Finding a girlfriend if you've never had one

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If You’ve Never Had A Girlfriend Before….Here’s Why
Video: If You’ve Never Had A Girlfriend Before….Here’s Why


If you've found a girlfriend when you've never had one before, you may feel a little nervous, but you don't have to worry about it. Even if you miss the experience, you'll make up for it with your charm, intelligence, and ability to make a girl feel special. Once you've set your heart on a special girl, all you have to do is show her that you care before you make her yours and start a fun and meaningful relationship.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting her attention

  1. Don't worry that you've never had a girlfriend. If you've never had a girlfriend before, you're likely to feel a little nervous or self-conscious. You may feel that everyone around you has a lot of experience and that you are the only one lacking in this area, but the truth is that everyone always feels that he or she could use more experience, and you would experience shouldn't stop you from approaching girls.
    • If you're feeling self-conscious, get advice from a friend who is more experienced in dating girls. You will see that there is nothing to fear.
    • Remember that even guys who have dated girls for years often have no idea or miss out; relationships grow, things are constantly evolving and there will not be a magical moment when you suddenly "get it".
    • While you don't have to lie about having a girlfriend, you don't have to hang it on the big clock either. You can just make that self-aware.
  2. Find the right girl. If you've never had a girlfriend, you might want to find someone ASAP, but the truth is, it's much better to wait for the right girl than to date a girl you don't really like. Find a girl who might be right for you, who you think is an interesting person you would actually like to get to know. You might not know the girl that well, but if you get a good feeling every time you're with her, then there could be something.
    • It's a good idea to go for someone you can actually see yourself starting a relationship with. That said, you don't have to be so picky that you just want to ask a girl if she seems like she could be your soul mate.
    • Don't focus too much on looks. Of course you may want to have a beautiful girl, but she doesn't have to look like a supermodel. Try to be more realistic and open up to girls who wear glasses, are a little chubby, have acne, are very tall or very short, are boyish, have tattoos, piercings and hair dye, etc. These traits are more like your average person on the street and not someone from TV or a magazine. The more attractive girls want a more traditional man and you may be more non-traditional than most men, so you may want to broaden your horizons to girls.
    • Try to find common interests. If you enjoy sports, join a sports team or attend local sporting events. If you like music, go to concerts or join the band or orchestra. If you like books, go to the library or a bookstore. The Internet is great for finding people with more obscure interests.
  3. Stand out for her. Standing out doesn't mean yelling at your lungs or playing a banjo outside of school. It just means being proud of the things that make you different, be it your love of science fiction or your football skills. Do what you love and let the girl you like see you in your element. She'll be impressed that you have so much to offer and that you like to do your own thing instead of blending in with the crowd.
    • Don't be afraid to get a little crazy if you are. You don't have to act macho or distant to get a girl's attention.
  4. Start talking to her. Do not be shy. Just say hello to the girl, introduce yourself and start a nice, easy conversation. You don't have to ask her a million questions right away. Start a light, simple conversation about simple topics like your classes, your weekend plans, a movie you've both seen, or your favorite band. Most importantly, make eye contact and care about what she has to say.
    • You don't have to start a deep conversation with her. Just ask how she's doing, smile, try to make her laugh, and take the pressure off.
    • You can talk to her at a time when you know you only have a few minutes, such as between classes. This makes you less nervous, because you don't feel like you have to keep the conversation going for long.
  5. Make her want more. If you want to get her attention, then you should work on having a good conversation and then leave when things go well. That way she'll be more excited to talk to you next time because she feels like you have so much more to talk about. If you hang around too long, even though neither of you have anything to say, she'll feel like you don't have much to say next time.
    • This does not mean that you have to leave abruptly. Just say that you loved talking to her and that you look forward to picking up your conversation later.
    • You also don't have to tell her to go because you're late for your Aunt Bertha's birthday party. It's okay to keep it a little mysterious.
  6. Give her a genuine compliment. When you first start talking to a girl you like, give her a nice, simple compliment that shows you're paying attention. If you've noticed she's gotten a new haircut or is wearing a new dress, tell her you like it without shame. If she's wearing a unique piece of jewelry and you even think she made it herself, you can compliment it and ask where she got it. If you've noticed really cool artwork on her notebooks, you can compliment her artistic talents and start a conversation about that too.
    • Don't say anything about her figure, or she might feel embarrassed or misunderstood. But there's nothing wrong with saying something as simple as, "That's a nice sweater."
  7. Impress her with your confidence. If you want to get the girl's attention, you need to be able to show her that you are a confident guy who is happy with who he is. This can be challenging if you don't have a lot of experience with girls, but you can work towards it. Don't let your lack of experience affect your confidence and work towards feeling like a fun, smart, cool guy with a lot to offer.
    • Stand up, look her in the eye, and talk about all the things you love about your life to show her that you are a confident guy worth knowing. When it comes to being confident, you can pretend until you actually have it.
    • Building trust can take a long time, but you can make an effort to address your mistakes and learn to accept the things that you cannot change about yourself little by little.
    • Another way to develop your confidence is to spend time with people who really make you feel good about yourself. If your friends are always disappointing you, then it's time to consider finding a new group of people who are more supportive.

