Write a standard operating procedure

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Your Company
Video: How to Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Your Company


A Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) contains information on how to perform a task step-by-step. An existing SOP only needs to be modified and updated, but you could also find yourself in a situation where you have to set one up completely.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Setting up your SOP

  1. Choose the format. There is no right and wrong way to write an SOP. But your company probably already has a number of SOPs that you can look at to get an idea of ​​the desired set-up. Use existing SOPs - if any - as an example. If there aren't any, you have a few options:
    • The setup with the simple steps. This is good for routine procedures, which are short, produce few possible results, and are reasonably concrete. In fact, beyond the necessary documentation and safety precautions, it is nothing more than a list of points, telling the reader in simple sentences what to do.
    • The setup with the hierarchical steps. This works well for longer procedures - with more than ten steps, requiring decisions to be made, clarified and terminology explained. This is generally a list of the main steps and their sub-steps in a specific order.
    • The setup with the flow charts. If a procedure is more like a map, with many different possible outcomes, a flowchart is the best solution. You should choose this setup when the outcomes cannot be predicted properly.
  2. Think about your audience. There are three important things to consider before writing an SOP:
    • What does your audience already know? Is your public familiar with the organization and its procedures? Do they know the terminology? The language you use should match the reader's knowledge and contribution.
    • The language abilities of your audience. Is it possible there are people who don't speak your language if they read your SOP ""? If so, it's a good idea to include images with captions and diagrams.
    • The size of your audience. If your SOP is read by many people (in different roles) at the same time, you have to set up the document as a dialogue in a play: user 1 does something, then user 2, and so on. In this way, every user can see how he or she is a cog in a smoothly running machine.
  3. Think about "your" knowledge. The bottom line is this: Are you the right person to write this down? Do you understand what this is about? How could it go wrong? How it should be safe? If not, you better hand the job over to someone else. A poorly written - or worse, incorrectly written - SOP not only leads to decreased productivity and organizational failure, but can also be unsafe and impact everything from your team to the environment. In short, it is not a risk that you want to take.
    • If it's a project you feel obliged to complete, don't be afraid to ask those who deal with the procedure every day for help. Conducting interviews is a common part of the SOP creation process.
  4. Choose between a short or long SOP. If you are writing or updating an SOP for a group of people who are familiar with the protocol, terminology, etc. and just want a short and concise SOP, such as a checklist, you can keep it short.
    • Besides the general objective and other relevant information (date, author, ID number, etc.), it only contains a list of steps. If no further details or clarifications are needed, this is enough.
  5. Keep the purpose of the SOP in mind. It is clear that you are dealing with a procedure that is repeated over and over in your organization. But is there any specific reason this SOP is so valuable? Should safety be emphasized in it? Compliance measures? Is it used for training or on a daily basis? Here are a few reasons why your SOP is necessary for the success of your team:
    • To ensure compliance standards are met
    • To maximize production requirements
    • to ensure that the procedure does not adversely affect the environment
    • To ensure safety
    • To make sure everything goes according to schedule
    • To avoid manufacturing defects
    • To be used as a training document
      • Knowing what to emphasize in your SOP will make it easier to structure the document around those points. It's also easier to see how important your SOP is.

