Looking older as a teenager

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Being Mistaken for a Teenager | Tips for Looking Older in Your 20s and 30s
Video: How to Stop Being Mistaken for a Teenager | Tips for Looking Older in Your 20s and 30s


Tired of always being mistaken for your younger brother or sister? You can look older and more mature than you are. If you concentrate on how you dress and behave, people will automatically start to think that you are older.

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Method 1 of 3: Wear the right clothes

  1. Stop wearing teenage clothes. We are often judged by our clothes when people see us. What we wear influences the opinion of others about us. If you want to look older, don't dress like a teenager anymore. If you are going to buy clothes, go to another section. Skip the children's section and go to the adult section. The children's section is full of clothes made of cheap, thin, semi-transparent fabrics that make you look younger. Instead of these cheap fabrics, you should choose good quality clothes.
    • Girls should let girly trends like Mary Janes shoes and Peter Pan collars hang. Avoid garments with lots of lace and ruffles or other things that are too "cute".
    • Avoid sporty clothes. With sweatpants, basketball pants, baseball cap or sweatpants you look lazy and sloppy. These styles are also very much worn by young people.
  2. Wear clothes that fit well. Trade in your oversized clothes for pieces that flatter your curves. You don't want to be swallowed up by your clothes, and they hang around you like a potato sack. That looks unflattering and messy. Also, don't wear too tight clothes. Clothes that are too tight make you look young and childlike.
    • Boys should choose a shirt that fits well with the shoulders. If the shoulder seam is over your actual shoulders, the shirt is too big.
    • Girls should choose clothes that accentuate (and not hide) the shapes. If you have narrow hips, wear an A-line skirt to direct the eye out, making it look like you have hips. Choose a shirt with a round neckline or a V-neck. Buy jackets and sweaters that fit your figure well.
  3. Do not wear a printed T-shirt. A T-shirt with a funny text or image shows that you are young. This also applies to T-shirts from bands, or T-shirts with brand names and logos. If you want people to think you are older, don't wear a T-shirt at all.
    • Boys can try a plain T-shirt or a T-shirt with stripes. Choose a fun color, such as pink, yellow or orange. Dressing your adult up doesn't mean you have to wear boring colors.
    • A polo shirt is also a good item of clothing for boys to wear, instead of a T-shirt.
    • Girls can wear an embellished T-shirt or camisole. Try a plain blouse with a bright color or a pattern. However, do not wear fluorescent and neon colors.
  4. Wear good quality jeans. Jeans belong in every wardrobe, no matter how old you are. But do think about pants that make you older. Buy good quality jeans with a nice, flattering cut. Make sure the pants are not too low or too high at the waist.
    • Guys can get straight-leg jeans. Girls can opt for a boot cut, wide leg or skinny jeans. If you wear skinny jeans, they should not be too tight.
    • Trade in bleached or ripped jeans for a model with a dark rinse. Avoid jeans with shiny stones or other decorations.
  5. Wear the right shoes. Complete your adult outfit with the right shoes. Do not wear sneakers or sneakers. Don't wear too flashy shoes. As a girl, don't wear shoes with heels that are too high or too hip. And don't wear flip-flops no matter what gender you are. Instead, wear good old-fashioned shoes.
    • Boys can wear boots. Black boots are almost everywhere. Brown leather lace-up shoes are often good too. Loafers or boat shoes can also work if you don't want to wear booties. Polished leather shoes give you a grown-up look.
    • Girls can try pumps. Make sure the heels are not too high. If you don't want to wear heels, opt for smart flats. Sandals are fun in the summer too.
  6. Dress nicely. Another way to look grown-up is to dress smartly. Present yourself as a well-groomed, professional individual. Then people think that you are a parent and not that you are a child.
    • Boys can choose smart pants. Combine the smart pants with a polo shirt or a shirt. Add a nice leather belt and nice shoes. A tie is not necessary, but it does make you look older.
    • Girls can wear a knee-length dress with a collar that doesn't reveal too much. You can also take a nice skirt with a blouse. Combine the dress or skirt with a cardigan or blazer. Wear proper shoes.
  7. Get rid of your backpack. When you go out, don't bring a backpack. That makes you look younger. Boys can take a messenger bag or briefcase. Girls can opt for a handbag or a nice hobo bag.