Part 2 of 3: Keeping her attention

  1. Ask her questions about herself. One way to keep the girl's attention is to show that you really want to get to know her. You don't want her to think that you are only talking to her because you think she is beautiful or because you are looking for a girlfriend. Take the time to get to know her by asking her questions about what her interests are, how her day is going, and what else is on her mind. Here are some things you can ask her about:
    • Her hobby's
    • Her pets
    • Her favorite bands, movies, TV shows or actors
    • Her friends
    • Her favorite places to visit
    • Her vacation plans
  2. Show her you care. If you want to keep the girl's attention, show her that you care without making her feel overwhelmed. If you want her to be interested in you, she needs to feel like she stands out. Work on giving her a little extra attention compared to the other girls around, and spending more time by her side when you can. Smile at her and make eye contact when you see her so she knows she stands out.
    • If she's clearly having a bad day, come up to her and ask her what's wrong. Show her that you don't just plan on being there during the good times.
    • Flirt with her a bit when you are in a group or alone with her. Be playful, give her a gentle push on the arm or shoulder, and tease her in a friendly manner. Enjoy making her smile and show her that you really care without being too direct.
  3. Don't be too direct. You need to work on striking a balance between showing the girl how much she means to you and not overwhelming her. You can't be there all the time, call her every day, or be with her when she turns around or else you want a break. Make sure you are around just enough to make things interesting, keep her guessing, and keep her sharp too.
    • When you're with a group, it's nice to give her a little extra attention, but that doesn't mean you have to choose her too much. Talking to other girls will show that you are less intense and open to being social with more people.
    • If you have her number, you shouldn't always be the one to call or text her. Also sometimes let her take the initiative.
  4. Do something nice for her. If you want the girl to remain interested, show her that you are willing to make an effort. You should do your best to do something nice for her, whether you help her with a school project, offer to help her fix her bike, or pick up her homework for her when she's sick from school. Making an effort to make her smile and make her life easier will make her feel like you really care.
    • You can even help her carry her books if it's too heavy for her. Make sure she welcomes this kind of help.
    • You can help her as long as you make sure she doesn't take advantage of you. You want her to see you as a potential friend, not a sidekick.
  5. Show that her opinion is important to you. You don't want to treat the girl just like a pretty face. Show her that you really care about her as a person and that you want to know what she's thinking. You can ask her opinion about something that happened on the news, about a discussion you had in class, or about a book you've both read or a movie you've both seen. Show her that you really care about what's going on in her head and that you want to know what she's thinking, and that she will be more charmed by you.
    • If you need advice on something, even if it's just a matter of what to wear to prom or more of a serious matter like how to confront your boyfriend about something he's done wrong, you can Turning to the girl you like that you really value her opinion.
    • Make sure you don't keep talking about topics like politics or music without stopping to ask her how she feels about it.
  6. Look for similarities. Another way to bond with a girl is to find something you have in common so you have more to talk about. As you get to know her, you'll find yourself having more in common than you think, whether you both love Drake or learning to cook. As long as you have one or two things in common, you can build a relationship around your mutual interest in those things. Don't worry if you don't have much in common. you can always develop common interests as you get to know each other better.
    • Don't be nervous to find something you have in common. As you get to know the girl better you will find something on your own.
    • You may not have many interests in common, but you can share other things, such as a similar background or attitude.

