Reduce hair growth on your body

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How Does Hair Know When to Stop Growing?
Video: How Does Hair Know When to Stop Growing?


Do you have her in embarrassing places? Or is your body hair just thicker than you want? Unwanted or excessive body hair is a problem no woman wants to deal with. Whether it's the familiar areas like your legs, or less conventional areas like your face or your back, there are treatments, methods and natural remedies that can reduce hair growth.

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Method 1 of 3: Traditional methods

  1. Go waxing. Waxing can be painful, but it is very effective at reducing body hair. Because the hairs are removed at the root, a finer, thinner hair comes back. You can buy wax and apply it yourself, or you can get it done by a beautician.
    • There are two types of wax. If you're waxing at home, buy hard wax for sensitive areas like your face, underarms, and bikini line. You can use soft wax on the firmer parts, such as your legs, back, chest and arms. You can buy wax that you need to heat in the microwave and use with strips of cloth. You can also get ready-made wax strips if you don't feel like melting your own wax.
    • One of the drawbacks of wax is that you should only do it once every 30 days. That means you have to let the hair grow further for the rest of the time. This can be annoying at first, especially in problem areas, but after a while the hair becomes so thin that you can hardly see it anymore.
  2. Shave the spots. If you still have too much hair, you can just take it off as well. Although there is a persistent myth that your hair gets thicker and longer when you shave it, there is no scientific evidence for that. If you shave the hair, you will have less hair in that area, waiting for other methods to reduce hair growth.
    • This method can cause irritation. Make sure to apply enough shaving cream so that the hairs are soft and your skin is less irritated.
  3. Use a depilatory cream. Depilatory cream is a chemical cream that dissolves hair. These creams used to smell really bad, and sting when you applied them. But in recent years the creams have improved enormously, making them more pleasant to use. These types of creams, such as van Veet, dissolve the hairs just above the skin. Although it comes back a bit faster than waxing, the hair does become finer and lighter because there are also bleaching ingredients in some creams.
    • This method is less painful than waxing and less irritating than shaving.
    • You can buy creams specially formulated for specific areas of the body, such as your face, bikini line, and legs.

Method 2 of 3: Reduce hair growth naturally

  1. Drink peppermint tea. Research has shown that drinking peppermint tea can reduce the amount of androgens - the male testosterone that is one of the main causes of excessive hair growth - in women's blood. Buy some peppermint tea or fresh mint leaves. Make a tea and drink it twice a day to reduce hair growth.
  2. Eat more soy products. Soy products increase estrogen levels in the body, which helps balance androgens. Because the body hair grows through androgens, if you balance it, hair growth can slow down. Try adding soy products such as soy milk, tofu, or soy burgers to your diet on a daily basis. Over time, it will reduce hair growth.
  3. Make a chickpea flour and curd mask. To reduce body hair, you can make a mask from chickpea flour, also known as besan, and curd. Take 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour and add a pinch of turmeric. Then add 1 tablespoon of curd and mix it well. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Massage it into the skin. Leave it on until dry. Then gently wipe it off your face. Doing this once a week will reduce facial hair.
    • You can also replace the water with yogurt or whipped cream. The mixture will thicken, but you can use it in the same way. The dairy contains nutrients that can limit hair growth even more.
  4. Try pumice stone. If you are in the shower or bath, you can take a wet pumice stone and rub it over the areas of body hair in circular motions. The friction loosens the hairs at the root so that they fall out. Not all hair will disappear at once, but a lot will. Also, less and less hair will come back.
    • Apply moisturizing lotion to your skin after you shower to reduce irritation or pain.
    • Make sure to do this very carefully. Rubbing too hard can cause irritation or abrasions.
  5. Use a lemon and sugar scrub. Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1/2 cup of water. Apply this to your skin in the direction the hair grows. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Try this a few times a week and your hair will grow less quickly.
    • Lemon contains bleaching ingredients, so it also lightens hair and skin.
    • If the sugar is too coarse for you, you can replace it with honey. With this method, you don't use water, and you apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice to your face with a cotton swab or cotton ball.
  6. Make a wax yourself. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Heat this in the microwave for about 3 minutes, until it has a thick, wax-like substance. Let it cool down so you don't burn your skin. Sprinkle some cornmeal or flour on your skin so that it adheres better to the hair. Then apply it to the area with the hairs using a spatula or butter knife in the direction of hair growth. Place a piece of fabric over the mixture and press it down well. Then pull the fabric off in the opposite direction. Repeat this in all areas where you have hair. After a while, less hair will come back, and it will be less dark and thick.
    • Do this when the hair is long enough for the wax to stick to it, usually every 30 days.
    • Be careful not to burn yourself from the mixture. It will be very hot at first so wait for it to cool before applying.

Method 3 of 3: Find other ways

  1. Take the pill. If your hair overgrowth is related to a medical condition such as hirsutism or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the birth control pill can help reduce hair growth. Because you have too many androgens in these two conditions, the pill can be used to reduce their production by your body. Having fewer androgens will slow hair growth and make it thinner and softer.
    • Consult your doctor about hair growth problems related to these conditions. If you do not have these diseases, you should not take the Pill against unwanted hair unless it has been prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Undergo electrolysis treatment. Electrolysis is a procedure in which a small needle is placed in a hair follicle and a weak current is sent through it. This damages the hair root, causing fewer hairs to grow. This treatment is especially suitable for small areas, although you can also tackle larger areas with multiple treatments. Find a therapist who specializes in electrolysis, but beware, the treatments can be very expensive.
    • If you have PCOS or hirsutism, these treatments will help at first, but the hairs will eventually come back.
  3. Have the hairs removed with the help of laser. Hair removal with laser is much more effective, faster and longer than with electrolysis. You usually need four to six treatments spread over four to six weeks. During this process, body hair production is reduced. Dermatologists and skin specialists perform these treatments, but they are expensive.
    • You can permanently get rid of hair growth in certain areas with laser treatments. Note that with PCOS and hirsutism, there is still a chance that the hair will come back even after these treatments.
  4. Try other medications that control excessive hair growth. Sometimes the drug Spironolactone is prescribed to counteract the action of male sex hormones. After a few months of use, hair growth will decrease as a result.