Find out if someone is high

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Tell if Someone Is High
Video: How to Tell if Someone Is High


When a person is high on the drugs, he / she may display wild or dangerous behavior that immediately makes it clear that something is wrong. However, others show less obvious symptoms. In themselves, many of these signs can indicate other problems, and do not necessarily indicate that someone is high. However, if a person has multiple symptoms, they are more likely to be triggered by the influence of drugs.

To step

  1. Observe his / her ability to stay focused during conversations. Someone who is high will have a lot more trouble keeping his / her attention during a conversation. He / she may lose his / her train of thought or jump from one subject to another. While this may be a symptom of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), the chances of being high is likely if he / she has never engaged in this behavior before.
  2. Watch for inappropriate laughter. Under the influence of drugs, people can sometimes laugh uncontrollably, for no direct reason. This can occur at times when nothing funny has been said, but also when there is a serious conversation. Inappropriate laughter is especially common in people who are high on marijuana.
  3. Note differences in speech patterns. Someone who is high on the "downer" drug is more likely to speak with a double tongue, as someone who is drunk can do. People who are high on "upper" drugs, such as cocaine, are more likely to start talking very quickly. The speed or pattern is usually clear soon enough, even if you've never spoken to the one before. However, as with the other signs, it is easiest to notice if you compare it to his / her usual speech.
  4. Pay attention to how energetic or motivated he / she appears. Being high can either cause the energy level to drop dramatically, or it can increase dramatically. Marijuana makes most users a little more drowsy than usual, and less interested in doing things they would otherwise enjoy. People who use cocaine often work extra long overtime and stay awake until the middle of the night.
  5. Watch for mood swings. Mood swings are especially common in someone who is high on "uppers". This is because "downers" tend to numb the senses, rather than amplify them. When someone is high, they are more likely to flare up in anger. Other conditions can also underlie this, such as insomnia, stress, and hormone changes. Still, sudden, inexplicable anger can indicate that someone is high.
  6. Watch for changes in appetite. When someone is high, they will generally be much more hungry. This is especially true if someone has used marijuana. An apparently uncontrollable craving for junk food and sweets is almost inseparable from someone high on marijuana.
  7. Watch for signs of paranoia. Paranoia is a common symptom in people who are high, regardless of the drug. When someone is high, he / she may feel more quickly that "everyone is after him / her". He / she may even start to distrust you, or be afraid that someone is actually after him / her. In severe cases, this paranoia can even lead to assault.
  8. See if his / her eyes are red or bloodshot. Someone high on drugs probably has red, fairly puffy eyes. It is also possible that his / her eyes look otherwise normal, but that it is white bloodshot. In itself, this symptom is difficult to distinguish from others, because swollen eyes can also be caused by illness or crying; bloodshot eyes can be the result of sleep deprivation. Therefore, do not worry until this symptom is accompanied by others.
  9. Keep an eye out for any breathing problems. People with drug problems are more likely to suffer from breathing problems, such as a lot of coughing, a nosebleed, or a runny nose. The nose problems are most common in people who snort crack cocaine. The symptoms are likely to be more severe when a person is high, but may persist after the high has passed. In addition, someone who is only high "once" is unlikely to exhibit any respiratory problems at all.
  10. Image titled Tell if Someone Is High Step 11’ src=Check his / her heart rate. If someone has used cocaine or some other "upper", their heart rate will probably be a lot higher. Of course, it can be difficult to measure someone's heart rate, especially if they are also suspicious. If you can check his / her pulse and find that it is going exceptionally fast, especially if there are no other stimuli that can explain that increased heart rate, then he / she may be high. [[Image: Tell if Someone Is High Step 10 Version 2. See if he / she has chills or hot flashes. Not every drug is accompanied by chills or hot flashes, but these symptoms are fairly common with some drugs - such as cocaine.As with other signs, it is good to know that chills and hot flashes are not necessarily caused by drugs. There can be many other conditions that underlie these symptoms.


  • If you suspect someone is high, chances are they are not "just this once". He / she may have a drug problem. Keep a close eye on his / her behavior and make note of it if anything unusual occurs. If your suspicions are confirmed, or at least reasonably justified, ask a doctor or addiction expert about options for intervention.