Making a green tea toner

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY Korean Secret for glowing skin | Green Tea Face Toner
Video: DIY Korean Secret for glowing skin | Green Tea Face Toner


Green tea has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. That means that green tea can help with a variety of skin problems and promote the overall health of your skin. You can easily make a toner with freshly brewed green tea to take advantage of these benefits. Add extra ingredients to adjust the toner to your preferences and use it twice a day for best results.


  • 1 bag of green tea or 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of loose green tea
  • 250 ml of boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) honey (optional)
  • 60 ml apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) witch hazel (optional)
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin E oil (optional)
  • 30 drops of tea tree oil (optional)
  • 30 drops of lavender oil (optional)

For approximately 250 to 300 ml of toner

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make a simple green tea toner

  1. Put 1 bag of green tea or 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of loose green tea in a mug. Use regular green tea and remove the sachet from the packaging. Then put the bag in the mug. If you are using loose green tea, measure out the correct amount of tea and put the tea in the mug.
    • You can use regular green tea or organic green tea if you prefer.
  2. Let the tea steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Stir the tea bag or tea leaves into the mug after adding the water, then leave the tea alone while you let it steep.
    • If necessary, you can let the tea steep for up to 10 minutes. Since you don't drink the tea, it doesn't matter if the tea turns bitter.

    Tip: While the tea is drawing, prepare the other ingredients you want to add. For example, cut and squeeze a lemon or measure out the correct amount of witch hazel.

  3. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of witch hazel for a stronger astringent effect. Pour the witch hazel into the jar or spray bottle, screw the cap on and shake the package to mix the ingredients. Witch hazel helps to cleanse your pores and balance the pH of your skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce facial redness and swelling.
    • You can buy witch hazel at most health food stores.
    • Keep in mind that some types of witch hazel contain alcohol, which can dry out your skin. First read the packaging of the witch hazel you want to buy to make sure it does not contain alcohol.
  4. Use up to 30 drops of lavender oil to give the toner a relaxing scent. Purchase lavender oil from a drug store, health food store, or on the Internet. Add the desired number of drops to the package, but do not add more than 30 drops. Your skin can get irritated otherwise. Then put the cap or lid back on the package and shake the toner well.
    • Lavender has a calming scent, so it can be a great option to make your facial care routine more relaxing.

Method 3 of 3: Using the green tea toner

  1. Let the green tea cool down before using it. The tea will be very hot after brewing. Let the tea sit at room temperature for an hour so that it is no longer hot. To cool the tea faster, put it in the fridge. The tea is safe to use when it is lukewarm or cold.
  2. Store the toner in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. The toner will last longer if you store it in a cold place, so put the container in the refrigerator. By keeping the toner cool, it also has a refreshing effect when you use it.
    • If you don't want to keep the toner in the refrigerator, make a new amount of toner once every three days.
  3. Wash your face before applying the toner. Wet your face with warm water and massage a mild cleanser into your skin with your fingertips. Then rinse your face thoroughly and pat it dry with a clean, dry towel.
  4. Moisturize your skin as usual after applying the toner. After applying the toner, make sure you apply a facial lotion to your skin immediately while your skin is still slightly damp. The moisture stays in your skin and your skin will feel soft and supple.
    • Remember, the toner is not a substitute for a moisturizer, even if you have vitamin E oil in it.


  • Mug
  • Measuring cup and spoons
  • Airtight container or small atomizer
  • Cotton balls
  • Funnel (optional)