Make hair gel

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Styling products for your hair can be expensive and unhealthy, but you can protect your health and save money by making some of these products yourself at home. It is possible to avoid the harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances and dyes that store-bought products often contain. When you make your own hair care products, you have complete control over the ingredients that are used. Making hair gel is a very simple process that only requires a few ingredients. Just follow the steps below to find out how to make simple gelatin and flaxseed hair gel.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Make gel from linseed

  1. Buy flaxseed. With linseed you make a gel that works very well for curly, unruly or frizzy hair. It makes your hair shine and shapes static hair. You can buy flaxseed at most supermarkets and health food stores. Make sure to buy raw, unseasoned flaxseeds that have not been roasted or flavored with spices.
  2. Boil 30 grams of flaxseed and 250 ml of water. Place both ingredients in a small saucepan and heat on the stove over medium heat until the water is bubbling.
  3. Turn down the heat. When the water with the seeds is boiling, turn down the heat until the water is just simmering. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and let it boil for 10 minutes. The seeds start making gel.
  4. Let the liquid reduce. Let the liquid boil and keep stirring until the mixture has reduced and become as thick as gel. Let it cook until it is the same consistency as store-bought aloe vera or hair gel.
    • If you have very curly hair, it may be easier to apply a gel that is more fluid. Remove the pan with the gel from the heat while it is still slightly runny so that you can iron it through your hair more easily.
    • If you don't have curly hair, let the gel get as thick as you want. Your hair will stay in better shape if you let the gel become thick.
  5. Strain the gel. Pour the gel through a piece of cheesecloth into a bowl. You can also just pour it directly into the jar or container you want to keep it in. If the gel is thick, you may need to press it a bit to force it through the cloth. Continue sieving until you have squeezed as much of the gel through the cloth as possible. Then throw away the cloth and the seeds.
    • If you don't have cheesecloth in the house, use new tights.
  6. Add other ingredients. You can adjust the gel to your liking by adding a few drops of essential oil, aloe vera or a moisturizing ingredient such as liquid vitamin E. Stir the extra ingredients well into the mixture so that they are evenly distributed over the gel.
  7. Keep the gel. Put the gel in a glass jar with a lid and keep it in the refrigerator. It will keep for several weeks. Use the gel on dry hair or run it through your wet hair after showering.

Method 2 of 2: Making gel from gelatin

  1. Pour 250 ml of warm water into a glass jar. Make sure to choose a jar with a lid so that you can store the gel in it later. A preserving jar or an old jar that used to contain cosmetics are both very suitable.
  2. Mix in 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of tasteless gelatin. Tasteless gelatin can be found with baking products at most supermarkets. Resist the temptation to use flavored gelatin. The sugars and dyes in this type of gelatin are not good for your hair.
  3. Fragrance the liquid. Drizzle 2 or 3 drops of the essential oil into the jar to make scented hair gel. You can buy essential oils at many health food stores, hobby stores, and specialty stores. Don't add too much of the essential oil as the oil is strong.You can go a long way with just a little bit.
    • Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids naturally extracted from the stems, buds and roots of plants. They contain the essence of plants and can promote the health of your skin, hair and organs.
    • The essential oils that most promote hair health are lavender oil, coconut oil, rosemary oil and tea tree oil. You don't have to limit yourself to just these types of oil for this hair gel recipe. You can also choose an oil that you like smelling.
  4. Stir the mixture with a spoon until well blended. Make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved and that the oil is well distributed over the liquid.
  5. Cover the jar with the lid. If you don't close the jar, the mixture can become soiled with food scraps or other debris, or start to smell like the food smells in your refrigerator. Keep the gel fresh by turning a lid on the jar.
  6. Let the gel become thick. Put the closed jar in the refrigerator and let the gel thicken for 3 to 5 hours. Within that time, the mixture will take on a solid form, such as gelatin pudding.
    • After the hair gel has become thick, it is ready for use. Before using it, check how thick it is. Your homemade hair gel should be about the same thickness as the store-bought hair gel.
    • Use the same amount of hair gel as you would with commercially available hair gel. How much gel you need depends on how long and how thick your hair is.
  7. Keep this homemade hair gel in the fridge. If you leave it out of the fridge, it will become liquid again.


  • Making your own products at home can be good for the environment because fewer chemicals end up in your body, air and water. By using glass jars instead of plastic, you can prevent BPA from getting into your homemade products. Glass jars that have contained thick, sticky substances are much easier to clean, making it easier to reuse or recycle the jars.


  • 250 ml of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of flavorless gelatin
  • Jar with a lid
  • Spoon
  • Essential oil (optional)