Say hello in Pakistani

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Urdu in Three Minutes - Urdu Greetings
Video: Urdu in Three Minutes - Urdu Greetings


A greeting is a way of acknowledging someone else's presence or welcoming someone. Greetings are often given before a conversation or as a friendly way to initiate a verbal interaction between two people. Pakistan is an Islamic country and about 98% of the population is part of the Muslim community. To greet someone in Pakistan's national language, Urdu, there are specific rules to say hello in a respectful way.

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Method 1 of 2: Say "Hello" if you are not a Muslim

  1. Know the rules for addressing the different sexes. In Muslim countries, respecting the boundaries between the sexes is particularly important. If you are new to Pakistan and its culture then it is better to be careful when addressing someone of the opposite sex. Remember that there are strict rules for men who address women and for women who address men. Most Muslim women will not respond to greetings from men who are not part of their family, and many men regard greetings from women, especially non-Muslim women, as very inappropriate and rude.
  2. Practice your pronunciation. The complex Persian and Arabic dialects make Urdu a difficult language for people who are not native speakers. The accent may differ between regions, but the most appropriate greeting when talking to a Muslim is the Salam greeting.
    • Use the phrase "As-Salam-u-Alaikum". This means "Peace to you."
    • This sentence is pronounced "us-saa-laam-muu-alie-kum."
  3. Adjust the greeting depending on your audience. As with other languages, the pronouns in the Salam greeting will change depending on who exactly you are greeting. For example, the Salam greeting will be different when you meet a male business partner than when you greet a colleague or your girlfriend. To change the Salam greeting, you must change the "you" in the sentence. This is represented by the "-kum" portion of As-Salam-u-Alaikum:
    • As-Salāmu `alayk (a): when greeting one man
    • As-Salāmu `alayk (i): when greeting one woman
    • As-Salāmu `alayk (umā): when greeting two people regardless of gender
    • As-Salāmu `alayk (unna): when greeting multiple women
    • As-Salāmu `alayk (umu): when you greet a group of three or more people with at least one man, or when you meet a head of state such as a prime minister, president, king, etc.
  4. Greet people in sequence. Hierarchy is very important in Pakistan. Therefore, greetings must follow a certain order. This is especially true when you meet people on business. Show respect by showing up on time and greeting the oldest person or the person in the highest position in the company first. Then greet people in descending order of age or function. If you don't know everyone in the group, ask a mutual acquaintance to introduce you. Don't introduce yourself as this is considered very rude. Some other tips:
    • It is customary in Pakistan to require less personal space than in most Western cultures, so don't be surprised or step back when people are very close to you during a meeting.
    • Only exchange business cards with your right hand or with both hands. Never "use" your left hand as this is considered extremely rude.
    • Make sure your business card clearly states your position and higher degrees so that your status is displayed. When you receive a business card, be sure to show respect by studying the card and admiring the position and degrees before putting the card away.
  5. Avoid physical contact unless someone else initiates it. Since the customs of decency in Muslim countries are much stricter, you should adjust bodily greetings, such as shaking hands or hugs, to suit the Muslim greeting you. If you know that person well or if they are part of the middle class, then shaking hands and hugs is much more common, even between the genders.
    • Men usually shake hands and hugs are common between Muslim and non-Muslim men when they have established a relationship.
    • Only rarely will women shake hands or hug a man. Some middle-class and upper-class women have adapted by wearing gloves so that they can get around the strict law that states that women should only have physical contact with male members of their families.
  6. Don't rush the conversation. Regardless of the strict gender rules, Pakistani culture is a very social and noisy culture. Once you have started a conversation with the Salam greeting, you can prepare for a long conversation about the health, family, and work of your interlocutor. Make sure you seem interested in the conversation and don't try to interrupt anyone as this is considered rude.

Method 2 of 2: Greet another Muslim

  1. Always greet other Muslims. In Muslim countries such as Pakistan, it is considered extremely rude not to greet another Muslim. According to the holy text of the Muslims, the Quran, the Salam greeting has been mandatory since its creation and was imposed by Allah. If you do not greet another Muslim with "As-Salam-u-Alaikum", you are going against the scriptures, which are immoral and punishable.
  2. Be aware of the rules governing who should initiate the greeting. In Pakistan, culture is mandated and determined by the Quran, including who is responsible for greeting first. These rules are considered sacred and are very strictly adhered to. In Pakistan, the rules for starting a greeting include:
    • The person who arrives greets the Muslims already present.
    • The person driving greets the person walking.
    • The person walking greets the person sitting.
    • The smaller group greets the larger group.
    • The young people greet the elderly present.
  3. Respond to any greeting immediately. If you did not start the greeting first, it is considered unacceptable not to respond properly. According to the Quran, as a Muslim you are obliged to say the Salam greeting back, regardless of whether the person in question is a Muslim or not. Not answering the Salam greeting is against the Holy Quran.
    • Reply with "wa Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullah". This means "May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be yours".
    • This sentence is pronounced: "waa-alie-kum-us-salam waa-rah-ma-tull-la-he."
  4. Greet all older men first. In Pakistani and other Muslim cultures, the elderly are very much respected and your greetings should make this clear. When greeting a large group, you should always start by greeting the older men present. Even if you are an elder yourself, if you are the one arriving and starting the greeting, always start with the oldest men in the group. If you are unsure of who is the eldest, then it is better to bow your head and say Salam greeting in general towards the elders. This is considered very polite and will earn you the respect of the group.
  5. Greet the rest of the group in sequence. After greeting the oldest man, it is better, according to the Quran, to greet the rest of the group in descending order. Greet the other male members of the group and then greet the women present. Current customs encourage greeting children as well so that they become accustomed to the practices of the Salam greeting from an early age.
  6. Join the conversation. Unlike other greetings, the Salam greeting in Pakistan is truly the beginning of a conversation and not just a casual "Hello". Once you have started or answered the Salam greeting, make yourself comfortable and prepare for a long and pleasant conversation about your health, your family, and your work. Avoid talking exclusively about yourself and make sure to ask other people about his or her work as well.


  • When expressing your condolences to a person or group, do not greet them with the Salam greeting. Instead, try to choose phrases that minimize the pain of loss by referring to the great reward of eternal life as stated in the Quran.
  • Make sure to greet others with respect. For example, don't say "Happy Christmas" as a greeting.


  • Avoid physical contact with women in Pakistan unless you are part of their family.