Treating gangrene

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gangrene, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Video: Gangrene, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.


Gangrene is a serious condition and it is very important that you get medical treatment as soon as possible if you have this condition.The longer you wait to seek medical attention for gangrene treatment, the less likely you are to make a full recovery. Treatment for gangrene usually consists of removing tissue that has died from the disease, administering antibiotics, and using other therapies such as oxygen therapy and maggot therapy. In this article you will find information about how gangrene is treated so that you know what to expect when undergoing such treatment.

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Method 1 of 2: Seek medical attention

  1. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect you have gangrene. Gangrene can be caused by skin problems or changes, or in some cases be the result of symptoms of reduced blood flow (blockage of the blood vessels in the lower legs and feet). All different types of gangrene should be treated medically. If you suspect that you have contracted dry gangrene, even if you are experiencing only mild symptoms, you should still see your doctor as soon as possible. Dry gangrene is characterized by the following symptoms:
    • Dry and shriveled skin that flakes easily
    • Blue or blackish colored skin
    • Cold, numb skin
    • Pain (sometimes, but not always present)
  2. If you have wet gangrene, go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital immediately. While all forms of gangrene require prompt medical treatment, wet gangrene is much more likely to cause infection. Such an infection is a lot more difficult to treat when it gets into your blood. Injuries sustained can also result in wet gangrene, so you should get immediate medical treatment for this reason too. Seek immediate medical attention if you observe the following symptoms of wet gangrene.
    • Swelling and pain in the wound area
    • The skin has discolored from red to brown to black
    • Blisters or ulcers in combination with a very unpleasant smell of rotting tissue and wound fluid (pus)
    • Fever
    • General malaise
    • A cracking sound when you press on the wound area
  3. Watch for serious symptoms. If you have determined that you have gangrene, there are a number of symptoms that could indicate that your blood has become infected and require immediate medical attention. Immediately call the emergency number (112 in the Netherlands) or go to the Emergency Department if you observe any of the following symptoms:
    • Low bloodpressure
    • Rapid heartbeat
    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
    • A sudden change in body temperature
    • Pain in your body
    • Skin rash
    • Confusion and / or dizziness
    • Cold, clammy, pale skin

Method 2 of 2: Treatment options

  1. Take antibiotics and other medications as directed. The doctor may administer the antibiotics through an IV or instruct you to take antibiotics by mouth as part of the treatment. You may also be given medications to control your blood sugar, as blood sugar regulation and short-term glycemic control improve long-term outcomes in the cure and prevention of infections. Follow the doctor's instructions regarding the intake of antibiotics and other medications that help treat gangrene.
    • If you are experiencing side effects or feel like you no longer need the medication, you should consult your doctor before deciding to discontinue use.
    • Do not stop taking antibiotics until you have completed the full course. If you do not complete the course, chances are that the antibiotics will not be effective, which may make treatment of the infection more difficult in the future.
  2. Get debridement and wound irrigation. Wounds with dead tissue, contamination or residual suture require debridement before other procedures are used. Wound irrigation is important for removing the bacterial contamination and loose particles.
    • Surgical debridement involves removing dead or unwanted tissue using a scalpel or scissors.
    • Enzymatic debridement involves the application of various enzymes to the wound surface.
  3. Get oxygen therapy. Sometimes oxygen therapy can be used to promote the healing of damaged skin tissue. For this treatment you will be placed in a special room that is filled with oxygen. The oxygen concentration in this room is much higher than in a normal environment and is believed to speed up the healing process and make it more effective.
    • Oxygen therapy can aid in wound healing and help reduce the amount of tissue that needs to be removed.
    • Oxygen therapy has also been found to be very useful in the treatment of surgical wound infections in which Clostridial family bacteria cause gas gangrene. This is a form of gangrene that develops in the body.
  4. Consider other therapies. Biosurgical therapy such as maggot therapy has been used for the treatment of ulcers, chronic venous ulcers and other acute and chronic wounds. Growth factors produced recombinantly are now being investigated as a potential treatment for wounds. These factors include platelet-generated growth factors, fibroblast growth factors, and granulocyte-macrophage-stimulating growth factors. The doctor may suggest one of these treatments to aid in the healing process.
    • Try to keep an open mind when approaching maggot therapy. Sterile lab-grown maggots are used quite regularly in the treatment of gangrene. Since maggots only eat dead tissue, they can be placed in the wound area to remove the affected tissue. This process can also help your body heal on its own and prevent infections.
  5. Discuss amputation with the doctor. Surgery may also be necessary to remove damaged tissue. If this tissue is not removed, the gangrene will likely spread and affect the rest of the body, eventually leading to death. Therefore, it may be necessary to have a finger, toe, foot, or other limb amputated during gangrene treatment.
    • Be aware that even when doctors have managed to intervene to open an artery and restore blood supply, in most cases, dead tissue still needs to be surgically removed.
  6. Treat the condition that allows gangrene to develop. Possible causes of gangrene include diabetes, limb atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease, smoking, injury, obesity and Raynaud's disease. It may be necessary to treat the underlying condition with medication or surgery to restore normal blood flow to the affected tissue and improve your future health. Discuss treatment options with your doctor.


  • Do not attempt to treat gangrene yourself. Gangrene will only get worse if you don't receive medical treatment from medical professionals. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect you have gangrene, regardless of type.
  • Always consult your GP or the treating physician at the Emergency Department for wound care and gangrene of ischemic limbs.