Create your own pseudonym

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Creating A Music Career Alias | Keeping Your Identity A Secret
Video: Creating A Music Career Alias | Keeping Your Identity A Secret


If you'd like to change your name, now you have the chance to have some fun with it. This is especially useful for creating a "nom de plume", or pseudonym, in case you want to hide the fact that you are the author of a book, thesis, website or other media.

To step

Method 1 of 1: Create your own pseudonym

  1. Think about how much of your own name should be included. You can shorten your name from something like William to Wim, or from Ashley to Ash, or just choose a name similar to it.
  2. Decide in which genre you want to write and choose a name to match.
    • When it comes to fantasy and science fiction stories, initials work best, such as J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien.
    • For literary works, "smooth" names are better, such as Nicholas Sparks and Barbara Kingsolver.
  3. Don't let the full name sound strange! The number of syllables should be easy to pronounce, not something like Billie Letts (too many L's) or names with 2 syllables.
  4. Choose multiple pseudonyms by mixing and matching. This may sound strange, but write down each name in simple letters and give the names some space on the paper. Keep working on what looks good and cut it all off.
  5. Go on Search to options with an internet search engine to check if someone else has already used that name. The names that are already used, or have been used, are dropped.
  6. Say each pseudonym out loud a few times. Almost every sentence is suitable for this, such as: "I have to read [pseudonym's] newest book!" or "Is [pseudonym] coming here to sign his latest book?"
  7. Choose your favorite pseudonym from all possible options. There is no formula for choosing the best; if you like one name better than another, use it!
  8. You can also use programs that generate random names, such as and try different combinations of names you get. With that you can always find an interesting name, and you can also choose the origin of the name, such as Irish, English, African or even mythology.


  • To be able to remember the pseudonym, you can practice your signature before you sign a book. Keep both feet on the ground; you are only practicing for the moment you are finally an author!
  • Don't choose a name that is so strange that you are ashamed of it.
  • Make sure your nickname is a name you like!
  • Try combining your middle name with your last name or with your mother's last name. Most people are familiar enough with these names that they don't feel strange or make them sound strange.
  • You can use a word processor to design a proof cover for your book to see how well your pseudonym is looking. Use a suitable font and size for the title and put it at the top, and put your pseudonym at the bottom. If it doesn't look right, keep looking; if you like it, you can use this name!
  • Make an anagram of your name and use it. For example, Tim Jones could then become Jon Miset, or for a French twist, Jon Misét.
  • Don't choose a name that you don't recognize when someone addresses you with it. Once you are an author, people will try to get your attention. There is no point in using Jane Doe as a pseudonym when your real name is Elizabeth Smith.