Create a title page in MLA style

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MLA: Formatting Your Cover Page
Video: MLA: Formatting Your Cover Page


Many scientific papers are written in MLA style. The MLA style usually does not require a cover page because all important information is included in the first page. However, some teachers prefer a separate title page. In that case you can use the following standards.

To step

Method 1 of 1: Create a title page

  1. Write the title about one-third from the top of the page. The title follows the normal standard for capital letters: the first letter of each word is in capital letters, except for very short words, such as articles or prepositions (e.g., de, en, from, or, a, a, in, to, for) . Note that the very first word of the title is always capitalized, regardless of what word it is.
    • Do not use punctuation marks in the title. It does not need to be surrounded by quotation marks, it should not be underlined or in italics. However, if there is a quote or reference to an extensive work in your title, it should be punctuated accordingly.
    • For example, the title - "To Be or Not to Be:" An Analysis of Hamlet's Soliloquy - contains a quote, while - An Analysis of Inaction in Shakespeare's Hamlet - contains the title of the play, which must therefore be placed in italics.
  2. Leave 2-3 lines blank, then enter your name. Make sure to write your first name and last name.
  3. Leave 2-3 lines blank.
  4. Indicate which subject or lesson it concerns. You can indicate the department number, as well as the name of the course.
  5. Write the teacher's name on the next line. Make sure you indicate the correct title, especially if your teacher has a PhD. For example, Dr. Sarah Smit or Dr. Smit.
  6. Write the date on the next line. The MLA format generally requires a European format for the date, so first the day, then the month, then the year. For example, February 2, 2014.


  • Use a standard 12 point font for all text.
  • Use a standard margin of 1 inch (2.5 cm).
  • Use a standard hyphen (serif) font, such as Times New Roman or Garamond.


  • All information must be written in the same font and size; nothing should be bold, italics or underlined.