Using ground coffee as a body scrub

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
3-INGREDIENT BODY SCRUB | re-using coffee grounds ☕️
Video: 3-INGREDIENT BODY SCRUB | re-using coffee grounds ☕️


Coffee contains caffeine, which in the form of a scrub can help make your cellulite less visible. It can also help tighten your skin and improve circulation. You can always buy a store-bought coffee scrub, but you can make a simpler, cheaper scrub at home using ingredients from your kitchen cupboards.


Simple scrub

  • 120 grams of ground coffee
  • 50 grams of brown sugar
  • 50 grams of coconut oil

Luxury scrub

  • 60 grams of ground coffee
  • 120 grams of coconut sugar
  • 50 grams of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tablespoon (8 ml) vanilla extract

Cubes with coffee scrub

  • 60 grams of ground coffee
  • 100 grams of coconut oil

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make a simple scrub

  1. Mix the ground coffee with the brown sugar. Put 120 grams of ground coffee in a bowl. Add 50 grams of brown sugar. Mix the ingredients by stirring with a spoon or fork.
    • You can use fresh ground coffee or coffee grounds, but make sure the coffee is dry.
    • The sugar is for exfoliating your skin. The coarser the sugar, the stronger the scrub exfoliates your skin. For example, try unrefined cane sugar if you want to create a highly exfoliating scrub.
    • If you have sensitive skin, even regular sugar can be too harsh for you. Instead, try using brown sugar. This type of sugar is much softer than other types of sugar.
  2. Melt the coconut oil, let the oil cool and stir the oil into the mixture. Melt 50 grams of coconut oil in the microwave or in a hot water bath on the stove. Let the oil cool to room temperature and then stir the oil into the coffee and sugar mixture. Do not add the coffee and sugar mixture to the oil while the oil is still hot or the grains will dissolve.
    • Coconut oil strongly nourishes and moisturizes your skin. If you can't find coconut oil or don't want to use coconut oil, you can also try olive oil. You don't have to heat olive oil.
    • Coconut oil melts quickly. You should only need to heat the oil in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds or on the stove for 1 to 2 minutes.
    • Coconut oil can clog your drain. If you are concerned about this, consider using fractionated coconut oil. This oil is already liquid and does not harden.
  3. Put the scrub in a glass jar. A low pot with a wide opening is the easiest to use and put your hand in. Don't use a plastic jar, as chemicals from the plastic can get into the scrub.
    • Put a lid on the jar when you are not using the scrub. It does not matter whether it is a lid with a clip closure or a screw lid.
  4. Use the scrub once or twice a week in the bath or shower. Scoop about 1 tablespoon (8 grams) of the scrub from the jar and spread it onto your arms and legs for about a minute, making circular motions. Rinse the scrub from your skin when you are done.
    • You will likely need 3 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 45 grams) in total to exfoliate your entire body.
    • Concentrate on the areas with cellulite.
    • A coffee scrub is often more aggressive than other types of scrubs, so only treat your skin once or twice a week.
  5. Keep the scrub in the refrigerator and use it within 2 weeks. The scrub can last longer than that, but throw it away if you notice that it starts to look or smell strange.

Method 2 of 3: Make a luxurious scrub

  1. Mix the ground coffee with the coconut sugar. Put 60 grams of ground coffee in a bowl and add 120 grams of coconut sugar. Stir the ingredients with a spoon or fork to mix.
    • You can also use coffee grounds, but make sure the coffee is dry.
    • If you can't find coconut sugar, you can also use other types of sugar such as organic cane sugar and brown sugar.
    • The sugar is for exfoliating your skin. The larger and rougher the granules are, the more exfoliating the scrub will make your skin. Use brown sugar if you want a gentle scrub.
  2. Heat the coconut oil, let the oil cool and add the oil to the mixture. Melt 50 grams of coconut oil in the microwave or in a hot water bath on the stove. Let the oil cool to room temperature and then stir the oil into the coffee and sugar mixture. Do not add hot oil to the mixture or the coffee and sugar will dissolve.
    • Coconut oil can melt quickly. You should only need to heat the oil in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds or on the stove for 1 to 2 minutes.
    • Coconut oil can clog your drain. If you are concerned about this, consider using fractionated coconut oil. This oil is already liquid and does not harden.
    • If you can't find coconut oil, you can also use another oil like olive oil. You don't have to heat olive oil first.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. This not only ensures that your scrub smells good, but also improves your blood circulation and makes wrinkles less visible. Cinnamon also has antibacterial properties and is therefore very suitable for treating acne.
    • To make a scrub that smells stronger, add half a tablespoon (8 ml) of vanilla extract in addition to cinnamon. Be aware that vanilla extract has no further benefits for your skin.
  4. Spoon the scrub into a glass jar. It is best to use a low pot with a wide opening because it is easier to put your hand in than a tall pot with a narrow opening. Don't use a plastic jar, though, as chemicals from the plastic can get into the scrub.
    • Keep the lid on the jar when not using the scrub. You can use a jar with a screw lid or a clip closure.
  5. Use the scrub in the shower or bath. Scoop about 1 tablespoon (8 grams) of the scrub from the jar with your fingers. Massage the scrub into your arms and legs for about a minute, making tight, circular movements. Rinse the scrub off your skin afterwards.
    • This scrub contains ingredients that are rough on the skin, so only use the scrub once or twice a week.
  6. Keep the scrub in the refrigerator and use it within 2 weeks. You may be able to keep the scrub for more than 2 weeks, but watch for signs of mold. Discard it if it starts to look or smell strange.

