are packed with fatty acids, which naturally thicken your hair. Soak the seeds in a bowl of water for 5 days. Then apply the flaxseed water to your scalp and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse your hair with clean water and wait for it to start thickening naturally.
  5. Make a fruit mask. The nutrients and antioxidants in fruits are not only good to eat, but also help thicken your hair. Make a fresh fruit mask by making a mixture of avocado, banana and grated orange peel. How much fruit you use depends on how long your hair is. Cover your entire head with the mask and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it from your hair and then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as you normally do.

Method 3 of 5: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Watch your diet. The nutrients in the foods you eat can help strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Eat foods rich in protein, vitamins B, C, D and E, and zinc. In general, you should try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains to naturally strengthen your hair.
    • Examples of foods that strengthen your hair include walnuts, spinach, flax seeds, lentils and blueberries.
  2. Limit stress. It is not just a statement when it is said that thinning hair is caused by a high level of stress. Whether you're "pulling your hair out" or your hair is just falling out, chances are your stress level is the cause. Take steps to reduce stress and you will see your hair become noticeably healthier.
  3. Exercise regularly. One of the best ways to de-stress naturally? Sports! Keep your hair follicles healthy and your stress levels low by increasing your heart rate for at least half an hour every day. In addition to thicker hair, you will experience many more health benefits.
  4. Take a dietary supplement that makes your hair healthier. It's not always easy to get all the nutrients your hair needs to thicken, so give your body a helping hand by taking nutritional supplements. There are several products that promote hair growth and make your hair thicker and longer. Take biotin, Viviscal or fish oil daily for several months to get healthier hair.
  5. Examine your medications. Medicines are not always the cause, but some substances can cause an imbalance in your hormone system, causing you to suffer from hair loss. Chances are your hair will get thinner by taking the contraceptive pill, but in fact any prescription drugs that affect your hormone balance could be the culprit. Talk to your doctor and see if there is a replacement medicine you can take that will not damage your hair.

Method 4 of 5: Take serious measures

  1. Use a baldness remedy. If you are losing excess hair, go to your local pharmacy for an over-the-counter baldness cream. When applied daily, it will stimulate hair growth on bald or thinning areas on your head.
  2. Get a hair transplant. Consider a hair transplant if your hair has become extremely thin or if you are going bald. This surgical procedure addresses bald spots in men by transplanting hair from another part of the body to the bald spot. Talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is safe and feasible for you.
  3. Spend money on a laser comb. It may sound like a technically advanced product, but a laser comb is a relatively new invention that uses useful lasers to promote hair growth. This luxurious comb is very expensive for all the thick, flowing hair you get through it. A complete set costs several hundred euros. If you're tired of baldness or thinning hair, spend a little more money and buy a laser comb that will give you a full head of hair in no time.
  4. Buy hair extensions. Hair extensions are temporary hair pieces with artificial hair or real hair that are attached to your head with glue or wire. Extensions can look incredibly real, but can range in price from a few dozen to a few hundred dollars. They must be replaced every three months so that outgrowths are no longer visible.
  5. Try a keratin treatment. A keratin treatment can be performed at most good hairdressing shops and is a special treatment that promotes hair growth and makes the hair thicker and shinier. You can have this treatment once every few months, but you have to be prepared to pay: each treatment costs at least 100 euros or more, depending on your hair length. If nothing else works, the keratin will greatly improve the health of your hair so that it looks fresh and undamaged.

Method 5 of 5: Pretend

  1. Change your hairstyle. You can't change your genes, of course, but you can use the power of illusion to make your hair look thicker. Ask your stylist about the best haircut and style to thicken your hair and give it more volume.
    • Get your hair cut in layers to make it fuller, especially if you have very straight hair.
    • Consider getting bangs cut if you dare. The contrast between your bangs and the rest of your hair will help emphasize the length.
    • Get your hair cut. When your hair is fanned out at the ends, it appears thin and unhealthy. Having your hair cut to the same length will make it look healthier, more resilient and get rid of dead ends right away. Get your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks to keep it looking like you just had it cut.
  2. Use color to suggest volume. Highlights add depth to the hair, making it appear fuller. As mentioned above, excessive bleaching of the hair can cause it to break down even more quickly. So stay close to your natural hair color.
  3. Buy hair extensions that you can clip into your hair. If you don't dare to spend a lot of money to fully extend your hair with extensions, try hair extensions that you can clip to your hair. These are much cheaper, but look less realistic. You can buy them at drugstores and cosmetic stores. Look for extensions with a color and texture that matches your own hair and clip them into your hair daily to give it more volume.


  • Don't wear the same pin or cap every day. This damages your hair and can even cause it to break.
  • Read the package insert for over-the-counter medications and watch for side effects. If you have any questions or concerns, please see your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Talk to your doctor before taking any new medications or vitamin pills to make sure this is a safe choice for you.


  • If you suddenly have severe hair loss unrelated to your age, see your doctor. This can be caused by another health problem.