Part 3 of 3: Making her your girlfriend

  1. Spend more time together. As you start to like the girl more and more, it goes without saying that you will both want to spend more time together. While you won't be together every second, you need to find ways to see her more, whether you're walking to classes together, sitting together in the cafeteria, or even hanging out at the mall or on a playground after school. Make an effort to see her more so you can spend more time getting to know each other, and you'll have a better idea if she's the girlfriend you're looking for.
    • There is no magical amount of time you should spend with the girl before asking her to be your girlfriend. If you want to ask her after spending just a week together, that's fine too, as long as you've had time to get to know each other.
    • You also don't want to get to the point where you've been hanging out with her for months and not asking her. This can lead you straight to the "friend zone" and it can be difficult to get out of there.
  2. Find the right time and place to ask her out. If you're ready to take the next step with the girl you've found and ask her to be your girlfriend, then you need to think about how to increase your chances. Find a nice, quiet place where you probably won't be disturbed, and make sure she's in a good mood and doesn't have to rush anywhere. Ask her if she has a few minutes and make the most of your time together when you ask her to be yours.
    • If you've never really been alone with the girl, try asking her in a private place, but don't go out of your way to isolate her.
    • Before asking her to meet you, try to check her mood. Make sure she appears happy, focused, and not stressed.
  3. Ask her to be your girlfriend. Don't be nervous about it. After you say goodbye and have a quick chat, ask her to be your friend as honestly and directly as possible. You can say something as simple as, "I really enjoy spending time with you and would like to get to know you better. Do you want to be my girlfriend? "The sooner you ask her, the more relief you will feel.
    • Come closer to her and look her in the eye if you ask. She will be impressed with your confidence.
    • You can compliment her a bit before you ask, but don't put it on too thick. You don't want to make her uncomfortable.
  4. Respond appropriately. If she says yes to you then great! You can celebrate, give her a hug, and show her how excited you are by her good news. However, if she says she just wants to be friends, she doesn't have to be rude or mean. Instead, just be polite and respectful and keep your head straight and make sure you part on good terms. This gives her a good impression of you and you can be proud of yourself for responding in a dignified manner.
    • If she says she wants to be your girlfriend, show her how happy this makes you. You don't have to play it cool if you really like her.
    • If she says no, don't insult her or be mean to her. Treat her with respect, knowing that she really can't help her feelings.
  5. Work on building a meaningful relationship. If you and the girl have decided to date, then you can work on taking it slow and making a real effort to get to know each other. You can keep things interesting by doing new things together, or making enchiladas together or learning to snorkel, while also making time to do the things you love together on a regular basis. Most importantly, you never stop showing her how much she means to you.
    • Never take your girlfriend for granted. Always try to add some romance to the relationship, compliment her, and let her know how special she is.
    • Don't let your lack of experience keep you from enjoying your relationship. You don't have to worry about it and all you can do is focus on the present moment and enjoy as much as possible with your girlfriend.


  • Exercise and eat healthy. It will boost your confidence and women are naturally attracted to a suitable man.
  • Find a job if you don't already have one. A job shows that you are competent and responsible.
  • Learn how to talk to a woman.
  • Being friends or being in the "friend zone" isn't necessarily a bad thing, as she usually has friends you can meet. You can also learn more about women through this experience.
  • Always bring a few spare mints, in case you don't want to disappoint with bad breath.
  • If you have a disability such as autism or ADHD, consider telling her. This will help her understand why you might be acting a little differently. Let her know about your strange habits and why you do them so she doesn't get it wrong.
  • Sleep well! If you don't sleep, your physical appearance won't look good.