Answer a phone interview

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Phone Interview Questions and Answers Examples - How to Prepare for Phone Interviews
Video: Phone Interview Questions and Answers Examples - How to Prepare for Phone Interviews


If you live far away from a company to which you have applied for a job, or if the company is inundated with job applications, you may be asked to do a telephone interview. Your goal with a phone interview is to move to the next stage of the process, where you can have a face-to-face interview. To make a good impression, treat your phone interview exactly the same as a face-to-face interview. Answer the call professionally and maintain a formal and professional tone during the call.

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Method 1 of 4: Answer the call correctly

  1. Greet the interviewer professionally. Perhaps the most important part of a phone interview is how you answer the phone when it rings. You expect the call. Even when they call your personal number, you pick up the phone as if you were answering the office phone.
    • When the phone rings, answer it as soon as possible, no later than the third ring. Say hello and clearly state your full name. For example, "Hi, this is Jay Gatsby."
  2. Confirm that you were expecting the call. After your greeting, the interviewer will greet you back and let you know who they are. Write down their name so you don't forget and let them know you've been looking forward to hearing from them.
    • For example, "Hi Daisy! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. I'm excited to discuss the opportunity to work with your company."
  3. Address the interviewer politely. You must dress professionally and sit upright at a desk or table as this is a professional interview. Even if you are on the phone, you should watch out for a more casual tone.
    • When using the interviewer's name, name them by their last name as "Mister" or "Madam", or whatever title they used when they first introduced themselves.
    • Only address the interviewer by his first name if he / she specifically asks you to do so.
    • If the interviewer compliments you or makes positive comments about you, tell them “thank you”.

Method 2 of 4: Excel in the rest of the interview

  1. Take notes to organize your thoughts. An advantage of a telephone interview is that you can take notes while the interviewer is talking or asking questions. This can help you plan what to say and make sure you answer the question in full.
    • If the interviewer asks a multiple question, outline the question by writing one or two words to help you remember each part. You will impress the interviewer when you respond in an organized manner and return the parts of their question to them.
  2. Listen carefully and pause before responding. If you only hear a voice with no visual input, it can be difficult to stay sharp. Concentrate on what your interviewer is saying and try to keep your mind from drifting or thinking about what you are going to say.
    • Wait a few seconds before you start speaking. This not only allows you to make sure the interviewer is done speaking, but also allows you to collect your thoughts before speaking.
    • If you miss part of a question, or if you don't understand what the interviewer is asking, ask before starting your answer.
  3. Speak clearly and say your words. Regardless of the clarity of the connection, it can be more difficult to hear someone on the phone than if you were on a call. Overcome this with slow, deliberate speech.
    • Make this something you work on during your real-life phone conversations if you have trouble speaking or have a tendency to mumble.
    • While speaking, make sure to sit up rather than lie down or lean and keep your hands off your face. It may be easier if you wear a headset or put the call on the speaker so you don't have to hold the phone to your face.
  4. Ask follow-up questions to express your interest. The best interview feels more like a give-and-take conversation. While the interviewer will likely ask you at the end of the interview if you have any further questions, you should also make sure to ask questions during the interview when the opportunity arises.
    • For example, the interviewer might ask you a question that reminds you of a news article you read about a new product the company is unveiling. When you have finished answering the question, you might ask, "That reminds me of the article I read in Tech Daily about your Widget! How do you see the Widget on everyday communication?"
  5. Send a thank you note after the interview. After your interview is over, take a few minutes to prepare and send a handwritten thank you note to your interviewer. The note does not have to contain more than two or three sentences. Just thank them for their time and for the opportunity, and let them know you look forward to hearing from them soon.
    • Try to be as specific as possible. If there was something they said to you that really stood out, you could call it.
    • If they gave you a clear time frame for when you could expect to hear from them, state it specifically.

