Pack for a 5 day vacation

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Pack a Carry On for 5-7 Days Mixing and Matching Outfits | by Erin Elizabeth
Video: How to Pack a Carry On for 5-7 Days Mixing and Matching Outfits | by Erin Elizabeth


Packing for a vacation is annoying and you will inevitably be overpacking or forgetting something. But by taking the time to make a thoughtful plan and learn a few packing tricks, such as rolling your clothes instead of folding them, packing becomes a streamlined activity that will help you go on vacation with peace of mind. !

To step

Part 1 of 3: Visualizing your journey

  1. Check the weather before you start packing. Even if you don't travel for a few weeks or months, you can watch the average highs and lows to help you anticipate your wardrobe needs as you prepare.
    • If you live somewhere warm and travel somewhere cooler, should you invest in a jacket? Or vice versa - do you live somewhere cool, but are you traveling to a warm destination? You may need to purchase shorts or sandals so that you can feel comfortable while you travel.
  2. Determine your planned activities. Are you going sightseeing, lounging on the beach, going out in the city or visiting museums? Having an idea of ​​what every day looks like while on vacation can help you plan what to pack.
    • For example, if you plan on staying in a remote cabin for a week, you probably don't need to bring a smart outfit for a night out.
    • List all planned activities and write down what kind of outfit you need.
    • If you're packing for a family, it's helpful to make a list for each person you're packing so you don't forget anything.
  3. Coordinate your wardrobe to avoid taking too many clothes. Only pack clothes that can be worn with the rest of your wardrobe. It helps to put outfits on your bed to make sure things go together. If you want to pack your favorite skirt, but don't bring a top or shoes to pair it with, don't wear the skirt, so leave it behind. Likewise, if you bring ties or dress shoes, make sure they match with your shirts and pants.
    • If you are packing a jacket or blazer, make sure it matches any shirts you bring.
    • Also pay attention when packing accessories. Choose colors and designs that go with all of your outfits.
    • Don't forget to think about the type of shoes you need. You need a pair of sturdy shoes for walking. For the beach you want slippers. If you need dress shoes for enthusiast events, keep that in mind.

Part 2 of 3: Gathering essential items

  1. Take the necessary toiletries with you when traveling. Items to remember include: deodorant, toothbrush / toothpaste, shampoo / conditioner, shower gel, facial lotion, face wash, hairbrush, styling products, contact lens case / solution, hand sanitizer, razor / shaving cream, feminine hygiene products and lip balm.
    • Try to get as many items in travel-sized containers as possible. Local drugstores offer mini versions of commonly used toiletries, or you can buy your own travel size packs and refill them yourself.
  2. Pack enough clothes to get through the week. For a 5-day vacation, you will want to bring 2-3 pairs of shorts or pants, 3-4 tops, a light jacket (or a heavy jacket, depending on where you are traveling) and 1 formal outfit if you plan to go to a nice restaurant or event to go to. When you go to the beach pack 2-3 bathing suits / trunks.
    • Try to match all of the clothing items so that they can be worn in any combination.
  3. Don't forget to pack clothes to sleep in! Bring 1-2 sleep outfits for the week. If you tend to get cold at night, you may also want to bring a light sweater to wear at night. If you're trying to save space, you can wear the same shirt to bed at night as you do during the day.
  4. Plan your shoes carefully. Bring 1 pair of comfortable shoes for walking. If you plan on going out, bring 1 pair of dress shoes or flats to match your outfit. Bring 1 pair of sandals for the beach. The fewer pairs of shoes you bring, the lighter your bag will be.
    • Don't forget to pack shoes for any special activities you will be doing, such as rock climbing or white water rafting.
    • Wear your largest pair of shoes when traveling to your destination to save space in your luggage.
  5. Pack your underwear. Take 4-5 pairs of underwear, 4-5 pairs of socks, 2-3 petticoats / bras and any briefs or special items you need (for example, if you need a strapless bra for a dress). If you have limited packing space, bring less underwear and wash dirty clothes in the sink where you are staying.
    • Some accommodations offer washing and drying machines that you can use during your trip.
  6. Choose your accessories carefully and coordinate with your outfits. Some things you may want to have with you are sunglasses, scarves, hats, jewelry, ties, and belts. When packing jewelry, be careful not to bring anything extraordinarily valuable in case it is lost or stolen.
    • It can also be fun to buy new accessories as souvenirs while traveling, such as scarves or hats. If you think you might want to do this, leave those items at home to save space.
  7. Bring electronics and chargers with you. Items to Remember: Cell Phone Charger, Power Adapter, Video / MP3 Player, Earphone, Camera, Electronic Reader. For a 5-day trip, you may not need all of these items, so think carefully about what you plan to do on your trip and what to bring.
  8. Refill any medicines you need the week before your trip. This ensures that you will not be short of anything while you are away! If you take birth control pills, don't forget to bring these with you too.
    • Bring a list of medicines to keep on hand in case an emergency arises during your trip.

Part 3 of 3: Packing your luggage

  1. Pack travel-sized toiletries for essential items. For the most part, you should be able to get toiletries at your destination, either at the hotel or at a local drugstore. But if you have things from home that you want to take with you (or just to save money by not having to buy anything when you arrive), transfer lotions and shampoos and liquids in travel-sized packs.
    • If you're flying and are bringing carry-on luggage, check TSA liquids regulations.
  2. Collect your luggage and everything you want to pack in 1 place. For a 5-day vacation you should be able to easily pack all your clothes and supplies in 1 bag or suitcase. Putting everything in the same space keeps you organized while putting things in your bag.
    • If you're packing for multiple people, try to keep luggage and piles of clothes / toiletries separate so you don't get confused and misplace something.

    Roll up your clothes to save space. Tight-fitting clothes help prevent wrinkles and save space in your luggage! Follow this technique: lay the garment flat and then fold the bottom 5 cm of the item inside out (this creates an envelope / pocket). Roll the item tightly from the other end of the fold until you reach the bag. Then fold one side of the bag over the roll to secure it.

    • You can also put socks and undergarments in shoes to save space.
    • Pack shoes, toiletries, and other heavy items at the bottom of your bag. This prevents them from creasing or damaging your clothes.
  3. Download electronic versions of books and magazines to save space. If you have an iPad, Kindle, or the like, you can download books and magazines to read without taking up essential space in your luggage. Many magazine subscriptions also offer free electronic access, so check that option if you already subscribe to a magazine!
    • If you want to bring a physical book, consider getting a book you would like to leave behind. This will at least save you some space on the way back (or give you room for a souvenir or 2).
  4. Keep a bag of essential items handy when you fly. This saves you time and energy when you get on the plane. Keep a small bag in your carry-on that contains what you want for your flight (a book, magazine, pen, paper, headphones, cough drops, earplugs). This way, when you get on the plane, you can take out this smaller bag and store the bag without much effort.
    • Even if you are driving, it can be nice to have a small bag handy with snacks, your phone, a book and other essential items, such as your phone charger.
    • When traveling with children, it is helpful to plan a number of activities to keep them busy. Sticker books are thin and light, and you can often find travel versions of board games too.


  • Make a list of what you ended up packing, and at the end of your trip, make notes about what you would have done differently. Keep this list for reference the next time you travel.
  • Bring a laundry bag or even a garbage bag to keep your dirty clothes in while you travel. You will feel so much more organized having a separate space for these items instead of mixing them up with your clean and unworn pieces.