Making people like you

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Psychological Tricks To Make People Like You IMMEDIATELY
Video: 6 Psychological Tricks To Make People Like You IMMEDIATELY


Have you noticed that some people seem to be liked by everyone? Although you cannot make someone do what you "want", you can stimulate and influence people and thus convince with your charm that you are worth it too! By doing simple things like smiling, asking for help, and being flexible, you can make many people like you and enjoy spending time with you.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using body language

  1. Smile at people. Smiling is one of the strongest ways you can indicate to someone that you are kind and nice. The next time you meet someone you don't know, all you need to do is give them a big smile to show that you are friendly. If the person is friendly too, you should get a smile back too. Make sure you smile naturally and relaxed and not forced or overly, otherwise your smile may have a different outcome than what you hoped for.
  2. Raise your eyebrows for a moment. Raising your eyebrows briefly is also an effective way to let someone know that you are a friendly person. When raising the eyebrows briefly, both eyebrows go up and down at the same time. It can be seen from a distance, so you can use it when walking towards someone or from across a large room.
  3. Bend your head to the side. Tilting your head to the side also shows that you are a friend, as it exposes your carotid artery. Your carotid artery is a very vulnerable place on your body, so we interpret a head bent to the side as a sign that you are a friend and that you also see the other person as a friend. Don't bend your head too far to the side, though, because that looks strange. All it takes is a slight side bend.
  4. Make eye contact. Eye contact can show other people that you are trustworthy, which makes this essential in getting people to like you. You don't have to stare at people, but you do need to make good eye contact with people when you talk to and listen to them. It's okay to look differently every now and then, but make sure you hold their gaze for as long as they hold your gaze.

Method 2 of 3: Talk to people

  1. Ask questions. People who make you believe they know everything are not liked as much as people who are willing to ask for help. By asking questions other people can help you and make them feel better. If you are unsure about something, or just want to know what someone else thinks about something, ask questions to give them the opportunity to share their knowledge with you.
    • Try to get people to talk about themselves. Research has shown that when people talk about themselves, they feel the same sense of happiness as when they get food or money.
  2. Listen well. Active listening is a great way to get people to like you. The better you can listen to people when they talk, the more they will want to talk to you. Practice active listening by nodding, using neutral wording and repeating what your conversation partner has just said.
    • Show that you are listening by nodding and using neutral words like “Uh-huh,” “I understand” and “Yes”.
    • Show your understanding by repeating what your conversation partner just said. For example, if a friend says, "I've had such a busy week," you can say, "So you haven't had time for yourself recently."
  3. Joke around with people. Using humor is also a great way to get people to like you. If you know a good joke, tell it to others. Make witty comments if you are witty. Just make sure that the joke you make is appropriate for the situation, otherwise you might offend someone. Look for little things you can do to make your companions laugh and they will enjoy hanging out with you.
  4. Ask for help when you need it. People who are willing to ask for help are often seen as nicer than people who pretend they know everything. Show that you are open to other people's advice and suggestions by asking for help when you need it. Giving people the opportunity to share their knowledge with you will make them feel better and enjoy spending time with you because you make them feel so useful.
  5. Say nice things about other people. You can use positive gossip to your advantage to get people to like you. Talk to someone about what you like rather than what you don't like. By doing this you show others that you have a positive opinion about other people and that you may also say positive things about them.

Method 3 of 3: Using your personality

  1. Maintain a positive attitude. People with a positive attitude are often happier and also have a better social life. If you're always complaining and acting pessimistic, people don't want to be around you. Instead, try to be positive and optimistic so that other people feel happier with you. Focus on fun things to talk about and walk around unpleasant or depressing topics.
  2. Be flexible and easy going. People who are happy easily are also more likely to be liked. With a relaxed attitude and a willingness to go with the flow, you are empowering the people you spend time with. For example, if you are flexible and easy going, you will want to try out a new restaurant or a new activity more quickly. Try to develop an open and relaxed attitude so that people will enjoy spending time with you.
    • Ask once what your friends would like to do, and then spend the day doing what they want to do.
  3. Show that you care. Showing others that you are a caring person will make them like you even more. Talk about your hobbies, consider the needs and feelings of your friends, and be kind to strangers. The more people see you as a caring person, the more they will want to spend time with you and the faster they will like you.
    • Always ask your friends how they are doing and show that you are really interested in their answer. Offer your support when they are having a bad day or need encouragement.
  4. Help people without expecting anything in return. In order for people to like you, it is important to be there when they need you. Sometimes, however, we help people in the expectation that they will give you a return service at a later time. Show your willingness to help without expecting anything in return. Let them know that you are just happy that you can help and that you are always there for them. Showing that you are selfless will make people like you even more quickly.


  • Look for ways to empathize with all kinds of people. Even if you find that you don't want to be friends with someone, you still need to respect that person and listen to them. You don't have to agree, but be polite.
  • Keep in mind that some people will have a hard time liking you, and may never do. Don't take it personally if someone is being frosty or rude to you. Just stay positive and they might like you better.


  • Don't change your personality just to fit in. Make changes that bring out the best in you.