Getting a boyfriend in high school

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
High School GIRL Gets A BOYFRIEND, She Instantly Regrets It | LOVE XO
Video: High School GIRL Gets A BOYFRIEND, She Instantly Regrets It | LOVE XO


Getting a boyfriend in high school may seem like a really confusing task.Maybe you don't know how to get the boy's attention or, for one thing, just how to find the right guy. While there is no magic potion that can make a guy fall in love with you, you can increase your chances of finding a boyfriend by building your confidence and getting to know a lot of different guys. Once you've found a sweetheart cut from the right kind of boyfriend, don't be afraid to show your interest by asking him to hang out with you.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Look and feel good

  1. Take care of yourself. Keeping yourself beautiful and clean will make you look more attractive. Shower daily and use deodorant to give your body a fresh scent. Wash your face and brush your teeth twice a day.
    • You can shave your legs or armpits, but be sure to check with your parents before getting started.
    • If you want to wear some makeup, go for it! If you don't want that - that's fine too.
    • Scented body lotions and perfumes are great, but don't overuse them.
  2. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. Put on clothes that make you feel beautiful and confident. For some people this may be a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and for others it may be a baggy summer dress. The more confidence and positive energy you radiate, the more people will be attracted to you.
    • Make sure your clothes are clean and tidy. Wrinkles and coffee stains aren't that cute.
  3. Have faith in who you are. Yes, having a boyfriend is fun, but you don't need one to feel good about yourself. Don't forget that you are great just the way you are. Enjoy your unique personality, your quirky interests and your body. It is important that you feel good about yourself before you start concentrating on someone else.
  4. Don't waste time worrying about your appearance. You quickly become fixated on your appearance, or the wish that you would be more beautiful or thinner. However, remember that your values ​​and your personality are more important than your appearance. Trust is actually more important than looks when attracting guys!

Method 2 of 4: Meet the right guy

  1. Talk to some of the boys in the classroom. Are there some cute guys in your class who are still single? Take action and talk to one of them to see if there is a click. It's a bit easier if their table is near you, but you can always chat with them before or after class.
    • Starting a conversation might be a little scary, but you just need to comment on something related to the lesson! If it's cold in the room, you could say something like, "Are you that cold too? It looks like the North Pole. "
    • You can also ask him for help. You might ask, "Can I borrow a pencil from you?" Or "Did you get the homework assignment?"
  2. Go to parties and other social events. A great way to meet potential friends is to participate! Go to classmates' parties and get active in school, such as football games and cheering on teams. The more guys you meet, the more likely you are to find the right one for you.
    • To get the most out of the social events you attend, don't hide in your circle of friends all the time. When you see someone you like, start a general conversation with that person by commenting on something around you.
    • For example, you could say, "I love this song! Do you know? "If he's a fan too, then you already have something in common!
  3. Ask friends to help meet guys. Your friends may know some nice guys, so ask them if they can introduce you. Having mutual friends gives you and the boy something to talk about. Plus, if your friends approve of him, he could be a nice guy.
    • You could say, "I think I want a boyfriend. Do you know a nice guy? "
  4. Join clubs or start with activities that interest you. A great way to meet like-minded guys is to do an interesting activity or join a club! Having a common interest will help you bond.
    • If you are sporty, you can go swimming or running in a group. You can show off your amazing athletic skills while getting to know guys who share your love for the sport.
    • Maybe you would like to help others. Join a volunteer organization at your school to meet friendly guys who love to do the same.

