Apologize to your girlfriend

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🔴 How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend (Use the "REVERSE APOLOGY")
Video: 🔴 How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend (Use the "REVERSE APOLOGY")


Did you say or do anything that makes your girlfriend angry or sad? Do you want to apologize in an honest, direct way, or rather in an extensive, special way? Do you want her very like to go back? If you love her sincerely and can't imagine life without her, you can apologize in the following ways.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Apologize with words

  1. Think about your apologies and get to the heart of the problem. Everyone can be sorry say, but not everyone means it and also comes up with a solution. Be aware that your girlfriend may expect you to think about your actions and / or words for a while before apologizing. Before you apologize, you need to know:
    • Why you did or said the thing that upset her.
    • Which aspect of your personality caused this.
    • How you will solve the problem so that both you and your girlfriend do not have to go through this again.
  2. Start with a simple "Sorry.’ Don't beat around the bush or try to apologize without actually saying "sorry". Your girlfriend probably wants to hear those words, so be ready to start with that.
  3. If she asks you to leave, say you want to apologize. Tell her you really want to fix this and save the relationship. Don't yell or talk out of turn; you can scare her or make the situation worse.
    • If she's really, really upset and doesn't want to hear your apologies right now, go away. Ask her if you can call her in a few days.
  4. Calmly explain the reasons behind your actions. If you have thought carefully about the problem (see Step 1), you should have a good idea of ​​what you did wrong and how to prevent it in the future.
    • Example:"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you and your parents about my age. I know that wasn't right, but I didn't want you guys not to trust me because I'm older. I really care about you and you parents, so I want to apologize to them too. I understand if you still remain angry with me. "
    • Example:"Sorry, I shouldn't have looked at Tessa that way. I know she's your girlfriend, and I would never do anything to risk my relationship with you, or your relationship with her. to apologize for my actions: a lot of guys like to watch girls. But now that I know you don't like it, I'll do my best not to go wrong again. "
    • Example: “Sorry for calling you that - I won't even repeat the word again. That was really wrong and disparaging. I know. changed my opinion about me because of this, so I'll do everything I can to make it up to you. "
  5. Allow her to respond. Let her ask you any questions she wants answers to. Here are some things to keep in mind when you let her out:
    • Don't blame her. Even if you're not the only one wrong, it's not a good idea to blame her. Your apologies don't work if you do.
    • Let her express her anger, disappointment, or sadness. Don't try to convince her not to. It's better for her if she can show it.
    • Don't show affection at this point - that's probably a bit too soon. So don't kiss, hug, or hold hands until she does that to you.
  6. Tell her to give her time if she needs it. Briefly summarize your apologies again and then leave if she wants to be alone. Respect the way she wants to process it.

Part 2 of 2: Apologize in other ways

  1. After trying the verbal apology, you can try other ways if she hasn't forgiven you yet. Sometimes you have to apologize a few times before she can accept that you really mean it. That does not matter; the more effort you put into it, the more likely she is to forgive you.
  2. Write a letter. Give it to her in a romantic way, such as hidden in a bouquet or delivered personally by one of her best friends. The letter can contain the following message:
    • Example: “I know a letter can never quite make up for what I've done. I also know that a letter can never quite tell how I feel and what I want to say. What I do know is that I screwed up. suggest to go on without you You're the one I dream of when I go to bed and think of when I wake up in the morning You're my everything I may never be able to make it right again but I can tell you I will never make the same mistake again. I promise from the bottom of my heart. "
  3. Depending on the girl, you can also try a public apology. Be very careful about that, because some girls hate it when other people know everything about their personal relationships. So be very discreet before making your apologies publicly. She may also think that you are using public pressure so that you are more likely to forgive her, because others may think, "Oh, why wouldn't Sara want him back? Look how nice he is to her!" Maybe it would be better to just intervene.
    • Go for the straightforward public apologies. Just step up to her when she's with a group of friends, prepare a speech, and get some relief. Look deep into her eyes as you say sorry and focus on her alone.
    • If you are in a creative mood, you can also organize a flash mob to apologize. This takes a lot of work and preparation, so make sure it will work before you get started.
  4. Leave flowers, chocolate, or teddy bears at her house or work. Girls love these three things. Write a small note with it; if you give flowers or chocolate without a note, it is a lot less powerful as an excuse.
  5. Write her a song in which you apologize and post it on YouTube. Missing an existing song about someone, having done something wrong or about guilt and shame also work. If the song means something to you as a couple, then of course it is even more fun. You can change the text a bit to make it more appropriate to the situation.
    • Create a playlist for her or burn a mix CD. A mix is ​​a little less personal, but with the right care and attention it can convey the message. Choose songs she knows and likes as well as songs you think she's never heard.
  6. Write a poem in which you apologize. Drop it in the letterbox or leave it on her answering machine. Write it from your heart with all your emotions.


  • Your apologies must be honest and sincere, otherwise it makes no sense at all.
  • Try to make it special because you want to let her know that she means a lot to you.
  • Remember you better do it ASAP. If you've really screwed up, she'll probably be very sad, and you'll want to fix that as soon as possible.
  • Perseverance is important, but you do need to know when to keep quiet for a while.
  • Whatever you do, prepare well. Concentrate on the details and execution of your plan. She shouldn't misunderstand you.
  • Don't expect anything in return, just focus on the fact that you're really sorry.
  • Don't demand answers or set ultimatums. This puts too much pressure on her and can only make things worse.
  • You don't have to spend a lot of money, most girls appreciate it more when you do something personal. Examples: pick some wild flowers and give them to her at work, prepare a nice dinner and hand it over at her house, arrange an appointment with a beautician for her ...
  • It can always be helpful to ask one of her friends for help (if they aren't really pissed off with you too).


  • Avoid getting caught in a vicious circle where you have to apologize for everything just to calm things down. Eventually, all the problems pile up between you and make you hate each other.
  • Ask yourself why you want to apologize and if you really mean it, because that will determine which method you can use.
  • You never have the guarantee that it will work! Remember that in the end you only want to let them know how you feel.
  • Don't pressure your girlfriend to make a decision, give her space!
  • You don't always have to apologize when your girlfriend is upset. Think long and hard about your share - and hers.