Method 3 of 3: Make cubes with coffee scrub

  1. Melt the coconut oil, let the oil cool, then add the ground coffee. Melt 50 grams of coconut oil in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds and then let the oil cool to room temperature. Stir 60 grams of ground coffee into the oil. You can use freshly ground coffee or coffee grounds, but make sure the coffee is dry.
    • Do not add the coffee to the oil while the oil is still hot. The coffee will then dissolve.
    • Do not use any other type of oil for this, such as fractionated coconut oil. The coconut oil must harden and liquid oil will not harden.
    • Know that coconut oil can clog your drain. If this happens, just run hot water down the drain to melt and wash the coconut oil away.
  2. Place the scrub in a muffin tin with a spoon. You can use a small muffin tin or one with a regular size. Remember that you are only using a small amount of scrub at a time, so it is best to use a smaller form.
    • With this recipe you make enough scrub to fill all the compartments of a regular sized muffin tin or 2 small muffin cups.
    • With a large muffin tin you can make about 12 large cubes and with 2 small muffin cups you can make 24 small cubes.
    • Silicone baking molds and ice cube holders are also very suitable to use, especially if you want to give the cubes fun shapes.
  3. Leave the scrub in the freezer until the cubes are frozen. Place the muffin tin in the freezer and leave it there until the scrub hardens. This should only take 5 to 15 minutes, but it could be longer.
    • The ground coffee and coconut oil can curdle, which is fine.
  4. Place the cubes of scrub in a freezer-safe storage box. You can use a plastic Tupperware box or a resealable plastic bag for this. This way you can use your muffin tin for something else and you have more space in the freezer.
  5. Use 1 or 2 cubes of coffee scrub at a time. When you're ready to use the scrub, take 1 or 2 cubes with you in the shower. Rub the cubes over your body in tight, circular motions. The heat from the shower and your skin should cause the cubes to melt quickly. Rinse the scrub from your skin when you are done.
    • Use 1 large cube or 2 small cubes.
    • This scrub, like other coffee scrubs, is quite aggressive, so only use the scrub once or twice a week.
  6. Store the scrub cubes in the freezer when not in use. The cubes thus retain their shape and also remain dry. Even if you keep the cubes in the refrigerator, the coffee can become damp, which can cause the cubes to mold.
    • You can keep the cubes in the freezer for several months.


  • Consider using a drain plug in the bath. You can then just take the drain plug off the drain and throw the coffee in the trash.
  • If the coconut oil is clogging your drain, run the hot tap for about 5 minutes to melt the oil and wash away.
  • Brush your entire body with a dry body brush before getting into the bath or shower. Dry brushing helps to improve your blood circulation so that the scrub works better.
  • Use the scrub before shaving instead of after. Using the scrub after shaving can irritate your skin.
  • You can use these scrubs on your face, but it is best to use brown sugar and a light oil like grape seed oil.


  • Have realistic expectations. The scrub can make your cellulite less visible, but seek the advice of a doctor if you want to get rid of your cellulite completely.
  • These scrubs can dry out your skin, so make sure to use a moisturizer afterwards.


Making a simple scrub

  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork or spoon
  • Weck jar

Make a luxurious scrub

  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork or spoon
  • Weck jar

Make cubes of coffee scrub

  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork or spoon
  • Muffin tin
  • Freezer-proof storage box