Get fit

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do This and Get Fit | 20 Min Full Body Workout | New Challenge
Video: Do This and Get Fit | 20 Min Full Body Workout | New Challenge


While most people would like to be fit, the word fit has a different meaning for everyone. It could mean that you fit into your "skinny" jeans, that you are ready to run the marathon, or that you want to get your body in a healthier condition after a health problem. We show you different ways to get fit so that you can enjoy life to the fullest!

To step

  1. Develop the correct attitude. The mind may not be a muscle, but it is incredibly strong and can make the difference between success and failure. Being fit is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires you to make lifestyle changes.
    • Don't start with the mindset that you can reverse these changes once you've reached your goal, or you risk falling back into bad habits. Being fit means integrating things into your life that can become second nature to you.
  2. Bring more exercise into your daily routine. By challenging yourself regularly, you keep your body "boosted". If getting fit means losing weight, this will help melt the pounds - and keep them off! If you are training for endurance, this is how you will gradually see improvement.
    • Take the bike to work / school. If that is not possible, park the car a few blocks away so that you have to walk 15 minutes twice a day. You can also use this tactic when you go shopping, going to the cinema, or to the park. These small changes really make a difference in the long run.
    • Clean your home thoroughly. You'll be amazed at how hard housework can be: dusting your shelves, cleaning the toilet, cleaning the windows, mowing the lawn, removing weeds and cleaning the garage will give you a solid workout. Because you, or your family, regularly tidy up and clean the house (for example every week or every other week), you not only have a more pleasant living environment, but you also burn calories, you stay flexible and in shape.
  3. Start with an exercise program and stick to it. Try to go for a run or run on the treadmill a few times a week, gradually increasing the intensity or duration of the workout. Although you should adapt your training to your own style as much as possible, there are two types of training that everyone should do, namely strength training and cardio:
    • Building muscle through strength training not only makes you stronger and tighter, but you also increase your metabolism, as muscular people burn more calories, even at rest. If you don't like the gym, you can also do strength training at home.
    • Cardio training improves blood circulation and endurance. Good cardiovascular health is not only good for your heart and blood pressure, it is also linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's. Especially by doing interval training (that is alternating between high and lower intensity) you improve your endurance and blood circulation quickly and effectively.
    • Note: Anyone over 60 or people with heart disease, high blood pressure or arthritis should consult their doctor before doing interval training.
  4. Alternate things. Any physical activity that takes a little effort will help you get fitter, but remember that changing foods makes you eat - and makes you fitter! More importantly, your body will get used to certain activities, which will eventually stop it becoming fitter. Keep your body and mind fresh by alternating different activities:
    • Dance as training. Everything from ballet to break dance or street dance will make you fitter if you keep it up long enough.
    • Jump in the pool. It doesn't matter if you tread water, do the breaststroke or the butterfly stroke. Swimming is a good form of exercise and fun too.
    • Walking the dog. Your dog, the neighbour's, your sister-in-law… it doesn't matter. If you don't have a dog, go to the park and play with someone else's dog. You meet nice people, get exercise and can cuddle a puppy while you're there!
  5. Keep track of your progress and be proud of every little progress. Don't get discouraged if you no longer lose weight or have a setback; remember that you are on an upward trajectory and that is certainly something to be proud of.
    • If you have a setback, don't think that you might as well give up for the rest of the day. There is a big difference between eating 500 or 1000 calories of junk food, so keep yourself motivated to keep going.

  6. Fuel your body. As you become more active, you need to eat more, but don't just eat anything - you need healthy, high-energy foods that will help you move forward into the next phase of the day and not make you break down. Learn how to eat healthy and drink more water.
    • Learn to eat well. Start switching to whole grains. It's healthy and delicious. It may not be what you are used to, but you will enjoy the richer, nutty flavor. Cut out unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruits and vegetables. If you eat a lot of fiber and drink a lot of water, you will feel full faster, and because you eat more vitamins and minerals you nourish your body naturally.
    • Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This keeps your body hydrated and therefore your digestion works optimally. Plus, water takes up a lot of space in your stomach, making you feel fuller without having to eat too many snacks or meals. This is a great way to avoid excess calories that you don't really need.
    • Always bring a refillable water bottle. You will be amazed at how easy it is to reach the recommended 1.5 to 2 liters. It's also much cheaper than buying drinks everywhere you go, and better for the environment.
    • Eat foods with a low glycemic index. These foods are digested more slowly by your body and converted into energy so you feel full longer with fewer calories. Plus, you avoid the "sugar spike" that comes with eating foods with a high glycemic index, but instead get more even energy throughout the day. This keeps you more energetic while you work or exercise.

  7. Make sure you always have the right nutrition at home. By getting healthy fruit, vegetables, wholemeal products, soup, etc. and not buying junk, you will not be tempted to eat it. It's not bad to snack now and then, but that's too easy when your house is full of unhealthy treats. The best test to see if you really feel like sweets is whether you are willing to go to the bakery or supermarket for it.
    • Before you want to snack, drink two large glasses of water. If you still want a treat then go for it. Sometimes our brain confuses hunger or hunger with thirst. Funnily enough, water is the best remedy for cravings.

  8. Rest your body. If you are exhausting your body with all kinds of physical activities, you should also allow it to recover and renew by getting enough sleep. Find out how much sleep you need to get up fresh in the morning, and have the discipline to go to bed and get up around the same time every day.
    • Not enough sleep can put a lot of strain on the immune system. You get sick more quickly if you don't give your body enough energy or time to fight viruses and bacteria, and it takes longer to recover from a simple cold.
    • Too little sleep is associated with overeating. Make sure you don't deprive your body of sleep or you will compensate for that with calories.

  9. Get yourself checked. To stay fit in the long run, you need to get your body checked regularly, just like you do with your car. Visit the doctor and dentist regularly so that you know if everything is still working properly and to deal with any problems quickly before they get worse.


  • Try to avoid unhealthy snacks, but treat yourself to something extra every now and then.
  • Once you have reached your desired level of fitness, continue with the steps to achieve this. Health is a lifestyle, not a price.
  • If you are overweight, start with something as simple as jogging for 5 minutes a day. The following week, you will jog for 10 minutes a day. Keep cranking it up until you've established a good routine.
  • Dance to keep your body in shape.
  • The benefits of a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness are easy to achieve with a little knowledge and serious dedication. Once you've decided that you want to get started, stick with it and don't make excuses to give up the routine.
  • Exercise with friends.


  • Many people enjoy running, but this can be dangerous if you are overweight or have bad joints. Listen to your body and don't overload it.