Reverse a curse

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Escape The Fate - "Reverse This Curse" (Full Album Stream)
Video: Escape The Fate - "Reverse This Curse" (Full Album Stream)


You might suspect you're cursed if you've had nightmares, seen omens, and been dealing with ongoing illness or bad luck. Feeling cursed can be scary, but you may be able to protect yourself. Taking a salt bath or beaming yourself in can wash away the negative energy directed at you, including a little curse. As another option, cast a simple candle spell to break the curse or create a mirror box to return the curse to the person who cast it.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Take a salt bath

  1. Beat 270 g of sea salt and 30 g of baking soda in a hot bath. Run a bath with comfortably warm water. Then pour the sea salt and baking soda into the water to act as purifiers. Use your hand to stir the water counterclockwise until the salt and baking soda are dissolved.
    • You don't have to be precise with your salt and soda. It's okay to just add 2-3 handfuls of salt and a little baking soda.
    • Use Epsom salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt.

    Tip: If necessary, add a little essential oil to the water. Lavender, peppermint, tea tree, sandalwood, and rose are all excellent options for cleansing and purifying.

  2. Chant a spell or pray before entering the water. Close your eyes and keep your hands in prayer position or over the water. Then say your purification spell or say a prayer asking if the negative energy can be removed from you.
    • You could cast a spell like this: "Salt and water make me pure, now give me the right cure, with this water set me free so I can be myself again."
    • Your prayer could go like this: "Dear God / Goddess, thank you for taking care of me." Tonight I ask you to cleanse me of the negative energy that has plagued me. Will you reverse this curse and make me clear again. Amen.'
  3. Visualize the positive energy flowing in the bath. After you have finished your spell or prayer, imagine a white light of positive energy filling the water. Then imagine the light enveloping you and the ritual bath in cleansing energy.
    • The light can be a solid beam of light or it can spread outwards.
  4. Soak for at least 30-40 minutes to give the water time to cleanse. Take a bath and lie under water. Close your eyes and relax for 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, imagine a white light around you and think of positive things.
    • You may say your spell or prayer during the bath if you wish. This can help you focus on the cleansing power of the bath.

Method 2 of 4: Radiate your energy

  1. Move a selenite crystal down and away from your body. A selenite crystal is a white rectangular salt crystal known for its purifying and cleansing properties. Hold the crystal about 6 to 12 inches from your body. Start at your head and move the bar along your body to clear your aura. With each swipe, move your arm away from your body, as if you were wiping the energy away from you.
    • This process can help clear your aura of negative energies and appendages, such as a lighter curse.
    • You can get a selenite stick at a store that sells crystals, a store that sells magic supplies, or online.
  2. Light a bundle of sage and then fan the smoke over you with a feather. Place the sage in a heat-resistant container. Light the end of the bundle of sage and blow out the heat so that the sage smolder. Use a feather to sweep the smoke over your body. Start at your head and work up to your feet.
    • Commonly used for cleansing and purification, sage comes from American Indian traditions. You can use it to cleanse yourself and the space you are in from negative energy.

    Variation: If you want, you can hold the sage bundle in your hand and make an outline around your body.

  3. Recite a cleansing spell or say a prayer. As you cleanse yourself, say a spell or prayer that indicates your intention to get rid of the curse or negative energy. In your spell or prayer you declare that you know that the curse will be broken in order to empower your ritual.
    • Say: "Earth, fire, water and air, be the answer to my prayer, banish this curse and leave me pure, tonight I ask for a blessed healing."
    • You could pray, "Dear God / Goddess, Please cleanse me of this negative energy and lift the curse. I know you can set me free. Amen.'

Method 3 of 4: Cast a simple candle spell

  1. Place a candle in a bowl and add water up to 2-3 cm from the tip. Take a medium bowl and place a candle on the bottom. A tapered candle works best, but any candle will work. Then pour water into the bowl until the candle is almost under. For the spell, leave about 2-3 cm of the candle protruding from the water.
    • It is best to use a black candle if you have one. You can find a black tapered candle at a department store, magic supply store, or online.
  2. Drizzle a handful of salt into the water around the candle. Pour salt into your hand and then slowly sprinkle it in a circle around the candle. Add as much salt as you like for an extra purifying effect on your spell.
    • You can use table salt for this, but it is best to use sea salt or Epsom salt if you have one. That has not been processed, like table salt, and therefore its properties are still intact.
  3. Visualize a white light streaming into the water. Gaze at the bowl of water and imagine a white beam of light flowing into the bowl. Imagine that this light is a positive, cleansing light. Take slow, deep breaths several times while visualizing the light.
    • In pagan traditions, the purpose of this practice is to infuse the water with positive energy to aid your enchantment work.
  4. Light the candle and then say your spell or prayer. Light the candle with a match or lighter. If it burns, recite a spell or say a prayer to break the curse. Make sure you finish your spell before the candle goes out.
    • You could say, "Earth, fire, water, and air, be the answer to my prayer, cast this curse and make me pure - tonight I ask for a blessed healing."
    • You could pray, "Dear God / Goddess, Please cleanse me from this negative energy and lift the curse. I know you can set me free. Amen.'
  5. Let the candle burn out and go out. Do not blow out the candle as it is best to let it go out on its own. Let the candle burn further until the wick reaches the water. At that point, the water will extinguish the fire. Your spell is almost complete!
    • Pagan traditions believe that letting a candle go out on its own enhances the spell and keeps the magic stable.
  6. Break the candle in half and bury it outside. Remove the candle from the water and bend it in the middle. Keep bending until the candle breaks in half. Then take the bowl and the candle outside. Dig a shallow hole and bury your candle.
    • Burying the candle completes the spell to break the curse.
  7. Pour the water in a circle around the buried candle. Slowly pour the water so that you can complete a whole circle. If you have any water left, make another circle. You do this to complete the spell.
    • The salt can potentially kill the grass around the buried candle.

