Growing a fig tree in your garden

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Fig Tree 101
Video: Planting a Fig Tree 101


Figs are a popular fruit that can be eaten fresh or dried and used in cakes, pastries and jams. Figs grow on fig trees and grow in the South and West of the United States, the Mediterranean and North Africa, where there is a temperate and dry climate. Fig trees require warm weather and plenty of sun. They can grow large and so need a lot of space to grow and bloom.

To step

Part 1 of 2: The preparation

  1. Choose a fig variety that appeals to you. Many types of fig trees are available; however, there are a few varieties that are particularly popular for their hardiness. Try to find out which strains thrive best in your area and check out strains like Brown turkey, Brunswick or Osbourne. Keep in mind that figs come in a variety of colors, from purple and green to brown. Also, each variety has a specific time of year when the fruits can be harvested.
    • Go to a nursery nearby or check the internet to find out which fig variety is suitable for the soil and climate of the area where you live.
    • Figs grow best in warm, tropical and desert areas. Only a few species can grow in areas where the temperature falls below 5 degrees.
  2. Know when to plant the fig tree. In general, fig trees can be planted around mid-spring. A young fig tree takes about two years to bear fruit. The figs of most varieties ripen in late summer and early fall. Pruning is done in the summer, unlike most other fruits.
  3. Decide where you want to plant the tree. Because fig trees are so sensitive to heat and also require maintenance of the root ball, it makes sense to plant the plant in a pot. Then the plant can go inside if necessary and the roots can be cared for more easily. You can plant the plant outside provided you create the right conditions: find a spot on a slope that faces south, with little shade and good drainage of rainwater.
  4. Preparation of the soil. Although fig trees are not picky about the soil, they will bloom with a few small improvements. In general, fig trees grow best in soil that is slightly sandy, with a Ph level of 7 or just below (more alkaline). Add some 4-8-12 fertilizer to the soil.

Part 2 of 2: Planting the fig tree

  1. Prepare the jar. Use a flower shovel or your hands to dig a hole for your fig tree. Make sure it is big enough for the root ball and deep enough to reach the bottom of the trunk 5-10 cm. under the earth.
  2. Plant the tree. Remove the plant from the container and carefully lay the tree on its side. Use pruning shears to cut off any excess roots that are on the side; these roots can cause the tree to yield less fruit. Then put the root ball in the hole and carefully spread the roots downwards. Fill the space under and around the tree with soil and pat the soil so that it is even and firm.
  3. Water the fig tree. To help the tree take root, it is best to give the tree plenty of water for a few days. But generally speaking, fig trees don't like a lot of water; so give your tree a moderate amount of water 1-2 times a week.
  4. Maintaining the Earth. If you have planted the fig tree outside, it is important that you take good care of the soil. Remove weeds and feed the soil with fertilizer every four to five weeks. Put a layer of mulch on the soil, about 10 to 15 cm. around the trunk, making sure that the soil is evenly covered.
    • Mulching in the summer allows the plant to retain moisture. Mulching in winter ensures that the fig tree is protected from cold and frost.
  5. Prune the fig tree as needed. Preferably prune the fig tree in the summer of the second year; the first year it is not yet necessary. Prune the tree until you have 4 strong shoots, which will start bearing the fruit. Once the tree is mature, you can prune the tree every spring, before the figs start to grow.
  6. Harvest the fruit. Harvest the figs as soon as they are fully ripe because they do not ripen after picking (like peaches). A ripe fig is slightly soft and has a curve at the neck. The color of a ripe fig depends on the variety; after all, there are many types with different colors. Carefully remove the fruit from the tree so that you don't damage the tree.
    • Wear gloves when you pick the figs; the sap from the tree (released when you start harvesting) can irritate the skin.


  • Avoid manure with too much nitrogen in it.
  • Pick the fruits as soon as they are ripe because otherwise insects and other pests can be attracted.
  • If you grow the fig tree against a south-facing wall, you will use the heat that spreads. You also protect the tree against possible freezing.
  • You can dry the figs by putting them in the sun for 4-5 days or putting them in a drying oven for 10-12 hours. Dried figs will keep for about six months.


  • Remember to wear gloves when pruning or harvesting the tree. The sap of the fig tree can irritate the skin.