Ignore someone

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
The Proper Way to Ignore Someone
Video: The Proper Way to Ignore Someone


Ignoring someone can be tricky, especially if you keep bumping into the person you're trying to avoid or if they keep trying to strike up a conversation with you and don't understand your hints. If you really want to ignore someone, make sure you seem busy, change your routine, and end all contact with that person. If you want to know how to ignore someone, follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using body language

  1. Do not make eye contact. Not making eye contact is the best way to ignore someone. When you have eye contact with someone, you can no longer pretend that person does not exist. If the person is close to you, try to do everything you can to avoid making eye contact with the other person. You can do this by looking at all other people, looking straight ahead or even looking at the floor.
    • If the person is shorter than you, just look over their head. If the person is taller than you, make sure you don't look up at them.
    • If the person is your size and close to you, try blurring your gaze. If you accidentally look at that person, you have a "glassy, ​​dead" look in your eyes.
  2. Walk fast. Another way to ignore someone is to run as fast as possible. This way you show the other person that you are a busy person who urgently needs to go somewhere, and that you have absolutely no intention of hanging around and having a chat with the person you just want to ignore. Let your arms hang by your sides and keep your head up. This makes it seem like you are looking at a point in the distance where you need to go, even if you have no intention of going anywhere at all.
    • If you see the person approaching from a distance, leave enough space between the two of you so that you don't touch or bump into the person.
    • Don't do everything you can to avoid the other person. If you cross the street or quickly dive into a corridor, it is far too obvious and it also seems as if it is sitting high on you. But if you can already see the person from a distance and you are sure he doesn't see you, turn around and walk the other way.
  3. Adopt a closed stance. When you are near the person, cross your arms and legs, let your shoulders hang, and do everything you can to look unreachable. Your body must express that you absolutely do not want the other person to talk to you. Hopefully the other will understand your hint.
    • Don't smile. Tuck your face or frown so that it looks like you don't want to talk to anyone.
    • You can also opt for a scary, expressionless look - this way, you'll scare anyone who tries to strike up a conversation with you.
    • If you have long hair, bangs, or a cap, try to keep part of your face covered to discourage the person from making eye contact with you.
  4. Make sure you look busy. Instead of adopting a closed posture, try to look very busy. The other person will then think that you cannot possibly talk to him because you have your hands full and therefore have absolutely no time for a pleasant conversation.
    • When you are with your friends, turn to them and make busy gestures. It will seem like you are so busy talking that under no circumstances can you interrupt your conversation to pay attention to the person you are trying to ignore - let alone look at them.
    • If you are alone, pretend that you are very engrossed in a reading book, magazine or study book. You can also quietly read the words to yourself so that it looks like you are trying to memorize them.
    • Hold something in your hands. Whether you're out walking or sitting somewhere, hold your phone, textbooks or even a large plant in a heavy flower pot. This discourages the person from trying to start a conversation with you.

Method 2 of 4: Using technology

  1. Use your cell phone. With your phone as a resource, you can ignore almost anyone. There are a few things you can do with your phone to ignore someone. For example, you can just use your phone to look busy when the other person is around. Talk to someone else on the phone and laugh a lot, or pretend you're engrossed in texting someone you want to talk to.
    • Change your phone number so that the other person cannot call or text you.
    • Block the person's phone number on your phone so that you cannot receive messages from them.
    • Set the alarm on your phone to go off when you are near the person. This way you can pretend that someone is calling you and you are talking to someone.
  2. Play music. Buy headphones or earbuds and wear them whenever you are alone, even if you don't listen to music at all. When you see the person, turn up your music and move your head to the beat of the music. This makes it seem like you are completely immersed in the music and have no time at all for the person you are trying to avoid.
    • If you really want to be annoying, you can also close your eyes and sing along to the music. That way, you hardly give the person you want to ignore a chance to talk to you.
  3. Ignore anyone on the internet. Ignoring someone on the internet is even easier than trying to do this when you run into someone. After all, the other does not "see" you. To ignore someone on the Internet, don't look at all of that person's emails, Facebook or Twitter messages, or whatever else they are trying to contact you.
    • Block the other person on all social networking sites you are a member of. Make sure he or she can't reach you online.
    • Change your email address and usernames if necessary. This way the person can no longer contact you via the internet.

