Becoming a success

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Secret To Becoming Successful (MUST WATCH!)
Video: The Secret To Becoming Successful (MUST WATCH!)


While there is no single secret to success, successful people have many traits and habits in common. Pursuing the habits of successful people, and making theories about how to become more productive in your own life, can help you become successful in what you are pursuing.

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Part 1 of 3: Achieving success by living a healthy life

  1. Get up early. One of the founding fathers of the USA and successful businessman Ben Franklin said “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”; Go to bed early and get up early, that makes a man healthy, rich and wise. Research has shown that getting up early makes you more careful and improves your problem-solving skills, while also ensuring that you get the most out of every hour of the day. Some tactics that can help you consistently get up early include:
    • Arrange evenings so that you can go to bed at a normal time (this also means that you stop using electronics an hour before you go to bed).
    • Do not press the snooze button. Instead, put your alarm clock on a table across the room from where you sleep, forcing you to get out of bed to turn off the alarm.
  2. Move. Successful people understand that being your best means taking care of your body, and this includes regular exercise to reap the following benefits:
    • It reduces depression.
    • It improves your energy levels and fights fatigue.
    • It improves immune responses and prevents disease.
    • It teaches you discipline and commitment to goals.
    • If you don't have time for a dedicated exercise schedule, make small changes, such as taking the stairs or walking instead of taking the car to a nearby spot, to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Feed your emotional and mental health. Research shows that a foundation of emotional health is critical to overall self-esteem, which is an important component for successful professional ventures. In other words: Success doesn't create happy people; happy people create success. Below are some suggestions for how you can take charge of your happiness and create success:
    • Engagement: In this context, engagement means an attitude of staying engaged regardless of challenges and setbacks. It means refusing to become isolated in uncertainty and instead using agreements as the driving force behind current and future endeavors.
    • Control: Control means refusing to be powerless. It means embracing tasks and the struggles that come with them, making efforts to influence outcomes rather than just allowing the outcome to happen.
    • Challenge: Challenge reflects an indomitable attitude of seeing stress moments, be they positive or negative, as food for learning and development.

Part 2 of 3: Achieving success as a mental process

  1. Visualize a plan. Take the time to chart the course of each day. Visualize the steps you will take to complete important projects and tasks, instead of just making a list. Research has shown that visualizing activities increases the speed and success of completing that task, which means that when you visualize your plan, you are able to do more every day. Below are possible ways to use visualization for success:
    • Focus your thoughts on the personal qualities you need to be successful. Regardless of whether you are the principal of a bank or the janitor of a school, there are qualities that all successful people share. Listening, learning, communicating, delegating, organizing, to name a few, are the kind of skills successful people possess.
    • Imagine what success will look like. Are you striving to become a successful interior decorator, or a stay-at-home parent? In either case, it's important to visualize what success will look like for you, down to details such as what you'll be wearing and who else will be there.
    • Use reinforcement. Vision corresponds to verbal and written affirmations. For example, if you want to become a successful golfer, close your eyes and repeat to yourself I can see myself on the green. I feel comfortable and confident and ready to hit. When I hit the ball, it will go exactly where I want. It lands on the green, two strokes ahead of par.
  2. Know why you want the things you want. Part of success is self-awareness, and part of self-awareness is understanding the motives that drive your desires and behaviors.
    • It requires you to know your goals, what you achieve by achieving them, and how those achievements positively affect your life. For example, if you want a promotion at work, ask yourself why. Is it for more money or greater personal achievement? Is it because you're trying to impress someone else?
    • Thinking reflexively about your purposefulness allows you to reassess your needs and make smarter decisions. When you realize that the reason you want a promotion doesn't really match the person you need to become to get it, you can rethink your priorities and look for ways to maintain personal happiness while still striving for success.
  3. Set new priorities. Write out a time budget that describes what you did and how long it took in the previous week. Take a good look at what you spend your time and effort on. This includes the time you spend developing personal and professional relationships, which play an important role in success.
    • Ask yourself if what you get back for the time investment is worth the effort.For example, does staying up at night talking to your girlfriend help you be more productive at the work you love? Does working 40 hours a week as a classroom assistant help fulfill your personal desire to help children and make the world a better place?
    • Adjust expectations and how to fulfill them. Ask yourself which tasks and responsibilities bring you the most overall satisfaction and write them down. Now look at your list and ask yourself what obstacles you will face on the way to achieving your goals. Are these obstacles things you have formed yourself, or are they challenges that make you a better person? Among these obstacles, are there things you can take off your path to bring yourself closer to success?
  4. Embrace your passion. A pitfall on the road to success is pursuing a goal because it brought someone else success, ignoring your own passion. This does not mean that you have to act impulsively, but it does mean that you have to play according to your own strength and learn how to influence your creativity and enthusiasm.
    • Good work brings good pay. Rather than focusing on jobs because they pay well, focus on jobs that you are passionate about and can excel in. Excellence will bring financial rewards in every area of ​​work.
    • You are the product. When people invest in a business, it is rarely because the product they are selling is irreplaceable. Rather, it is the person at the helm who leads the project and has vision and inspires confidence. When you embrace your passion, you emphasize the key traits of your character and skills that make you great. People respond to this and will believe in you.
    • Do it because you can't not do it. Think about what makes you want to wake up in the morning. Is it your role at work, your role as a parent, the hobby that you engage in in the evenings? Look for ways to unify what inspires you into a marketable skill or product and invent your own success.
  5. Learn to accept discomfort and delayed rewards. Mental strength doesn't mean you don't have emotions. It means that you are aware of emotions you have, but are strong enough to control them in the event of unavoidable discomfort.
    • Be motivated. Do you suffer from anxiety around unknown people? Are you bored with a current task that is important to the success of a larger project? Instead of saying I wish I didn't have to do [x] can you say I can get through this or Let's take one day at a time.
    • Start small. Today you refuse to watch television until after the dishes. In a year's time, you will refuse to stop running during the 23rd kilometer of a marathon. Training for success is not a snap. It's about maintaining standards and good habits over time and in all aspects of life.
  6. Think about your progress. In the same way that it is important to have a plan, it is just as important to step back and reflect on what you have accomplished and what remains to be done.
    • Keep a diary. Some activities, such as keeping a diary, keeping lists, or using a calendar or vision board, help reflect and track our path to success.
    • Remember that reflection is not easy. The whole purpose of reflection on your path to success is not to pat yourself on the shoulders, but to critically assess whether you are reaching your milestones. If not, it may require adjustments to your original plan, or a total change from what you originally thought you would do.
    • Starting over is no loss. If as you reflect, you realize that you are on the wrong path, then it is time to visualize a new direction. Take stock of what you have learned and figure out how to redirect yourself, away from the path you are on, to one that better suits your ambitions and talents.

