Conquer the heart of a Virgo woman

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways To TRULY Love A Virgo Woman
Video: 7 Ways To TRULY Love A Virgo Woman


So you have a crush on a Virgo girl? No one can blame you. Girls born between August 22 and September 22 are seductive, glamorous women. They are feminine and restrained, but somehow strong and absolutely principled. Do you want to know how to make sure that she is looking at you and only looking at you? This is easy if you can approach her slowly, impress her with your wit and meet her perfectionism.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Making contact

  1. Try to befriend her first. The Virgo woman is one you should approach slowly. She needs to know who you are and get used to you before things can even approach a romantic or physical level. She wants to know exactly what she's getting into, so try to befriend her first. Anything worthwhile takes patience, and it is well worth it.
    • Touch her subtly and occasionally to get her used to physical contact with you. You won't be immediately rejected by it, but your touch will settle in her subconscious mind. Hopefully she will start to appreciate it and long for more. She will start touching you too, to let you know it's okay to move on.
  2. Make the first move. Virgo girls are very shy, so be careful not to confuse her shyness with disinterest. To start a relationship with a Virgo you will have to take the first step, as she is too shy and traditional to do this herself. Once she gets to know you better, her shyness will wear off and she will feel more comfortable around you. But now you will have to do most of the work.
    • Know exactly what you want to do - she'll be drawn to your determination. Tell her exactly where you'd like to take her for dinner or what you'd like to do this weekend. Who can refuse an offer that comes with such confidence and desire?
    • Keep it traditional. Don't approach her in a dark room and then untie your belt. Be romantic and start slow. Above all, you will have to court her.
  3. Be sweet and kind to her. Virgo women have a soft spot for romantic words and prefer to be called "beautiful" or "handsome" rather than "hot" or "sexy". When you talk to her, be kind and caring. She won't be impressed by machismo or playful condescension. She doesn't like to play games.
    • She is looking for a partner who will be a lasting factor. Who can help her not to worry and reassure her. If you get into a cat and mouse game or go tug-of-war, he won't accept it. She wants to know that you are interested in her and only her and nothing else. In short, she must be able to trust you.
  4. Make sure you have intelligent conversations with her. Above all else, a Virgo will appreciate your mind. It's great when you're sweet and good-looking, but if it's not really bright up there, she'll be right away. So when you talk to her, try to find out what interests her. She will probably know about just about everything!
    • She'll love it when you can talk about current affairs, politics, literature, music, history, science, and everything in between. If you can keep up with her, then she knows you deserve her and are worthy of her. So go read!
  5. Read her eyes. Since a Virgo is an animal that you should lure out of a cage, it is important to know how she feels about you. When you sit next to her, look into her eyes. If she's lascivious and screaming that she wants to be closer to you, then go for it. When they say "what are you doing now?" then it is time to keep your distance.
    • Much of understanding Virgo will consist of being able to read her feelings. Sometimes you'll be wrong, but if you've built a friendship, you should be pretty good at it by now. But if there really is no other option, you can always just ask her! She will appreciate your directness as long as you remain tactful and diplomatic.

Part 2 of 3: Looking good

  1. Dress as best you can. The Virgo woman likes her partner to dress well. She's quite the perfectionist, so you have to look good too (she doesn't want to waste her time helping you with it!). The casual Virgo will be happy with a nice T-shirt and jeans, but the Virgo who likes to dress requires a jacket and excellent shoes. Whatever you do, make it look like you've thought about it.
    • That's not to say you have to be trendy. No, no, no - there are pieces that are timeless and that Virgo will always appreciate. A smart shirt, a nice jacket - even a nostalgic vintage tee will get her approval. As long as it looks like you've been thinking about your appearance, she'll notice.
  2. Maintain good hygiene. Besides knowing what the right clothes are, you will have to be clean! Virgo needs a partner who looks neat and tidy: that means clean ears, clean nails, a clean nose, a clean everything. And it should smell good too!
  3. Make sure your life is clean too. If a Virgo gets into your car and has to wade through packs to be able to sit, she'd rather walk. That is, walk back to her house. She can't stand mess and won't tolerate yours. It is a total turnoff for her to hang out with someone who is not organized. She will have no choice but to get out of bed and clean your room for you! Not exactly romantic.
    • So if you find her sorting your laundry by color, don't be surprised. This is just the way it is. Don't try to change your ways - unless you're the type to leave pizza on the floor for later. Virgo doesn't need a partner as clean as she is, but she doesn't want a mess!
  4. Have it all. Virgo wants her lover to be everything - smart, funny, cute, and loving. While intelligence is certainly central, ideally you are a combination of awesome qualities. Be as balanced as possible so that she discovers more and more things about you that she loves.
    • Talk to her about everything to keep her wanting more. Challenge her. This can literally be about anything. If she wants to talk about 18th century Swiss art, great. If she wants to talk about the Kardashians, excellent. Show her that you can get along with all sides of her and her mind.