Method 3 of 4: Change your routine

  1. Walk down a different road. If you want to ignore someone by changing your routine, the easiest thing to do is come up with a different route to walk by. That way you will no longer meet the other. If you always bump into the other person when you change classrooms at school, take a detour so you don't have to see them again. If you always bump into the person at work, go through another hallway or use a different toilet to limit contact with that person.
    • If you always run into the person when you go somewhere on foot, take the car.
    • If the other seems to have adapted their walking route to yours, keep walking somewhere else until the other gives up.
  2. Avoid the other person's favorite places. This actually makes a lot of sense. If you know what the other person's favorite bars, restaurants and parks are, you won't go there anymore. It won't be worth it unless you want to spend all the time ignoring that person.
    • You can also find out which days the person is leaving and where to. If the other person only goes to their favorite restaurant on the weekend and you really want to go there too, you can go during the week.
    • If the person only goes to a particular pub during happy hour, go later in the evening.
  3. Visit places where the other will never come. If the other person is really into meat, try out some vegetarian restaurants in your area. If the person hates jazz music, then visit a jazz concert near you. If the person doesn't like one of your friends, feel free to go to that friend's parties. The one you are trying to avoid will definitely not be there.
    • By visiting places the other person will never go, you not only avoid them, you also look for new, nicer places that the other person has nothing to do with.

Method 4 of 4: Ignore someone in different places

  1. Ignore someone at school. Avoiding someone at school can be tricky, especially if you take the same classes. Still, there are ways you can avoid that person without making it plain. This is what you can do:
    • If you normally sit next to that person in class, switch places with someone else. If you have a permanent place, talk to your teacher and ask if you can change places.
    • If you see the person in the cafeteria, see if you can sit elsewhere.
    • If you meet the person in the hallway, look straight ahead. So it seems as if you are only busy walking to the next room and you have not seen the one at all.
    • If the person asks you a question during class, look the other way and pretend nothing happened.
  2. Ignore someone at work. Ignoring someone at work can be tricky, because you are likely to be close to them or even working with them on the same projects. Still, there are a number of things you can do to limit contact with that person.
    • Avoid the cafeteria or kitchen when the other is there. Find out when the person is going to have lunch or get new coffee and then make sure you're not there at those times.
    • If you are close to the person, focus on your computer. Also, make sure you always have a stack of papers on your desk that you can delve into instead of looking at the other person.
    • Don't jeopardize your job. If you really need to talk to that person to perform a particular task, just do it. The other person will be even more annoyed if you do talk to him at work and ignore him completely after work.
  3. Ignore someone in your social life. Ignoring someone in your social life is easy when you know what to do. You can let your friends help you. Try to stay as far away from that person as possible, even if you are both in the same room. This is what you can do:
    • Get busy with your friends. Talk to your friends and laugh a lot - pretend you're having the funniest conversation ever.
    • Go dance. If the other person comes near you and they have music on, bring a friend and have a dance. If the person is still trying to talk to you, close your eyes as if you were fully focused on the music.
    • If the person is with you and your friends, engage with all the other people around you. Scratch your ear or check your phone when the person says something - pretend nothing is happening.


  • Use an MP3 player to distract yourself from the person harassing you.
  • When the other person tries to talk to you, take out your phone and pretend you're answering your phone or typing a text message.
  • Make sure you have a good reason to ignore this person. (For example, if the person is trying to apologize for something, give them a chance to tell their story.)
  • If you know that you are likely to bump into the other person in a particular place (such as the supermarket), check to see if you can see their car in the parking lot before entering.
  • At work, keep the door of your study closed or pretend you're on the phone.
  • Consider talking to the person if there is a possible solution to the problem of why you are ignoring them.
  • If the person you're angry about regrets, it's probably best to forgive the other person or talk the problem out before you lose them. Give the other person a chance - it's probably just a misunderstanding.
  • Learn how to keep an eye on people from the corner of your eye. That way you can still pretend you don't see them.
  • If the person you're trying to ignore is still calling your name or trying to get your attention in some other way, it's still possible to get rid of that quickly. Pretend you're busy, say "oh, hello," and just keep walking like you have an urgent need to go somewhere.


  • Avoiding someone who is very eager to talk to you can be very painful and cause emotional damage. Make sure that someone really deserves this treatment before you start to avoid it.