Deal with it when you like a fictional character

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Falling in love with a fictional character | Playlist + rain |
Video: Falling in love with a fictional character | Playlist + rain |


Falling in love with a fictional character is not uncommon, and many people have become emotionally attached to a character in a book, movie, series, or computer game. You do have to be careful that these romantic feelings don't prevent you from having a life or developing true romantic relationships. That being said, romantic feelings for a character can also be a great opportunity to have an outlet for your creativity and learn more about yourself and what you expect from a relationship.

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Method 1 of 3: Share your love with others

  1. Know that you are not alone. You are not the only person who is attracted to a character. In fact, chances are, you're not the only person attracted to that particular character.
    • Even without falling in love, people can often extract emotional and verbal cues from the characters they see depicted in fiction.Romantic feelings are just one way that fictional characters can affect our real life.
  2. Talk about it with your friends. Chances are that you are not the only one in your circle of friends who loves a certain type of fiction. Even if they don't like that one book you are reading or the series you are watching, they will still understand certain feelings you have.
  3. Allow yourself to fantasize. Fantasy, creating a false world around your romance, is a normal reaction to a crush that has its limits. In this case, the limit is that the object of your affection does not exist.
    • Your fantasy can take all kinds of forms. You can imagine a physical relationship, or maybe you are getting married and living together. However, a more active imagination can begin to think about how the relationship would end, including divorce, argument, or death. All things are possible in your imagination.
  4. Write fan fiction. One way to express your love for a character is to start researching your feelings in writing. Create a story involving the object of your affection, and create a situation where you finally meet.
    • Let your imagination run wild. If you're in love with this character, consider what he or she does that attracts you, and then let that character do more of the same things. Place yourself in a world of your own where you can be together.
    • If you're more of a visual person, sketch or draw your character instead. Visual work can be just as creative as the written word.
  5. Share your work with others. Post your story on a website that publishes fan fiction. You can find sites that cater to the general public, or are more geared towards serving fans of a particular book or series. This also gives you an opportunity to provide feedback on other people's stories.
    • However, if you are a character in your stories, be careful not to include any personal information. You don't want anyone to be able to track you down based on personal information that you have made readily available online.
    • Some people have been able to make a lot of money from their fan fiction. These are the exceptions, so while you may be willing to publish it online, don't be surprised if only a few die-hards want to read it.

Method 2 of 3: Break the ban

  1. Determine if your love is bad for your life. Daydreaming or fantasizing is fine, but your fantasy shouldn't take over your life. If you find yourself fleeing social situations or starting to avoid real relationships, then your love for the character has become unhealthy.
    • If you are unable to stop fantasizing on your own, consider getting away from it through therapy or antidepressants. Discuss this option with a doctor if you are concerned about your ability to function normally.
  2. Remember that character doesn't really exist. You actually fell on a character, someone who doesn't exist. Make sure this is clear to your mind, even if it means telling yourself this over and over again.
    • Pay attention to the flaws or negative aspects of your character. If the character has no flaws, then that is a flaw in itself. No person is perfect, and you wouldn't feel comfortable in a real relationship where your partner is "perfect."
    • Sometimes it helps when other people say these things to you to make them more real. Discuss your desire to break from this fictional world with your friends. They can help you distinguish things that are real from what is not real.
  3. Recognizing stereotyping. Especially in visual fiction, many characters are portrayed as stereotypes of people. A good way to get over your character is to remember that it is just a representation of reality. Real people aren't necessarily as perfect, romantic, witty, and / or straightforward (or whatever adjective you choose) as your character.
    • This step is also important when considering how you respond to characters you don't like. Certain types of people are portrayed in a specific way to elicit a response from you. For example, a teacher's character might appear as cranky old people who want their students to fail. While there are people who are like that, it hardly accurately reflects them and shouldn't affect the way you interact with real teachers.
  4. Stop it. This is also good advice for ending relationships with real people. If you want to stop thinking about and care about a fictional character, cut him or her out of your life. This gives you room to grow so that you are able to live without it.
    • Stop reading the books, watching the series or movies, or anything else related to the character. This also means avoiding websites that deal with this fictional world. It's unhealthy to stalk an ex on Facebook, so don't give yourself a similar opportunity in this case.

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with the grief of losing a character

  1. Remember, it is okay to grieve. You've made this character a part of your life, especially if he or she has appeared in something you've read or watched for a long time. It is natural to experience a sense of loss then.
    • For teens and young adults who are new to death and loss, fictional worlds can provide great access to thinking about and discussing such matters. Consider sharing your feelings with others. This can also be a great way to start discussing more serious real life issues.
  2. Express your feelings. If your favorite character has been killed or written out of the fictional world, then you will probably be angry. Let others know. You can experience extreme feelings, and sometimes it is better to just let them out for a while.
    • Be careful of spoilers when it comes to popular books, movies or TV series. In the modern world, people don't always experience things together, which means that some people haven't seen things yet. If you're posting on a Twitter public forum, keep a little vague like, `` I can't believe that happened '' instead of `` Why did they kill my favorite character? '' Save the details for people you know that they follow the same schedule as you.
  3. Find ways to remember your character. Think about what made him so important to the story and why you fell for him. Talk to friends or others about the character, why his death is so frustrating, and what you liked most about the character.
    • Reread or review those parts of the book or series in which your fictional lover appears. The great thing about such fictional worlds is that we can always return to them.
    • Look for other ways to keep the character with you, such as writing your own fan fiction or drawing the character so you can see him again.
  4. Keep reading or watching. Good fiction will deal with the events after a character's death. After she disappears, keep following the series or books so you can see how the other characters react. This can help you accept what happened.
    • Alternatively, you can take a break from the series or book. If you are really emotionally affected by what happened, you may want to take some time away from this fictional world to make sure it doesn't overly affect your real life.
  5. Remember, someone controls your character's fate. The difficult thing about fictional characters is that their story ends at some point. Ultimately, all their actions are the result of someone else's imagination. That means that only that person has control over what happens. Even if your character didn't die, the book or series will eventually stop.