Dealing with it when you catch your parents having sex

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Have you ever walked in on your parents having sex? | Keep It 100 | Cut
Video: Have you ever walked in on your parents having sex? | Keep It 100 | Cut


Most people have experienced it before: strange noises wake you up in the middle of the night and suddenly you realize ... your parents are making out! Or you come home earlier than they thought and disrupt a private moment. No doubt you've never seen your parents like this before and it wasn't something you looked forward to. You can't reverse something you've seen or heard, but you can deal with the situation and not dwell on it.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Deal with it when you catch them

  1. Check if they noticed you. In this case, you are the intruder. Whether you came home too early or didn't knock or knock on the door and just walked in - you're the one who "disturbs".
    • Stay calm and take a deep breath in and out.
    • Decide the best strategy for getting out - how quiet can you get it done?
    • Get out quietly. If they have not noticed you, because they are so – uhum- absorbed in the moment, then go out as quietly and as quickly as possible.
    • Never talk about what you have seen or done and get on with your life.
  2. Apologize and go away. If they have noticed you, it is important that you still get out of there as soon as possible.
    • Say "I'm sorry" and get out of here.
    • Next time you see your parents, do normal and cut off their attempts to talk about what you saw with a friendly "that's none of my business" or "that was your private time".
    • Never bring up the incident - they will thank you.
  3. Take in the situation lightly. This depends on the relationship you have with your parents and may not work for everyone.
    • Smile and say something like "Hey, at least it's not the plumber".
    • Prepare for something to be thrown at your head and get out.
    • Never talk about the incident again.
  4. Give a lame excuse. This is the only option if for some reason you can't get out of the way immediately.
    • Say you were looking for your socks, you wanted to ask them for money, and so on.
    • Don't try to show emotions or feelings.
    • Accept any response you get - they will probably just yell "out!" - and leave.
    • Let the incident rest and focus on your own life. There are enough things to worry about than your parents' sexuality.

Method 2 of 2: Dealing with "the noise"

  1. Avoid the noises. This is an immediate short-term fix. If the problem persists, you need to think about how to deal with it in the long term.
    • Use earplugs and headphones to mute sounds.
    • Soundproof your room. This is a long-term solution, but it doesn't always have to be expensive.
    • Move your furniture. It makes a big difference if your bed is right next to the bedroom wall or across the room. If possible, place a bookcase against a shared wall.
    • Listen to your own music. Whale sounds are very effective, as the sonar sounds drown out many moans and sighs. Didgeridoo or vuvuzela sounds will drown out most other sounds as well.
    • Buy a device to produce white noise or use an app or YouTube video with white noise. These devices produce different types of sounds and are designed to drown out other sounds so that your privacy and that of your parents are respected.
  2. Give them a subtle hint. They may not even realize that they are being heard. By giving a subtle hint you can make them aware of it and thus prevent further "sound problems".
    • Send them a text message. Be subtle and vague. For example, type only the word "sound". They probably won't read the message right away, but they'll take more precautions next time (because chances are there will be another time).
    • Print out an advice section on "How to Deal When You Hear Your Parents Have Sex" and put it under their door. They won't find it again until later, but at least that's how they become aware of the situation.
    • Do not bring up the incident afterwards. Pretend nothing happened and move on.
  3. Give them more direct hints. If they don't understand your subtle hints, try to be a little more direct.
    • Walk past their room and shout "you are not alone here in this house." The role reversal and admonition we often received as a child can put a humorous twist on the situation that will hopefully relax everyone a bit.
    • Play songs that show you can hear them in all their glory, such as "Let's talk about sex" by Salt N "Pepa" or "The Bad Touch" by The Bloodhound Gang.
    • Knock against the wall, preferably with a stick or a broom. This may not be the most subtle method, but they will get it.
  4. Ask if you can move into another room. This is a long-term solution, but it depends on whether there are still available rooms in the house.
    • Choose the basement, the attic, or any room that is as far away from their room as possible.
    • Smile and say "We are all grown up now and everyone has the right to a little privacy." Not only is this an indirect way of communicating what you've heard, but it will also improve your privacy in the future - if you can hear them, it means they can hear you with your new boyfriend or girlfriend too.
  5. Talk to them. Only do this if there really isn't any other option left - if you can't change rooms, if they didn't understand the hints you gave, and if you really don't see another option.
    • Prepare for awkward silences - after all, no one wants to be confronted with their sex life by their own child.
    • Be calm, mature, and friendly.
    • Calmly tell them that some of their private activities were not so private because of the noises and you'd rather not witness them.
    • Immediately change the subject and even leave - there really is really nothing to "discuss" and your parents will be eternally grateful to you for offering them a solution.


  • Remember that they find the situation more embarrassing than you.
  • Also, don't forget that you're only here because your parents had sex.
  • Don't blow what you have seen. Certain things must be kept within the family.
  • Be grateful that your parents are having sex - this indicates a healthy relationship.
  • Go to bed earlier than them so you don't have to go through it.
  • If you don't have headphones, you can also mute the sound with a pillow.
  • Some like to fall asleep to ocean music in the background, as this mutes all sounds.
  • Ignore them by gaming, playing music, or other distractions.


  • Don't hang around, get out of here right away.
  • Do not take pictures or try not to "blackmail" - this could irrevocably damage your relationship.
  • Don't shout or act in an immature way. Studies have shown that children who catch their parents having sex are not scarred for life, despite your initial response.
  • Don't play the music too loud. Your parents need to realize that you can hear them, but is that why the whole neighborhood needs to know?
  • Don't knock too hard on the wall - you could punch a hole in the wall or, in the worst case, injure yourself.
  • Don't pretend your parents did something wrong. They may be bored with the situation and if they have already asked to knock before you enter their room, then they are not at fault.
  • Don't play music full of obscene language - your parents still deserve respect.