Making your boyfriend enjoy kissing

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Having a boyfriend is great, but if he doesn't like to kiss you might wonder if he's really interested. In fact, most guys who are hesitant to kiss are just shy or confused about what to do, while others would rather have the other person take charge. To make your boyfriend love to kiss, you can learn to show your interest, improve your kissing technique, or let your boyfriend lead.

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Method 1 of 3: Show interest

  1. Tell him you'd like to kiss more often. Some guys don't kiss much because they are shy. If he's unsure whether you like kissing, he may avoid kissing. Tell him straightforward that you love to be kissed.
    • Just say something simple like "I really like it when we kiss" or "I'd like to kiss you."
    • It's okay to feel shy about this. If you feel uncomfortable saying "I want to kiss you" then don't!
    • If you get a negative reaction, such as if he pulls away or even just says "no," then it's okay if it hurts you. But it probably has more to do with his fears than with you. Try to handle it in an adult way by making it clear to him that he doesn't need to kiss now.
  2. Discuss his reluctance to kiss. If you feel comfortable talking to him, you can ask straightforward if he is having trouble kissing you and you can also ask him why he doesn't kiss you more often. It's okay to tell a guy you're confused about what he's doing! It's also okay not to have that conversation if you don't want to.
  3. Compliment his kisses. Maybe he needs some encouragement before he can really kiss you comfortably. Tell him you like to be kissed. Be as honest as you can. Try saying something like "I like the way your lips feel when you kiss me hard."
    • If you've never kissed, try saying something like "I think you can kiss very well."
    • If you've kissed before and it felt strange, don't worry! Try to say "We can improve our technique together!"
  4. Kiss him first. Try to take the first step to show him that you are really interested. You shouldn't attack him or start kissing him randomly. Just wait until the moment feels right, move closer to him and kiss him. You don't have to kiss his mouth - kiss his jaw or neck to show that you want to kiss more.
    • For example, a good time is when he looks deeply into your eyes or immediately after saying something nice to you.
  5. Give him a quick kiss every time you see him. You can make it clear that you want to kiss more by giving him a quick kiss on the lips or jaw every time you see him. Don't make it a big play - just get closer and kiss him before greeting him.

Method 2 of 3: Improve your technique

  1. Make sure your breath smells fresh. It's hard to enjoy kissing when someone has a bad breath. If you're concerned about your breath, make sure to brush, floss, and use mouthwash at least twice a day. You can also have coins or gum with you and use it before you see your boyfriend.
    • Avoid eating onion, garlic, or fish before you kiss.
  2. Draw attention to your lips. Try using lipstick or a glossy lip balm to draw attention to your mouth. He will notice your lips better if you draw his attention to them.
  3. Kiss with your eyes closed. If you kiss with your eyes open, your boyfriend may find this strange. Try to close your eyes when you kiss. This is more intimate and romantic.
    • Try to put your hands gently on his neck, back, or side while you kiss.
  4. Use techniques he likes. Think about how he kisses and start applying the same techniques. If he kisses a sweetheart gently, make sure you do the same. If he prefers to kiss harder and more passionately, let yourself respond to him naturally.
    • Try quick, soft or sweet kisses or even open-mouthed kisses to see what he likes.
    • However, you shouldn't do anything that makes you uncomfortable! Don't be afraid to say "I don't like that."
  5. Practice kissing with him. It's okay to talk to your boyfriend about exercising together. Tell him you are concerned about your technique and would like to practice with him. Most guys will love to hear this!

Method 3 of 3: Let him take charge

  1. Give a hint that you want to be kissed. Some guys find it a little intimidating when their partner takes charge. Show your interest without making him feel strange by just saying you want to be kissed instead of doing it.
    • Try saying something like "This is such a romantic place" or "I really like you" and look deep into his eyes.
  2. Lean towards him. Leaning towards your boyfriend is a great way to show him that you want to kiss without having to tell him. Just look into his eyes and slowly lean towards his face. Most guys will respond by kissing you.
    • Respect his limits if he doesn't kiss you. Lean back again and try a different approach later.
  3. Hug him or touch him first. Hugging and touching usually leads to kissing! Show him you're interested by hugging him or by touching his side or shoulder with your hand. This is a great way to let him take charge without having to ask.
  4. Follow what he does. If he chooses to be the one who kisses you, he may feel intimidated when you try to kiss him or he may perceive it as a turnoff. If you find him pulling back when you take the first step, let him make it clear how he likes to kiss.
    • Look at his body language for hints. If he's as close to you as possible or puts his arm around you, he's making it clear he's interested. If he's avoiding contact with you, it may be necessary to talk about how interested he is.


  • Kiss somewhere where you have privacy so you don't get too nervous.
  • Make sure to shower and use deodorant every day.
  • Make sure you don't bite him. That can be a real turnoff.


  • Don't tell other people that your boyfriend doesn't like to kiss. If this news spreads, he might be even less interested.
  • If he refuses to kiss you but insists on having sex with you, he may not be interested in having you as a romantic partner.
  • He simply can't be that interested in you. If you can't get him to show interest in kissing and he doesn't want to work on it, you may need to break up.