Making sure your boyfriend breaks up with you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What To Do When Your Boyfriend Breaks Up With You
Video: What To Do When Your Boyfriend Breaks Up With You


Does your relationship with your boyfriend just seem not to be working? Are you having a hard time telling your boyfriend it's over? Or just can't bear to see his reaction when you break up with him? While it can be difficult to end a relationship, the best approach is to be direct with your boyfriend and tell him you don't think your relationship is going to work. If you want to take other paths, there are ways to get your boyfriend to dump you, instead of the other way around. If you follow a few simple steps, you can be single again before you know it.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Treat him differently

  1. Behave aloof. If you want to get rid of your boyfriend, don't respond to his phone calls or answer his text messages. When you talk to him, tell him you don't have time to spend with him. Also make sure to call or message him first. When making plans, cancel them at the last minute. He'll get the hint that you don't want to spend time with him and eventually break up. Or you can try to stop talking to him.
    • When you're together, keep the conversations a little superficial. Stay formal and uncomfortable. You may even look bored or like you don't like him being there.
    • If he talks to you about your behavior, you can ignore him or tell him something like "I've just been really busy lately." If he asks with what, ignore the question or ignore it.
    • If you want to deal with this subtly, you can do this gradually. Don't cut all contact at once, but gradually spend less time with him. If you previously messaged him several times a day, do this less and less. Eventually he will notice that you want to hang out with him less often.
  2. Bickle with him. When you are with your boyfriend, start meaningless arguments with him. Use whatever he says to him, making it a point. If he's late for something, tell him, "You're always late. I've waited for you forever. Can't you ever be on time now? "He will likely get frustrated and break up.
    • You can also say negative things about everything he does to annoy him. If he explains something to you, tell him something like "You don't understand." How can you be so stupid ". He will eventually tire of you and break up.
  3. Be vague about the future. Give him subtle hints that you don't think there is a future for the two of you. If he's trying to make plans for a date, don't agree or avoid the question. If he asks you to go to a concert or event in a few months, tell him "We'll see." I don't know what to do then ". He will eventually understand that you don't see a future with him.
    • You can also react annoyed when he asks you questions. If he asks you what you will be doing on the weekend, answer something like "Why do you want to know? You don't have to know where I am every moment ". If he finds that you don't want to commit to the weekend, he may realize you don't want to commit to a future with him.
    • When you talk about the future, don't include it in your plans. Talk about how you want to go on vacation with friends or think about looking for a job in another city. If you don't mention him in any of your plans, he'll know you don't have a future with him in mind.
  4. Don't say you love him. When he tells you that he loves you, don't respond in the same way. When he asks if you love him, say something casual like "Sure" or "Uh yes". When you say it, don't sound sincere or convincing, but like you're not really there.
  5. Stop intimacies. Limiting any physical intimacy will certainly be a red flag to the relationship. Regardless of what level of intimacy you have, you start to distance yourself. If it hasn't stopped with kissing until now, avoid kissing or hugging him. If you've already had sex with each other, tell him you're not in the mood or in the mood for it. If he asks you why, don't give him a reason.
    • You can even stop all physical contact with him. If he's trying to hold your hand, find a reason to refrain from doing so or be busy.
  6. Say you need space for yourself. A good way to stop spending time with him is to tell him you need some time without him. You make sure there is a distance between you and you don't have to deal with him. If he calls or texts you again after a while, just ignore all those attempts. Eventually he will understand what your intention is and break with you.
  7. Trying to control him. Become obsessed with everything he does. Tell him not to wear those shoes with those pants. Explain to him what foods to eat rather than what to eat. Whine about every little thing in his life. You can even talk to him like he doesn't know any better. When he does something for you, tell him something like "Oh, that's so cute. But this is not how it should be done. It must be done this way ". He will eventually tire of you patronizing him like that and break up the relationship.
  8. Be selfish. When you and your boyfriend spend time together, never let him lead the conversation. If he starts talking about himself, interrupt him and start talking about yourself. If you do let him speak, only respond with phrases like "Okay" or "That's great" before you start talking about yourself. He'll feel like you don't care about him at all or think you're too selfish.

Method 2 of 2: Behave differently in a group

  1. Change your social media. Social media is a great way to communicate relationships. If you want him to break up with you, change your social media accounts to make it look like you're single. Change your profile picture on Facebook and Twitter from one of the two of you to one for yourself. Delete the status of your relationship on Facebook. If it comes across as if you've been single for a long time, he'll get the hint.
    • To go even more thoroughly, change your profile picture to one that makes you look your best. He gets the hint that you want to make it clear to others that you are single and want to date other people.
    • Start conversations on Facebook and tweet with other guys. When he sees your interactions, he will understand that you have begun to turn away from your relationship with him.
  2. Tell your friends. The next time you and your boyfriend are going out with friends, let them know about the situation. Tell them to keep in mind that the two of you are breaking up. When you are all together, spend more time with your friends than with him. He will notice that the situation has cooled down and know that something is wrong.
  3. Complain about his friends. When he spends time with his friends, complain about the way they act or who they are. When hanging out with his friends, tell them they don't understand things. If he brings them up in a conversation, tell him how awful they are or argue with him when he talks about how great they are. Guys are usually very attached to their friends and he'll get tired of you talking about them like that.
    • If you know you will be spending time with his friends, cancel your plans with him. This will show him how much you hate his friends.
  4. Flirt with other guys. When you go out, flirt with other guys. When you see a nice guy on the street, say what a piece that is. During a conversation with your boyfriend, get distracted by a guy walking by. You can even flirt with his best friend. This will drive him crazy and angry, making him want to end the relationship.
  5. Start talking about your ex. Nothing will scare a guy away faster than talking about your ex-boyfriend all the time. Mention him in conversation, talk about how much you miss him or if you wonder what he's been up to lately. If your boyfriend compliments you on your outfit, say something like "Oh thanks. My ex thought so too ". Not only will his ego be hurt, he will also get the hint that he is no longer good enough for you because you keep thinking about your ex. Or how hard can it be to say you think you're better off as regular friends? In the end, think about what it is that you really want.
    • You can start browsing photos of you and your ex while your boyfriend is around. Change your profile picture on social media or the background on your phone from the two of you to yours and your ex. This is a very clear sign that you don't want to be with your boyfriend anymore.


  • Only try this option if you have no other alternative. It can backfire and ruin the chance of being his girlfriend in the future. He may also warn other people that you are not a nice person and they will start to wonder too.
  • If possible, just be honest with your boyfriend. It's easier and less stressful than playing games.
  • If he asks if he can come by, say "No, I don't want you to come". He knows that you don't want him to come over or that you want to break up.
  • When in a group, walk away from it or when he comes to sit with you, stop talking and act moody. But you can also just be honest and avoid the extra pain and stress.
  • Be honest if you don't like someone. You may just need to tell the person that it just isn't working and that breaking up is the only option.