Method 3 of 4: Make it clear that you are interested

  1. Say hello when you meet him in the hallway. Now that you have a crush on someone, you need to let them express your feelings. Start by saying "hi" and treating him to a big smile when you bump into him. Show him how lucky you are to see him!
  2. Ask him questions. If you have time, start a conversation with your crush and ask him questions to get to know him better. Ask open questions (questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no).
    • An open question might be, "So why is Star Wars your all-time favorite movie series?"
  3. Sit next to him. You probably go to school a lot during the day, so why not make the most of it by sitting next to him? Sit next to him at lunch, in the bus shelter, in class, or during a football game. Of course it is better not to want to sit next to him all the time - that could scare him away. However, if you sit next to him now and then, you will give him a hint.
    • You can even save a spot for him if you're feeling very brave!
  4. Flirt with him. Flirting can seem confusing, but it's actually quite easy! A good way to start with this is to lightly touch his arm when talking. Make eye contact, smile and playfully tease him!
    • Say something funny like, "Wow, you're good at soccer ... almost as good as my sister!"
    • Make sure to keep the teasing light. If you feel like he doesn't like your comments, stop it.
  5. Flirt through social media. Like his photos on Instagram, tag them with funny meme's and keep up with your Snapchat. However, moderation is important here. Posts posted that are out for months and send him an endless stream of Snapchats can seem a bit creepy.
  6. Keep your posts fun and casual. You shouldn't want to constantly communicate with your crush or you'll come across as clingy. Instead, message him every few days about something funny that happened at school, or wish him luck on his next baseball game.
    • Don't come across as eager when you respond to his messages. Don't make it too easy for him by waiting a few minutes to respond to some of them.
    • Make sure you message each other about as often. If you're always the one to start that conversation, that's a bad sign.
  7. Help him when he needs it. Once you and your crush are in a friendly relationship, you can offer to do things for him. Maybe he needs a ride to the school play and your mom has an extra seat left in the car. If he forgot his lunch, offer him your leftover yogurt. In short, try to be a good platonic friend.

Method 4 of 4: Asking him to do things together

  1. Ask him to join your group of friends. Asking someone to do things together can be pretty scary, so start by asking them to do something with you and your friends. It keeps things casual while you have time to get to know each other better. Plus, if your friends are there, they can give you tips and moral support.
    • Ask your friends and his friends to go to the pool together, go bowling, or spend the day at an amusement park.
  2. Ask him to do something together. Once you've done things together in a group situation, you may want to be alone with him. Your parents may not let you go to a movie alone, but you can ask him to take a walk during lunch break, or invite him to your home for a game night with the family.
    • You could say, "Hey, would you like to come over tonight? We're having a game night, and it's always a lot of fun! "
    • Make sure to let your parents know about your extracurricular plans with your crush.
  3. Be open about your feelings. If you think he's interested and you want to date, it's important to be honest about your feelings. No matter how clear you think you are, your crush cannot read minds. You don't have to declare your undying love to him, but you do have to tell him that you are interested in something more than friendship.
    • You could say, "I really like you and would like to get to know you better."
    • Try to do this in a private situation so that it is easier for both of you to communicate honestly and openly.
  4. Let him go if he's not interested. Sometimes a relationship just isn't possible, so don't take it personally. If he avoids you, seems bored when you are together, declines your invitations to hang out, or gets more involved with other girls, he may not be the best choice for you.
    • Rejection can hurt, but there are tons of other guys out there. You may feel a little sad for a while, of course, but then brush it aside and get to know new guys who appreciate you for who you are.


  • Bring gum or tic tacs with you. If you're not sure how to start a conversation with your crush, offer them one!
  • If you have close friends, ask them for advice about boys.
  • Always be confident when you talk to him.
  • Don't force yourself too hard on him or you might chase him away instead of putting him on.
  • If your school doesn't allow gum, just bring some peppermint or tic tacs to school.
  • Don't put on makeup to impress a guy. Boys like girls with a natural look.
  • Be yourself. If a guy thinks you need to change for him, he doesn't deserve you.
  • You may like it now, but if you want it to last, wait a few more years. The chance that you will get a steady relationship is then higher.
  • Always smile at him.
  • Enjoy his company. Make him feel happy and always be interested.


  • Don't change yourself for a boy. Any guy worth your time will appreciate you just the way you are.
  • Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable just to have (or keep) a boyfriend, especially physical intimacy.