Lose 5 kilos in a week

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1
Video: How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1


Losing weight quickly is something that many people want. Most people would like to shed a few pounds and get in shape quickly. Losing 5 kilos in a week is a lot, so that might not really be a realistic goal. Usually it is possible to lose less - half to whole kilos - per week. Losing too much weight in a short time is not considered safe, and it is not recommended. But with some adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, you are already well on your way to losing those 5 kilos.

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Part 1 of 3: Changing your diet

  1. Eat fewer carbohydrates. Research has shown that following a low-carbohydrate diet will help you lose weight the fastest. Eat less carbohydrate-rich foods if you want to get close to those 5 pounds per week.
    • Carbohydrates are in all kinds of foods. Only cut things that contain a lot of carbohydrates, such as grains. Bread, rice, pasta and other grains are full of carbohydrates, and you can safely leave them because you can get those nutrients from other foods as well.
    • Dairy, starchy vegetables and fruits also contain carbohydrates. Try to eat less of them, but don't cut them out of your diet altogether. It contains many valuable nutrients.
  2. Eat lean protein with every meal. In addition to following a low-carb diet, you should try to get a lot of lean protein. If you eat a lot of protein and few carbohydrates, you will lose weight quickly.
    • Focus on the lean sources of protein. It contains fewer calories so that you lose weight quickly. Try poultry, eggs, lean beef, fish, legumes, and tofu.
    • Eat protein with every meal or snack. Then you arrive at your daily recommended amount. A serving of protein is approximately 90-120 grams, or the size of a deck of playing cards.
    • Proteins also make you feel full longer, so you can control your hunger and not overeat.
  3. Fill half of your plate with vegetables. To finish your meals, you should leave half of your plate consisting mainly of vegetables and sometimes some fruit. These things are low in calories and provide you with many important nutrients.
    • It is recommended that half of your plate consists of vegetables or fruit. That only applies to almost any diet, even if you have to lose weight. Note that fruit contains more carbohydrates, so be careful with that.
    • Have at least 1 serving of vegetables with each meal.One serving means that you take one or two cups of leafy greens. If you choose fruit, stick to 1/2 cup of chopped fruit, or 1 small piece of fruit.
    • Both vegetables and fruits are low in calories. Making half of your meal consist of low-calorie foods will reduce calories overall and help you lose weight.
  4. Drink the right drinks. Whether you want to lose weight or not, it's always important to drink enough. But if you drink enough water, it also helps with weight loss.
    • Most health experts recommend drinking at least 8 large glasses of water per day. However, this is only a guideline. There are even people who think you should take 13 large glasses a day.
    • Stick to calorie-free drinks that hydrate your body well, such as water, decaffeinated coffee, and herbal teas.
    • When you get a little dehydrated, your body sends signals to your brain that are similar to those you get when you're hungry. That can lead you to want to eat something, so that you take in more calories than you need to.
    • Also try to drink one or two glasses of water before eating. Then you will be full sooner while you eat less.
  5. Consider replacing meals. Most health experts and dietitians will tell you that losing 5 pounds a week is not safe or realistic. But replacing meals with shakes or bars will go a long way in the right direction.
    • Meal replacements usually contain very few calories and a lot of protein. They are acceptable as a meal replacement because they contain enough protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
    • There are all kinds of diets with meal replacements. Some are recommended by doctors' offices and are even guided by dietitians or general practitioners. These types of programs are generally expensive, but they are often safer.
    • You can also buy meal replacements at the drugstore or supermarket. First, do online research into the products and choose a program that fits your lifestyle and budget.
    • Meal replacements should only be used temporarily. Do not follow these types of diets for longer than 1-2 weeks.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise more

  1. Try to do 150 minutes of cardio training. Cardio or aerobic exercise are activities that burn a lot of calories. In combination with a diet, you can lose weight quickly with cardio training.
    • It is recommended to exercise moderately to vigorously for at least 150 minutes or 2.5 hours every week. But if you want to burn more calories, you can even try exercising for up to 300 minutes a week.
    • Moderate to intensive activity is different for everyone. In any case, you should get a little breathless and sweat, and continue the activity for at least 20-30 minutes.
    • Try activities such as brisk walking, jogging / running, swimming, boxing, or the elliptical.
  2. Do interval training 2-3 days a week. In addition to cardio training, it is good to do interval training 2-3 days a week. With interval training you burn even more calories.
    • Interval training is a new form of training. Research has shown that you burn significantly more calories in a shorter time. Your body also burns more calories from fat.
    • Interval training is also good for increasing your overall metabolism, or your body's ability to burn extra calories in the hours after your workout.
    • An example of interval training is: sprinting for 2 minutes, followed by jogging for 5 minutes. These activities should then be alternated for a total of approximately 20-30 minutes.
  3. Adopt a more active lifestyle. If you want to burn more calories in a week, you need to exercise more during the day. The more active and mobile you are in your daily activities, the more calories you burn.
    • Daily activities include walking the dog or doing household chores.
    • Do more of these activities and try to take as many steps as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk the dog longer, and park further away if you are going to do something by car, or walk to the mall.
  4. Skip snacks. One or two healthy snacks can be part of your diet plan. But if you want to lose weight extra quickly, it is better to leave the snacks so that you consume fewer calories.
    • If you're hungry between meals, have a glass of water or a cup of unsweetened decaf coffee or tea. The taste and moisture can tell your brain that you are full.
    • If you do want a snack, limit it to anything from 100-150 calories. And make sure it consists mostly of lean proteins.
    • Examples of a suitable snack are a hard-boiled egg or a container of low-fat yogurt.

Part 3 of 3: Addressing other factors of your lifestyle

  1. Sleep 7-9 hours a night. Sleep is very important for your health. And it is even more important if you want to lose weight. Even if you've only been on a diet for a week, good sleep is essential.
    • If you don't sleep well, your body will counteract weight loss. Sleep deprivation can spur your body to produce more hormones that make you hungry. In addition, people with sleep deprivation often have a greater need for fatty food.
    • Try to sleep at least 7-9 hours a night. Go to bed earlier and try to sleep in a little longer. Also try to keep things that produce noise or light out of your bedroom so that you can sleep soundly.
  2. Control stress. Just like sleep deprivation, too much stress can make you lose weight less quickly. So keep stress under control as much as possible.
    • Everyone has stress from time to time. If you are always under stress, even if only slightly, your body will produce extra cortisol. This hormone makes it more difficult to lose weight. It also makes you feel tired and makes you more hungry.
    • Do some relaxing exercises or activities every day. Try to go for a walk, take a hot shower, talk to a friend, watch a good movie, or read a book.
    • If you find it difficult to control stress and it causes you to eat too much or unhealthy food, consider seeking professional help.
  3. Take a diuretic. Since it is difficult to lose a lot of weight in a week, consider taking an over-the-counter diuretic such as Reinosan. This way you can ensure that you lose weight a little faster.
    • A diuretic is a drug that causes your body to excrete excess water in the urine. Sometimes, due to diet or lifestyle, your body retains a lot of water. This can make you feel bloated and put on weight.
    • Only take this over-the-counter remedy for a few days. You will notice that your body is excreting so much water that it can save a few pounds in a week.
    • It is not safe to use these agents for a long time without the guidance of a doctor. Always talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medication so you know if it is right for you.


  • Always talk to your doctor before you start losing weight or adjust your diet and exercise schedule.
  • If you are still very hungry, drink 2 glasses of water before eating. Then you eat less because your stomach is full of water.