Part 2 of 3: Writing your SOP

  1. Describe the necessary material. Technical SOPs generally, "in addition to" the procedure itself, consist of four elements:
    • Title page. This includes 1) the title of the procedure, 2) an identification number of the SOP, 3) the date of issue or modification, 4) the name of the company, division or department to which the SOP relates, and 5) the signatures of those who prepared and approved the SOP. You can set up this page however you want, as long as that information is clear.
    • Index. This is only necessary if your SOP is long, so that you can easily look it up. A simple standard setup is what you need here.
    • Quality and quality control. A procedure is no good if it cannot be checked. Make sure you have the necessary material and details available so that the reader can verify that the desired result has been achieved. This can be in the form of other documents, such as, for example, evaluation examples.
    • Reference. Make sure you have a list of all cited or cited reference books. When referring to other SOPs, make sure that the necessary information is included in the appendix.
      • It may be that your organization uses other protocols than these. If you can refer to an already existing SOPs, let go of this structure and stick to what is already there.
  2. In the procedure itself, make sure to adhere to the following:
    • Scope and applicability. In other words, describe the purpose of the process, its boundaries, but also how it will be used. Add standards, regulations, roles and responsibilities, and input and output.
    • Methodology and procedures. This is the flesh on the bones - list all the steps, including the necessary details and including all the necessary equipment. Include subsequent procedures and decision factors.Identify the "what ... if" points and any potential breaches or security concerns.
    • Clarification of Terminology. Identify abbreviations and phrases that are not in common parlance.
    • Health and Safety Warnings. List these in a separate chapter, and also list them next to the steps to which they relate. Do not trivialize these things.
    • Equipment and supplies. List what is needed and what equipment or equipment standards you can find when and where.
    • Warnings and Problems. So the problems department. Talk about anything that can go wrong, what to look out for, and what could be a problem for the final, perfect product.
      • Give each topic its own chapter (usually numbered) to keep your SOP from becoming too linguistic and confusing and to keep things accessible.
      • This is not an exhaustive list; this is just the tip of the procedural iceberg. Your organization can indicate which other aspects require attention.
  3. Keep your writings concise and easy to read. Chances are, your audience isn't reading them for fun. Keep it short and sweet - otherwise you will lose attention or they will find the document difficult to get through and difficult to understand. Keep your sentences as short as possible.
    • Here's one bad example: Make sure to remove all dust from the air inlets before using them.
    • Here's one good example ": Before use, vacuum all dust from the air inlets.
    • In general, don't talk about "you". It speaks for itself. Speak actively and begin your sentences with the imperative.
  4. If necessary, interview the employees involved in the process about how they perform the work. The last thing you want is to write a SOP that just doesn't make sense. You endanger the safety, effectiveness and time of your team and you do not take into account procedures already in use - something your colleagues will not thank you. Ask questions if necessary! This must be done right!
    • If things are unclear, ask different people to take all roles and responsibilities with them. One team member may not adhere to the SOP and another may only be involved in some of the actions.
  5. Break large chunks of text into pieces with diagrams and flow charts. If you're dealing with one or two steps that are especially tricky, you can make it easy for your readers with a chart or chart. It becomes easier to read and it gives the mind a break from all the efforts to understand everything. And to you it looks more complete and well written.
    • Don't just use them to spice up or make your SOP look more impressive; only do it if it makes sense or if you are trying to overcome a language barrier.
  6. Make sure every page has the correct coding. Your SOP is undoubtedly one of many SOPs. For that reason, your organization should keep a kind of database in which everything is kept based on a certain indexing system. Your SOP is part of that indexing and therefore needs some form of coding to be found again. That is why it must be clearly stated.
    • Each page must have a short title or ID number, the date and a page number. You may need footnotes; that depends on the policy of your organization on this point.

Part 3 of 3: Ensuring success and precision

  1. Test the procedure. If you don't want to test your procedure, you probably haven't written it well enough. Ask someone with "limited understanding" of the process (or someone representative of the common reader) to use your SOP and be guided by it. What problems do they run into? If there are any, you need to address them and make the necessary adjustments.
    • It is best to have your SOP tested by a few people. Different people will run into different things, which will give you many (hopefully useful) answers.
    • Make sure the procedure is tested by someone who has never done it. Someone with foreknowledge is going to rely on that to get ahead and not in the first place on your work, so that it misses the mark.
  2. Have the SOP assessed by those who actually perform the procedure. It doesn't matter in the end for real what your bosses think of the SOP. It's about the ones out there actually have to cooperate. So before sending it to the bosses upstairs, show the fruit of your pen to those who will be doing or already doing the work. Find what she of it?
    • By involving them and making them part of the process, they are more likely to accept this SOP. And they undoubtedly have some great ideas!
  3. Have your SOP checked by your advisors and the quality control department. Once the team is OK, you can forward it to your advisors. They may have less to say about the work itself, but they'll let you know if the setup is okay, if you've forgotten something, and they'll let you know how to make everything official and part of the system.
    • Use the official routing systems to obtain document approval, so that you can be sure that the process to give approval is properly signed off. This differs from organization to organization. You just want to make sure that everyone has had their say and that all the rules have been followed.
    • There must be signatures underneath. Most companies no longer have any trouble with electronic signatures.
  4. Start using your SOP as soon as it is approved. You may first need to organize training for the employees involved, but it may also mean that your paper is hung up in the toilet. Be that as it may, make sure your work is used! You did it. Time for a bit of recognition!
    • Make sure your SOP remains up to date. If this is no longer the case, arrange for an update immediately, ensure that the updates are approved and documented and send the SOP again. Your team's safety, productivity and success depend on it.


  • Simply use Dutch to explain the steps.
  • Remember to involve stakeholders if possible so that the written process is consistent with the actual process.
  • Check if an older version of the SOP exists. Maybe you can limit yourself to a few quick tweaks. Make sure you document them properly too!
  • Have a document history with each new version.
  • Use flow charts and images so the reader can follow the process properly.
  • Pay attention to clarity. Make sure that multiple interpretations are not possible. Show the procedure to someone unfamiliar with it and ask them what they think: you could still be faced with surprises.
  • Have your document checked before you have it approved.