Method 4 of 4: Make a mirror box

  1. Take a small box, such as a candy tin or cardboard jewelry box. You need a small box as this is easier to handle. Choose a box that you will no longer use. Candy tins, cardboard boxes for jewelry, and small wooden boxes are good options.
    • Make sure the box is clean. You could wipe it with a wet cloth.
    • You can buy a small unfinished wooden box from a craft store.
    • As another option, with some creativity, you can use an old makeup box or lotion jar.
  2. Buy a new small mirror and don't look at your reflection. Buy a mirror that is small enough to fit in the box. Ideally, your mirror will cover most or all of the inside of the box. Do your best not to see yourself in the mirror because you don't want to trap your own energy in the box.
    • You may prefer several small mirrors to cover the inside of the box.
    • It's not the end of the world if you accidentally see yourself in the mirror. If you do, burn some white sage and run the mirror through to clear it.
  3. Glue the mirror to the inside of the lid of a small box or can. Use hot glue, school glue, or super glue to attach the mirror to the inside of the lid. Hold the mirror in place so that it sticks. Make sure you don't look in the mirror.
    • You can cover the mirror with a black cloth while pressing it down so you don't look into it. However, be careful not to tape the cloth.

    Variation: Some people break the mirror before assembling their mirror box. To do this, wrap the mirror in a black cloth and then hit the mirror with a hard object, such as a hammer. Then glue the pieces into the box.

  4. Put a picture of the person who cursed you in the box. If you know who cursed you, put an object in it that represents that person. If not, use a small doll or piece of paper that says "The Witch." Place this item in the box so that it faces the mirror. Here are some great options for personalization:
    • A photo of the person
    • A little doll
    • A piece of the person's hair
    • An item that belonged to the person
    • The person's name

    Tip: If you're using a photo, you may want to stick it to the bottom of the box so it's always facing the mirror.

  5. Seal the box and place a black candle on it. Put the lid on the box and seal it if possible. Then place a black candle on top of the box to complete the spell. Any size candle will work.
    • If the box is smaller than the candle, place the candle next to the box.
    • You can find a black candle at a department store, magical supply store, or online.
  6. Say a spell or prayer asking you to reverse the curse. Once your box is complete, recite a spell or say a prayer that indicates your intention to reverse the curse. Send the person's negative energy back to him or her.
    • You could say, "Bringer of evil, menacing enemy, after this spell, you reap what you sow. This mirror reflects the will you send, my hands are clean, my mind will recover. With this spell my soul is free, as I want it to be, so it will be. "
    • You could pray, "Dear God / Goddess, I ask that this curse be turned back on the person who sent it." After this spell, any negative energy they send my way will be reflected back to them. Amen.'
  7. Light the candle and let it burn out. Light the candle with a match or lighter. Then let the candle burn until it goes out on its own. This can take a while, depending on the size of your candle.
    • Do not leave the candle unattended. If you have to leave while the candle is still burning, use a jar to extinguish the candle without blowing it out. You don't want to blow your spell away.


  • Everyone goes through negative experiences, so who knows, you might not be cursed at all. However, there is nothing wrong with being proactive as long as you don't attack the other person.
  • If you've been raised to feel guilty or feel like you deserve bad things or bad luck, then you may be able to curse yourself through the self-fulfilling prophecy - but if you know it's not your fault, don't let anyone tell you that it is only between your ears. Trust yourself and raise your own vibrations regardless, and set your intentions to earn (get used to) the best.


Take a salt bath

  • Sea salt, Epsom salt or Himalayan salt
  • Baking soda
  • Essential oil (optional)
  • Say or prayer

Cleaning your energy

  • Selenite stick
  • Bundle of sage
  • Heat resistant bowl
  • Matches or lighter
  • Say or prayer

Cast a simple candle spell

  • Candle
  • Come on
  • Water
  • salt
  • Matches or lighter
  • Small shovel (optional)
  • Say or prayer

Making a mirror box

  • Small box
  • Small mirror (s)
  • Black cloth (optional)
  • Glue
  • Depiction of the person who cursed you
  • Black candle
  • Say or prayer