Find out if your boyfriend is cheating (for girls)

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You | How To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating On You
Video: 13 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You | How To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating On You


Whether you're starting a new relationship or in the middle of a serious relationship, there's always a chance that your boyfriend is cheating on you. If you have reason to suspect that this is indeed the case, or if you're wondering if you're looking too hard, follow these simple tips to find out if your boyfriend is cheating on you.

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Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to his appearance

  1. See if his appearance has changed. His appearance can say a lot about whether or not he is cheating on you. If he didn't seem to care that much about his appearance before, but suddenly spends more time on personal grooming than you do, then something is wrong. Maybe he is trying to improve / change his looks to please his other sweet. Here are some signs that he may be doing it for someone else:
    • If he looked a bit grubby before, but now shaves continuously.
    • If he now regularly goes to the hairdresser, while he let his hair grow rough at first.
    • When his clothing style has improved enormously.
    • If you often see him looking in the mirror.
    • If he always looks good, even if he should actually go to work or study.
    • A great warning sign when he smells different. If he smells like perfume, that is of course a bad sign. But the chemical makeup of his body may also have changed through his association with another woman.
    • If there are loose hairs on his body and clothing, they not are yours.
  2. Notice how he treats his body. If your husband suddenly worked a lot more on his body than before, he may not be doing this just for you. Unless he's decided to run a marathon, he may want to improve his body to impress another girl. Here are some signs:
    • If he can suddenly be found in the gym very often. Going to the gym can also be used as an excuse to meet up with his other girlfriend.
    • If he has drastically changed his diet to become healthier. He may have done this to impress someone else.
    • If he seems strangely shy with his body when you are around. If he doesn't want you to see him without a shirt and only wants to make love in the dark. This could mean that he feels he is being unfaithful to his other wife.
  3. Watch his body language. Your husband's body language can tell a lot about what he thinks of you. And whether he thinks about anyone other than you. Here are some signs that he may be cheating:
    • If he doesn't make eye contact with you when you guys talk. If he used to do that before but suddenly looks at the floor every time you talk, he might feel guilty.
    • If he doesn't show you affection. If he used to love to take a shower with you, but now he barely wants to touch you.
    • If he shows you affection privately, but not in public. Some guys are just shy about showing their affection in public. Can't he stay away from you at home or with friends, but does he seem to shy away from you in public? Maybe he's worried his other girl will see the two of you together.

Method 2 of 4: Watch what he's doing

  1. See if anything has changed in your sex life. If he has another girlfriend, he may spend less time in the bedroom with you. However, it may also be that he has more sex drive. Look forward to the following:
    • If you have been dry for a very long time. If he never wants to have sex again, he may be doing it elsewhere.
    • When he suddenly has an insatiable sex drive. If he suddenly wants to have sex continuously, his libido may have risen because of sex with another woman.
    • When he tries a lot of new moves. Maybe he learned this one from another girl.
  2. See if he has become nicer or more helpful. Your boyfriend may feel so guilty that he cheats on you that he suddenly becomes a lot nicer to you. If you find out that he is suddenly doing a lot more household chores, or is helping you a lot more, it may be that he is trying to compensate for something.
    • If he's cleaning up your apartment, repairing your car, or running errands when he never did before, he may have some reason for it.
    • If he always asks if he can do something for you.
    • If he is suddenly the greatest romantic and gives you chocolates and flowers; especially if he has been very distant for a long time.
  3. Notice if it has become very clean from scratch. If your boyfriend didn't seem to care about the cleanliness of his car or apartment before and now seems to keep cleaning for hours, he may be trying to cover up evidence. Or he cleans everything just to please his other wife.
    • If his car used to be filthy and is now spotless, he may be keeping his car clean for his other wife.
    • If his apartment is a lot cleaner than before, and he always says he needs time to clean, he may be trying to remove evidence from his other girlfriend. If you really want to find out if he's cheating on you, visit him while he's "cleaning". See what he's really doing.
    • If he uses an air freshener in the car or at home. Maybe he uses these to mask some woman's scent.
  4. Notice if his mood changes. Whether he's always in a good mood or cranky, when he previously always seemed balanced, then something is going on. Watch his mood to see if something is wrong:
    • If he is in an extremely good mood sometimes, like he is walking with his head in the clouds, for no reason. When he grins from ear to ear and stares into the distance, as if reliving a particularly pleasant memory with someone else. His good mood may have nothing to do with you.
    • If he suddenly has a terrible mood. If everything seemed fine and he suddenly seems furious or upset, especially after a phone call or text message, it could be that another girl is responsible for this.
  5. Watch for shady behavior. Shady behavior is pretty easy to spot, and if he's doing at least some shady things, it could indicate he's cheating. Here are some of the signs:
    • If he suddenly spends a lot of time with his phone. If, as soon as you walk into the room, he stops calling or texting.
    • If he suddenly spends a lot of time online. This could be a sign that he is chatting with another girl. If he shuts his computer when you enter the room, that's a bad sign.
    • If it disappears for hours, and cannot be reached for days, nights or even a weekend. If he doesn't take the time to call or text you, he may be meeting another girl.
    • If he turned off his phone for hours on end. Why else would he do that?