Method 3 of 4: Sound professional and confident

  1. Sit upright at a desk or table. A phone interview is not the time to spread out on your bed or lounge on the couch. How you sit affects how your voice sounds, and your interviewer will likely be able to tell if you are sitting back. This gives the impression that you are not taking the interview seriously.
    • Lying down can also reduce call quality or result in a lot of rustling and background noise when you change positions.
    • When you sit up straight, your voice will radiate authority and confidence, which your interviewer will be able to hear.
  2. Treat a telephone interview like a face-to-face interview. While it is true that your telephone interviewer cannot see you, how you dress and present yourself will have an effect on your overall tone and attitude. Your interviewer will notice.
    • You don't necessarily have to dress quite like you would if you were going to an in-person interview, but at least dress neatly and professionally for your phone interview.
    • Think as if you were getting ready for the phone call the way you would be getting ready for work if you were hired by the company.
  3. Avoid eating or drinking. Even if you have the person on the speaker, they can hear if you are eating or drinking during the interview. If you've ever heard someone eat or drink on the phone, you understand how disturbing this can be.
    • Like the idea of ​​treating a phone interview like a face-to-face interview, you don't want to do anything you wouldn't do if you were meeting in your interviewer's office - like eat, drink, or chew gum.
    • Have a glass of water on hand in case your throat gets dry. Turn your head away from the phone to drink and avoid ice cubes that can ring and be heard over the phone.
  4. Smile when you speak. When you smile, your face is more relaxed and your tone automatically becomes kinder and brighter. Although the interviewer cannot see you, your voice exudes positivity and enthusiasm.

Method 4 of 4: Plan ahead for the interview

  1. Research the company before the interview. Even if you've researched the company before applying, it's time to dig deeper once you've gotten a phone interview. Learn what's happening in the business and in the general industry.
    • Look up news items and go to the company's website to read press releases and find out what new products or services the company will release soon. Make notes about things you would like to ask your interviewer about.
    • You also want to get a grip on the activities of the company's main competitors. Also read about the general industry so you understand the strengths of the market.
  2. Prepare sample answers for frequently asked interview questions. When you give a telephone interview, the interviewer cannot see you. Use this to your advantage by writing some quick notes to help you when you get particularly difficult questions.
    • For example, you will likely be asked to name your strengths and weaknesses. Your answers to these questions should be organized and concise, and should relate to a work-related characteristic, not a personal one.
  3. Practice talking on the phone. Doing an interview by phone is nothing more than chatting with friends and family. Especially if you have not had much experience with professional telephone calls, try to get on the phone as often as possible in the days leading up to the call.
    • When you are on the phone, you lack visual cues that can tell you when a person has stopped talking or when it is time for you to respond. Practicing telephone conversations allows you to adapt so that the conversation goes more smoothly.
    • If you have no real reasons for using the phone, ask a friend or family member if they are willing to practice with you. Get them to call at a specific time and treat it like an interview.
  4. Find a quiet place to take the call. Create an area at home or in a quiet environment where you can control the background noise and activities around you. If you are using your cell phone, make sure you get a good signal at that location.
    • If your home is a noisy place with children or roommates walking in and out, look elsewhere with relative privacy. Many libraries have meeting rooms or study rooms with closed doors that you can reserve - just make sure your room is set up well in advance.
  5. Turn off notifications and electronic devices. If the interviewer hears sounds from a device during the interview, they get the impression that you are doing something else while talking to them. Give them your undivided attention, just as you would if you had the interview in their office.
    • Other devices can also disrupt your signal and affect the quality of your reception if you are using a mobile phone. Turn off all Wi-Fi devices in the area where you are answering the call, or move them to another room for the duration of the call.
  6. Gather all your documentation. Organize your notes, all information about the company, and copies of your resume and other materials so that you can easily access them while on the phone for the interview.
    • Spread things out for easy access without having to shake or move a lot. The interviewer can hear you on the phone and you may sound more scattered and disorganized than you actually are.
  7. Try breathing exercises to do before the time of the call. You will likely be nervous when the time approaches for your interviewer to call. Practicing deep breathing can calm your voice and help you relax and focus.
    • In addition to taking a few deep breaths, you may also want to try a few vocal prep exercises, just like singers or actors do before taking to the stage. This will help keep your voice from cracking or shaking and gives you more control over your voice.