Become a stylish lady

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BE ELEGANT & GRACEFUL // In 10 Easy Steps // Fashion Mumblr
Video: HOW TO BE ELEGANT & GRACEFUL // In 10 Easy Steps // Fashion Mumblr


If you are a classy lady you show that you have class and manners and also have a good upbringing. It does not mean that you are a snob or arrogant, but that you have dignity, respect for others and are moderate in your daily life. Read on below if you want to know how to become a classy lady.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Part 1: A stylish look

  1. Make sure you have good posture. Good attitude is important if you want to be a stylish lady. Make sure you keep your back straight, whether you are sitting or standing, never slouch. Slouching is a sign of laziness and bad manners, so make sure to keep your spine straight and your head up.
    • Also try to do this when you are alone so that you get used to it and do it naturally in front of others.
  2. Make sure you practice good hygiene. This means that you take a shower every day, always wear clean clothes, without stains. If you do something that gets you dirty, change your clothes immediately afterward. If you're doing something that makes you sweat like dancing, bring an extra shirt.
  3. Make sure you look well-groomed. Brush your hair several times a day as needed and be prepared to put your hair up if you are experiencing hair loss. Don't brush your hair in public though, that's not classy. Wait until you are alone.
  4. Put on stylish make-up (optional). If you like makeup then apply it properly. For your daily makeup, natural looking makeup is the best choice. Little or no makeup is better than smudgy makeup. Remember, too much or poorly applied makeup looks cheap.
  5. Dress in an elegant and modest way. It's about dressing with dignity. This does not have to cost much. Make sure your clothes look good. Clothing that is torn or too exposed has no class. It is important that the clothes fit you well, are wrinkle-free, fit the occasion and cover your body where it should.
    • This means that you do not wear skirts or shirts that are too short or clothing that is too transparent.
    • If you really want to wear seductive clothing (such as a deep neckline, bare shoulders or a high slit in a skirt) then make sure you only strip one part of the body. For example, a top that you want to put on when you go out at night that has a deep neckline should cover your shoulders and be paired with long pants or a skirt.
    • Remember, when in doubt, it is better to look too tidy than too casual. It is better to look nicer than the other guests than to look like you didn't spend as much time on it as the others.

Method 2 of 3: Part two: Stylish behavior

  1. Always use refined language. Don't curse or use harsh expressions. Swearing is one of the least ladylike behaviors out there.
    • If you think conversations will get boring if you are not allowed to swear, remember that this is temporary. Because the more you use other expressions (which are endless) the more expressive and interesting your language use becomes.
  2. Articulate clearly. If you want to speak distinguished, you should speak clearly and not mumble or speak too loudly. A classy lady speaks confidently and speaks loud enough for others to understand. Avoid stop words like "um" or "well" that you use every two seconds because it doesn't come across as sophisticated.
    • Read a lot so you can increase your vocabulary and ways of expression.
  3. Be caring for others. This is the key to real class. If you are not, you will soon be seen as a snob. Be especially obliging to the elderly and make sure that there is no one below you and must deprive your attention. Always be polite. Ladies with class never express themselves in a hurtful or offensive way to others.
    • If you have to confront someone or put someone in his or her place, speak the truth how you see it. But do so in moderate language and without shouting. It is also important to find the right time and place for such confrontations.
  4. Make others feel comfortable. Classy ladies are social and easy to get along with. The key to this lies in making the people you meet feel comfortable and accepted by you. If you struggle with this, work on your social skills and your charisma.
    • Improving your conversation skills is a great way to make people feel comfortable. You also give the impression that you are well-educated and well-informed.
  5. Make sure you master etiquette perfectly. A good start is to always be polite, rather say "thank you" once too much than once too little. A good knowledge of etiquette is also important if you are nervous during social occasions because at least you always know how to behave.
    • Learn the etiquette of dining, work, and dates to become a stylish lady.
    • Remember, commenting on someone else's lack of manners is not part of etiquette. Unless the situation really calls for it (their behavior may be causing harm to others or is really immoral and unacceptable), you forgive these people for their shortcomings and rude behavior.
  6. Avoid speaking ill of others. Malicious gossip or evil speaking behind someone is not class. While you may be angry with someone or feel that you have been wronged, you are not solving your problems by gossiping to a third party. If you want to be a classy lady, you have to control yourself and avoid saying anything negative about others unless you want to get into trouble.
    • Keep your Facebook account stylish too. Stay positive instead of bellowing about people who have hurt you.
  7. Stand up for yourself with dignity. Being sophisticated and polite doesn't mean being pushy or putting forward opinions that don't belong to you. If you feel that your opinions are too compelling or hurtful to those you are with, don't lie, but change the subject. If someone asks an impertinent question, don't feel obligated to answer - just joke or turn the question over.
    • If you stand up for yourself, tell us how things are going, but do this without swearing or strong emotions.

Method 3 of 3: Part three: Make an extra effort

  1. Make sure you are well read. Read novels to find role models for etiquette and good manners. Jane Austen is exceptional in her precise portrayal of good / bad manners and morals. It is a book essential for anyone who wants to become a stylish lady. Reading classic novels also has the advantage that you are well informed. Ignorance does not belong to a lady of class.
    • If you are well-read, you can also have a more refined conversation.
  2. Find stylish friends. If you are truly determined to become a classy lady, you should seek out the company of classy people. If your friends are lowering your level of class or not supporting your new way of thinking, it may be time to choose other people with whom you can be a classy lady. These people should ideally be confident, act confident, and maybe be a bit older and more mature than you so that you can learn from them.
  3. Be a conscientious good citizen. What the hell does that mean? Different things. Do not leave your shopping cart in the parking lot after you have put your groceries in the trunk; return it to the row of shopping carts. Give way to pedestrians when your car is moving. Even if you are in a hurry, keep the door open for older people.
    • If you dropped something at the grocery store, either clean it up or let an employee know. Don't just walk away.
  4. Let go of the habits of a lady without class. If you really want to become a classy lady, you have to break a few habits that make you less stylish than you might be. Here are some things to avoid:
    • Smack with gum
    • Audibly chewing your food
    • Burping in public
    • Getting too drunk in public
    • Raise your middle finger to people
    • Roll your eyes
  5. Take responsibility for your own actions. The pinnacle of being stylish is taking responsibility for what you've done in your life. It's not classy to play the victim, blame someone else for all your troubles, or say 'I could have done this and such if person x hadn't done this or that ...' Stop whining or making excuses and understand that life is what you make of it and that you have the power to be as stylish as you want and to live the life you desire.
    • It's not classy to complain about the things you don't have. It is stylish to recognize that you still have a lot of work to do to become the person you really want to be.


  • Keep your face glowing and your hair shiny.
  • Reading historical novels and plays can be a great source of inspiration. However, keep in mind that manners today are not as rigid and formal as they used to be.
  • Don't be a snob or condescending to people who are younger than you or in a service profession. You should always be nice and polite to everyone.