Method 3 of 4: Pay attention to what he says

  1. Watch his excuses. Before, he always wanted to meet you, but now the reasons for avoiding you seem to be piling up. At first you believed him when he said he had a stomach ache or was too tired, but now you're starting to wonder if he's actually trying to tell you he doesn't want to spend time with you. Maybe because he's too busy meeting up with other girls. Here are some signs that he might be cheating:
    • If he always wanted to make time for you before, but now seems to always go out with the guys. This is especially suspicious if he doesn't have that many male friends, or if he never really felt like going out with his friends before.
    • If he suddenly has to work overtime all the time. Although he sometimes had to work overtime for this, it now seems like it is really very busy and that he spends all his time at work instead of with you. Of course, many professions have a certain amount of time when it is busier, and he may be working on a very time-consuming project. However, it is more likely that by overtime he means going to see his other girlfriend.
    • When he is always too tired to stay long, but was unable to get tired before. This could be a sign that he is spending his energy on someone else.
    • If you always make an appointment for lunch or dinner and he suddenly never feels like it again. Or if he keeps feeling unwell or not hungry.
    • None of these signs absolutely indicate that your boyfriend is cheating on you. But if all these things come up repeatedly, he may prefer to spend his time elsewhere or stop hanging out with you. If he keeps making excuses about why he can't spend time with you, then you should ask yourself why you're still in a relationship with him.
  2. Watch what he says. Even if he doesn't make excuses every time, your boyfriend may say things that make him sound like a completely different person. If he suddenly talks to you in a completely different way, or in general, his thoughts may be with a different lady. Here are some things that could indicate that he is cheating on you:
    • If he stops complimenting you. Did he overwhelm you with compliments for this, and is flattery suddenly out of the question? If he never tells you that you are beautiful, or never emphasizes your best qualities, or how nice you are in general, he can save his flattery for someone else.
    • If he compliments you more often. If he wasn't complimenting you that much at first but all of a sudden keeps telling you how great you are, then he may be doing this because he feels guilty. If he does this after a long, unexplained absence, it is all the more suspicious.
    • If he just sounds different. Does he say things he never said before, does he use words he never used before, or does he laugh differently? Maybe he picked up these mannerisms from his other special lady?
    • If he leaves your text messages unanswered for hours while you were in the middle of a conversation. If you were corresponding for a long time and he suddenly seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, it could be that his new girlfriend has shown up.

Method 4 of 4: Investigate

  1. Ask him if he's cheating on you. If the signs are piling up and you think you've already exposed him, it's up to him to confess now. The easiest way to do this is to ask him about it. That way, you don't have to dig through his properties, don't get hurt when you see something you don't like, and save yourself the extra pain and embarrassment. That's how you do that:
    • Ask him unexpectedly. You still need to find the right place and time, but ask him if he's not expecting it. This reduces the chance that he will conjure up a brilliant lie.
    • Tell him you prefer the truth to lies. Make it sound like he's doing you a favor by confessing everything - and he actually does.
    • Make eye contact. Be very sincere. Show him that he really hurts you.
    • If you're too scared to ask him, and you don't want to chase him; ask a friend or one of his friends to help you. Chances are one of his friends knows about it. Maybe he doesn't really feel comfortable with it either.
  2. Chase him. If you're afraid to start the conversation, or feel you don't have enough evidence, follow him to see what he's really doing. You have to do this secretly. If he finds out, he will lose faith in you and will not provide any evidence at all. This is how you do it:
    • Follow him in a friend's car. When he tells you he's going out with the guys and you really want to know what he's doing. Then borrow a friend's car so that he doesn't find out it's you.
    • "Drop in" if he's not expecting you. Visit him at random times, such as when he says he isn't feeling very well. Or if he has said he is cleaning. If he's not feeling well, bring a cup of soup and do your best to be as sweet as possible. Regardless of another girl, check out his reaction. Is he happy to see you or angry that you came to see him without warning?
    • See if he's really working overtime. That's easy. Just drop by work to bring him a coffee or snack. Or drive by to see if his car is there.
  3. Rummaging through his stuff. This is the fastest way to break your husband's trust and can put your relationship in serious jeopardy. But if you're really sure he's cheating, don't hesitate. This is how you do it:
    • Check his phone. If he's not such a good cheater, he'll make it impossible for you to look into his phone. Try it anyway. Watch his phone while he's sleeping.
    • Check his computer. If he's dumb enough to leave his computer open, check out his emails and Facebook messages. This will let you know pretty soon whether he is cheating on you or not. Also pay attention to accurately deleted emails. That's also a bit suspicious.
    • Search his stuff. If he's sleeping or not at home, dig through his desk, purse, or wallet. Look for tracks.
    • View his bank statements. Can't you remember that you spent € 200 euros together at a romantic Italian restaurant? Then he probably did that to another girl.


  • You can find out pretty quickly if your boyfriend is cheating on you if it turns out that he never has time to hang out with you. It seems like he only has plans without you.
  • He will make up all kinds of excuses that will make you feel bad.
  • If he talks (or texts) to another girl more than you, or if you are gone; then there is a good chance that he is cheating on you.
  • Nothing you can do will determine his actions. Sometimes there is nothing you can do but run away. Never write off this opportunity. If you do this, you will achieve nothing.
  • Let him walk even if you just think he's cheating on you. There are plenty of men who can appreciate a real girl. Don't waste your time fixing broken toys. Let them destroy themselves, it is inevitable. Good luck.
  • If he makes excuses not to hang out with you, but does his very best to go out with his friends, chances are he won't want to hang out with you anymore.
  • If your boyfriend changes his speech and behavior in your presence or absence, it could be a sign.
  • If he doesn't dare to look you in the eye, he could be cheating on you.
  • Don't just ask him "Hey, you're not cheating, are you?" He will answer "no" to this, and he will think you don't trust him.
  • If your boyfriend comes home after long periods of absence, it could indicate that he is having an affair.
  • If he is on his phone all the time, and is always on the phone when you call him, it could be that he is cheating on you.
  • Talk to a friend who found out her boyfriend was cheating on you. See if she has some advice for you.
  • If your boyfriend is suddenly a lot better, that's a sign too.


  • Think carefully before digging through your boyfriend's belongings. This is a major breach of trust. When you've gotten to that desperate point, it's probably better to end the relationship anyway.