Part 3 of 3: Be flexible

  1. Help her worry less. Virgo's brain keeps spinning all the time. Always. She's constantly worried about something, including herself. She needs someone to help her calm down, to be her rock. If you can handle this, she will never let you go.
    • When you see her thinking, ask what's going on. If she doesn't open up, don't go. She may just be quiet or have a hard time asking you for help. Let her know you're there when she needs you.
    • If you know her well, chances are you know at least a few reasons why she's concerned. Trying to take some of the burden off her shoulders by doing what she doesn't get around to. Should she run errands? Cleaning the house? What can you do to help her so she has more time to relax?
  2. Learn to deal with her perfectionism. Since her brain works all the time, she notices every detail. If something isn't quite right, you can be sure she will notice. So when your shirt is a little wrinkled at the back, she'll notice. When your spice cabinet isn't properly organized, she'll notice. It's not something that will make her reject you, but something she will remember.
    • As a result, things can take a little longer for her. While a Virgo will always be punctual, she probably knows how to allocate more time to specific efforts by now. If she's the creative type, then she can devote days to her art until it's just right. She's a modern Goldilocks!
  3. Take her into nature. Virgo is an outdoors person by nature. If you want to see her smile, speak to her love of nature. Take her on a picnic or go for a walk. Rent a rowboat and get out on the lake. She's not the type to complain about the weather or constantly check to see if her hairstyle is still perfect. Take her outside and give her a memory to cherish forever!
  4. Know that she can be quite private. Virgo doesn't like to talk to anyone about her love life and isn't really candid about her feelings. Sure, there will be times when she'll want to open up, but more often than not she'll be a little reserved. Don't show your affection too much in public - there is plenty of time at home to be affectionate.
    • Sometimes the Virgo does not want to say much about her emotions. If you want to know how she thinks or feels, you may need to ask. It's not because she wouldn't feel anything for you; it's only because she feels that emotions are a very personal matter.
  5. Keep your word. Virgo needs to know she can count on you. That's why you have to keep your word. For example, if you say you will call her at 3 AM, call her at 3 AM and not at 3:30 or 4:00 AM. If you are reliable, she will come to you without having to worry.
    • So, before you make a promise, make sure you can deliver. Don't make promises or commitments you can't keep. And if you absolutely have to break a promise, show your good intentions and be able to fully explain the situation. Then she will appreciate your honesty and your effort to accommodate her.
  6. Look for the compromise. Virgo hates arguments and altercations. Virgo girls won't tell you what to do, but they are secretly upset. This can lead to serious cracks in the foundation of the relationship. Make compromises with her so that both of you can be satisfied.
    • Watch your mood. The mild-mannered Virgo is upset with unwarranted anger or anger. Listen to her when she tries to talk to you. Most of the time what she wants to tell you is important or she wouldn't bother telling you!
  7. Be loyal to her. If you come across as the type to kick a woman out of bed in the morning, Virgo won't give you a look. As you get to know each other, make it clear to her that you are honest, trustworthy and understand how to treat people, especially women. The Virgo woman doesn't look in a grab bag for potential partners.
    • Virgos are really sensitive and seek a steady partner who will be loyal and faithful. Virgos can be a bit flirty, but once they are in a relationship, they are completely committed. The man who gets a Virgo will be the only man in her life.


  • Lie never, never, never against a woman with the zodiac sign Virgo. She is strong enough to accept any truth, whatever that may be, and will be more hurt by dishonesty.
  • Be trustworthy and honest so that you can build trust. Virgos are often concerned and this will help them feel more comfortable.
  • If you know you want a Virgo woman, then you should act like a gentleman, NOT a "Neanderthal." Virgos hate people being overbearing, and like the Scorpio, they NEVER change to adapt to others!
  • Virgos love the scent of candles, fresh laundry, perfume and cologne.
  • Virgos are forgiving, but then they believe that if you really regret hurting them, you will learn from it.
  • Virgo ladies don't date by looks or money. So it is essential that you have a good sense of humor and a good outlook on life.
  • Don't make a promise to a Virgo woman that you can't keep.
  • Virgos hate sloppy foxes and filth, and won't date men who don't take good care of themselves - and their living quarters.
  • If your car is dirty and your gas tank is not full, forget it!
  • Cherish her! Show your affection - it's a must. Virgo women love true feelings more than anything, but genuine (and frequent) flattery will go a long way in a relationship with a Virgo.


  • If you are mean, selfish, careless, ignorant, dishonest, rude, or lazy, a virgin woman is not for you.
  • Virgo women can be very mean when they get angry.
  • Virgos, like Scorpios, can be VERY reserved, so be patient if you'd like to get to know them.