Method 2 of 3: Take care of yourself like an adult

  1. Have an adult haircut. A haircut can make you a lot younger. There is no particular hairstyle that makes you look more mature. But there are some things you can avoid so that you don't look too young. Don't dye your hair in crazy colors or put colored streaks in it. Avoid extreme hairstyles, such as a mohawk, semi-shaved haircut, or dreadlocks. Have an old-fashioned haircut.
    • Messy hair makes you look much younger as a boy. Prefer a short, sleek haircut. Spines, long hair or other alternative hairstyles make you much younger.
    • Girls can opt for a bob line, pixie haircut or other chic haircut. Long straight hair also makes you mature. Don't wear too many accessories in your hair, such as hair bands, bows, or clips.
  2. Grow facial hair. Guys can look much older if they keep a beard or mustache. Recent research shows that a beard can make someone look 10 years older. If you want to grow your beard, make sure it suits you. Some teenage boys don't yet have enough facial hair to grow a goatee or beard.
    • Trim and condition your facial hair. A messy, unkempt beard doesn't look good.
    • If your beard hair is still thin, shave your face smooth. A tuft of hair here and there makes you look younger.
  3. Use a little makeup. Girls can use makeup that will make them look years older. Use an eyeliner to frame your eyes. Use neutral colors such as gold and brown. Don't wear bright colors or pastels. Apply a little foundation to even out your skin.
    • Camouflage the dark circles under your eyes with concealer.
    • Do not use teen makeup such as glittery lip gloss or pale pink nail polish.
  4. Camouflage your acne. Your face appears older when your skin looks even. Use a camouflage stick to hide the pimples. Make sure you clean your skin well. Try over-the-counter acne treatments, such as specialty creams and cleaning wipes for acne.
    • Wash your face twice a day with a special acne facial cleanser. Then use a moisturizer on your skin. If you have oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer. If you have dry skin, choose a cream for dry skin.
    • If you're a girl, you can also get bangs to hide the spots on your forehead.
  5. Exercise. This will not only fight your baby fat, but you will also see your muscles better, making teens certainly look older. Boys can focus on the upper body so that their shoulders broaden and the arms firmer. Girls can try to slim their waist, and their breasts and buttocks firmer, to emphasize their feminine curves.
    • With interval training you burn fat quickly and by training with weights you get muscles. Join the gym or do exercises like push-ups and squats at home to build muscle.

Method 3 of 3: Acting older

  1. Be self-assured. Nothing radiates more maturity than self-confidence. Even if your looks, unique personality, or social skills aren't what you'd like, you can boost your confidence.
    • There is a fine line between being confident and being arrogant or condescending. Self-confidence means that you feel good about yourself, but not that you feel better than others around you.Don't brag about your accomplishments or talk in a way that shows you value yourself more than others. That is very childish behavior.
  2. Change your attitude. Teenagers often walk a bit lanky. Keep your head up and your back straight. Learn how to walk confidently and improve your posture. Start by standing or sitting upright, whether you're walking down the street, sitting at your desk, using a computer, or standing in line at the till. Then it quickly becomes second nature.
    • By changing your attitude, you will naturally gain self-confidence. Keep your head up; don't stare at the ground. Look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  3. Develop social skills. Speak slowly and confidently, rather than loudly. Remember to show good manners by saying "please" and "thank you". Listen to what others are saying; few things show as much maturity as good listening.
    • When people are done with a story about themselves, don't start a story about yourself right away. Then you seem self-centered and uninterested. Respond to their story first, then use your story to relate to the speaker.
    • Learn how to talk about little ones. Ask how someone is doing. Talk about the weather. Ask about his / her family. Be polite and have casual conversations with people.
  4. Don't complain too much. People who always complain come across as immature and selfish. As you grow up, you more easily accept that things come and go and that everything has a reason. Whining about how boring your life is will not help you improve it. Giving your heart to your friends can be good for relaxing or getting good advice, but constantly complaining about minor incidents is very childish.
  5. Increase your vocabulary. That doesn't mean you should drop unnecessarily difficult words in everyday conversations, because then it will seem like you want attention. Focus on cutting out childish words that expose yourself as a teenager. Speak slowly and deliberately. Make your words count by thinking about your choice of words.
    • Supplement your vocabulary with refined words. For example, say, "That's an innovative idea!" instead of "That's an innovative idea!" Tell someone to be "outspoken" with you instead of being honest. A refined vocabulary makes you appear mature and intelligent.
    • Try not to use too much slang. Avoid "you know", "oh my god!" or other empty slogans. Also, don't use words like "guest" or "relaxed".
  6. Stand up for yourself neatly but decisively. If someone doesn't respect you, tell them to stop. Part of being an adult is also demanding respect. Be clear and let us know what you want. Don't be sarcastic or overly offended. Even making a harsh comment as a joke can come across as wrong and you won't get the result you envisioned.
    • For example, if someone interrupts you, say, "Wait a minute, let me finish."
    • Don't say things like, "Well, are you interrupting me? Someone here doesn't know when to shut up!"
    • Learn when to let go of things. Everyone has an unpleasant encounter with someone else, but if you become wiser, you learn to stand above certain things. If you are resentful, resentful, or malicious, you appear immature.
    • Sometimes people don't even notice that they are rubbing your hair. Consider their feelings by either ignoring the mistake or, if necessary, by making it clear that they have offended you.


  • Don't underestimate how mature you can appear with the right attitude. It's more about occupying the room when you enter than how you dress.
  • If you can't grow a beard just yet, try refining your facial features so that you look more physically developed.
  • Sometimes it is better to act according to your real age. Your teenage years will not come back. So take out everything in it, and don't act too old. It's okay to have good posture and be elegant, but don't skip your teens or grow up too quickly.
  • A good way to find out what to wear is to search for adult clothing trends on Pinterest, for example. Then copy an outfit that you can afford or already have at home. Don't choose things that are too naked or that are too funny.