Part 3 of 3: Adopt the habits of success

  1. Learn from failure. Successful people are not born; they are made from accumulated life experiences, and that includes risks as well as failure. While acting impulsively is never recommended, taking calculated risks can pay off in the long run. Even if you are unsuccessful in everything you undertake, studying failure and learning from it is an important trait of all successful people.
    • Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 mainly because he was difficult to work with. But he returned 12 years later and turned the then failed company into a success because he had become a better leader.
  2. Be proactive, non reactive. Research has linked personal success with proactivity. Therefore, instead of waiting for the opportunity to find you, brainstorm ways to improve your life and career and act sooner rather than later. Below are a few tactics to become more proactive: Useful brainstorming techniques include free writing, list creation, and folders.
    • Anticipate what obstacles you will encounter and how to tackle them. Related to skills such as visualization is prediction. When we realistically project a path to success, we will necessarily also project the pitfalls along the way.
    • Avoid avoidable obstacles. While not all obstacles are avoidable, many of them can be avoided through preparation, funding, and training beforehand.
    • Be aware of the time. Research shows that learning is just as important as doing.when Acting too quickly on something you're unfamiliar with can make you appear unprepared or reckless. If you act too late, you may not be able to use your skills and show leadership.
  3. Surround yourself with successful people. Success does not arise in a vacuum. Every successful person has a long list of friends, teachers, mentors, colleagues, etc. who have helped them along the way.
    • Look for people you already have in your life who are talented, positive, supportive, motivated and knowledgeable. Spend time learning from them and working together when possible.
    • Internships, seminars, and walking with a colleague are other great ways to communicate with and learn from successful people.
    • Perhaps your goal is outside the rat race and you are looking for ways to be successful as a parent or as a teacher. The rule remains the same. Find those people who are successful and who you admire. Spend time with them and learn what keeps them going. Pursue good habits to reinforce your own ambitions.
  4. Nurture strong, positive relationships. Are you trying to improve the delivery of a product or service to a customer? Are you looking for mentorship from other, more experienced professionals? Are you trying to improve your skills as a competitive cyclist? Whether you think logistically or personally, nurturing strong relationships is an integral part of success no matter what the playing field is. The following tactics can help you grow these relationships in productive ways:
    • Grow your personal network. While every entrepreneur knows that a strong brand and social media presence is important to professional success, they don't take the place of face-to-face encounters, which are the most common sources of opportunity and growth.
    • Cherish relationships outside of your serious aspiration. See your personal life as an exercise for dealing with people in professional or work-related contexts. If you don't listen to family needs or aren't a loyal friend, these relationships won't thrive. It's also important to look for opportunities to develop relationships with new friends, so consider joining a club or attending a hobby gathering.
  5. Ask questions and listen more than you talk. Asking questions is a great way to not only become a part of important conversations, but it also grows your knowledge and increases your attractiveness as it gives others the opportunity to share.
    • Listening to others also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of their knowledge and use what you learn for future tasks.
  6. Take responsibility. When you put the blame for your actions, you will also remove the opportunity to receive credit for your success.
    • Do not blame forces beyond your control for failures. Instead, analyze what you did and how so you can do better next time. Remember that only you decide whether you succeed or fail.
  7. Adheres to high standards. Successful people are intensely motivated and have a strong work ethic.
    • Give yourself completely to any task you undertake. Exceed the expectations of colleagues and supervisors. Don't accept Enough but instead always work toward improvement and development beyond what is required.