Getting wood stain off your skin

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Wood Stain off Your Hands
Video: How to Get Wood Stain off Your Hands


Wood stain is one of the trickiest substances to get off your skin. Even if you take precautions like wearing gloves and covering your skin, you may still find yourself getting stain on your skin afterward. If you notice the stain before it dries, you may be able to remove it with some soap and water. In most cases, however, you will need to use chemicals that are usually not applied to the skin. However, if you are careful, work thoroughly, and use the right products, you can get the wood stain off your skin.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Remove the stain with soap

  1. Mix dish soap, laundry detergent and warm water in a bowl. Stir the mixture slowly to avoid creating too much foam. If you have a stain on your face, use unscented dish soap and don't add detergent.
    • The exact amount of detergent, dish soap and water you use depends on how sensitive your skin is and how difficult it is to remove the stain.
    • If you don't have sensitive skin or if the stain is particularly difficult to remove, use more detergent.
    • If you have sensitive skin, it is probably better to just use washing-up liquid. Also dilute the detergent strongly with water.
  2. Use a cloth or brush to scrub the stain with the soap mixture. Dip the cloth or brush in the mixture and rub it over the stain on your skin. Periodically dip the cloth or brush in the mixture.
    • With a soap mixture, you will probably only be able to remove wood stain that you have recently gotten on your skin. Work quickly to avoid applying more aggressive products to your skin.
    • If the cloth soaks up the stain, grab a clean area of ​​the cloth before continuing to scrub.
  3. Hydrate your skin after removing the wood stain. Hold the affected area under a lukewarm or cold tap. Apply a moisturizer or lotion to repair the damage caused by the soap and scrubbing.

Method 2 of 3: Remove oil-based wood stain

  1. Find out if the wood stain in question is oil-based. The wood stain packaging should state whether the product is an oil-based product. You can test whether wood stain is oil-based by dripping a few drops of water on the stained wood. If the drops remain on the wood, it is an oil-based wood stain.
  2. Pour turpentine into a small metal bowl. You can buy turpentine at any hardware store. It is also sometimes referred to by the general term paint thinner, but not all types of paint thinner are turpentine. Make sure the bowl or container that you pour the turpentine into is not painted or varnished.
    • Be careful when working with turpentine. The product is extremely flammable and gives off toxic fumes.
  3. Dip a white cloth in the bowl of turpentine. Using a white, clean cloth will make it easier to see if the stain will be removed. If the area of ​​the cloth you are using starts to get dirty, get a clean area or a new cloth.
  4. Rub the stain with the turpentine-soaked cloth. Gently dab the entire stain with turpentine, then gently rub the stain with the cloth. Start at the edge of the stain and work towards the center. Continue this until the stain is removed from your skin.
    • If your cloth gets dirty, it means it works. Grab a clean area of ​​the cloth so that the fabric can continue to absorb the wood stain.
  5. Rinse the stain regularly with lukewarm water while rubbing. Rinse the turpentine from your skin every few minutes while rubbing the stain with the cloth. White spirit is intended to remove paint from hard surfaces such as wood and metal. It can cause burns and severe skin irritation if you don't rinse it off your skin quickly.
  6. Rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water. You must take great care to remove any residual turpentine from your skin as turpentine can cause burns and damage. If you don't have sensitive skin and your skin doesn't seem to be irritated, you can also clean the area with regular soap. If you're using soap, rinse your skin thoroughly when you're done.
    • Applying a moisturizer or lotion can help prevent skin irritation and damage. Lubricate your skin after washing and rinsing.

Method 3 of 3: Remove water-based wood stain

  1. Find out if the wood stain in question is water-based. The wood stain packaging should state whether the product is water-based. You can test if wood stain is water-based by using a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol. If stain gets on the cotton ball, it is probably water-based wood stain.
  2. Pour rubbing alcohol or acetone into a small metal bowl. Both chemicals can help remove a stain, but they can also be very bad for your skin. Rubbing alcohol is less aggressive, but removes stains less quickly and less effectively than acetone.
    • Acetone is often found in nail polish remover. Buying acetone nail polish remover is usually the easiest and cheapest way to get acetone to remove stains.
  3. Dip a white cloth or rag in the bowl of alcohol or acetone. Using a white, clean cloth will make it easier to see if the stain will be removed. Use only one corner of the cloth so you can grab a clean area when the cloth soaks up the stain.
  4. Rub the stain with the wet cloth. Dab the entire stain with the soaked cloth and then rub the stain with cloth. Start at the edge of the stain and work towards the center. Keep dabbing and rubbing with the cloth until the stain is removed.
    • If the part of the cloth you are using gets dirty, grab one that is still clean. If the stain is particularly large or difficult to remove, you may need a few rags or rags to get the job done.
  5. Clean your skin with soap and water. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water to remove the alcohol or acetone. Use some regular soap to clean the affected area. When your skin is clean, rinse the soap away with warm water.
    • If the alcohol or acetone has irritated your skin, rinse your skin thoroughly with lukewarm water. However, do not use soap yet, but wait until your skin has had a chance to recover.
    • You can also apply a little moisturizer or lotion to your skin after washing to soften and restore it. This can help prevent skin irritation and damage.


  • It is very difficult to get wood stain off your skin. You should probably use products that are aggressive to the skin. If your skin turns red and becomes irritated, you may have to wait a few days to try again to remove the stain.
  • Taking precautions is the best way to avoid wood stain stains on your skin. Wear protective rubber gloves and cover all areas with bare skin when using wood stain.


  • Several of the chemicals in this article are highly flammable, toxic, or otherwise dangerous. Read the packaging of the products you use carefully and know what risks there are before applying the products to your skin.
  • If you ingest or inhale any of the chemicals in this article, please contact your doctor.
  • There are also products that are specially formulated to remove stain from wood. These products are not intended for use on human skin. If it is particularly difficult for you to get wood stain off your skin, you can use a stain remover. Read the health warnings on the packaging and use a small amount if you choose to apply such an agent to your body.
  • Never mix chemicals without knowing exactly what's going to happen. You can mix different types of soap just fine, but never mix the chemicals listed above.