Planning a romantic treasure hunt

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to build a Valentines Day Treasure / Scavenger hunt
Video: How to build a Valentines Day Treasure / Scavenger hunt


A romantic treasure hunt is a fun and unique way to celebrate your anniversary or Valentine's Day or just to let your partner know you love him (or her). There are many different ways to go on a treasure hunt, so capitalize yours on your relationship. With a little planning and some effort, you can create a romantic treasure hunt that your partner will absolutely love.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Planning the treasure hunt

  1. Determine what and where the last treasure will be. When you're planning your own romantic treasure hunt, it's easiest to start with the end result and work backwards. If you know how the treasure hunt will end, you can plan how to get there. Choose an end place and / or activity that has special meaning for you and your partner. You can include numerous activities and places during your treasure hunt, but make sure to end the treasure hunt in the most special way.
    • Choose the place of your first date or first kiss.
    • End your treasure hunt in a romantic hotel room.
    • Consider ending your treasure hunt where you and your partner are engaged.
  2. Plan the other parts of your treasure hunt. Make a list of all the activities and / or places that have special meaning for you and your partner, as they can be used in your treasure hunt. Use places you have fond memories of, including your partner's favorite cafe or restaurant, etc.
    • The longer you want your treasure hunt to take, the more steps you need to have.
    • Keep the treasure hunt fun and interesting. Don't make it so long that your partner gets bored or tired of it.
  3. Determine the scope of your romantic treasure hunt. Do you want to do the whole treasure hunt at home? Do you want it to go through your entire neighborhood? Do you want to go on a treasure hunt all over the city? Do you want your treasure hunt to last all day or just a few hours? Do you want to add activities or do you just want to leave directions in many places? Be creative and don't forget to choose places that are important to both of you.
    • Think about how your date will move around town. If he or she has a car, you can plan a treasure hunt on a larger scale. However, if your partner has to, walk, or cycle on public transport, you may want to plan your treasure hunt on a smaller scale.
    • Plan your treasure hunt in such a way that it makes geographic sense. Don't let your date zigzag around town. Plan each step to make the treasure hunt run smoothly.
    • Make use of the sights of your city when planning your treasure hunt. These landmarks can guide parts of your treasure hunt.

Part 2 of 3: Making the clues

  1. Decide what kind of directions you want to give. You can create various written directions, you can use pictures, or you can use small gifts to guide your partner to every step of the treasure hunt. You can use the same type of clue throughout the treasure hunt or include all different types of clues.
  2. Write romantic clues that lead to special places. These clues should have special meaning in your relationship, so include places that are extremely memorable for you and your partner. At each place you have to leave a different clue that leads to the next place. To make the treasure hunt even more fun, you can create clues in the form of rhymes.
    • Simple clues could include:
      • The first place we kissed.
      • The site of our last tickle fight.
      • The place where we first said, "I love you."
    • Clues with riddles or rhymes can include:
      • This was an evening I will never forget, to the place of our first kiss you must go.
      • You will never miss your first cup of coffee, so ask your favorite barista where to go now.
  3. Write clues that lead to your partner's favorite places or activities. Pick places that aren't too difficult to figure out or your partner could be going to the wrong places. For this action plan, you may need to involve employees in every place. If they want to participate, give an employee the following clue to your partner at each place. Clues can include, for example:
    • Your favorite restaurant.
    • Our cozy Sunday place.
    • Our favorite ice cream shop.
    • For the clues, it is recommended that you use clear and sturdy paper (such as colored folding paper) so that your partner can easily find each clue.
  4. Use pictures to guide your partner to each clue. Use images of special memories, recognizable places and other specific things to take your partner on a romantic treasure hunt. Tell him or she to follow each photo to get to the next photo. For example, take photos of:
    • A photo of you two in a particular restaurant.
    • A photo of a particular dress or shirt that you wore on a special occasion.
    • A photo of a private joke that will lead your partner to a specific place.
  5. During the treasure hunt, give your partner small gifts that will lead to the final surprise. Wrap each gift individually and add a clue to guide him or her to the next gift. This will allow your partner to happily try to figure out what the big surprise is when he or she unwraps each gift.
    • For example, your treasure hunt could lead your partner to a romantic massage that will take place in your bedroom. So you could leave gifts such as candles, massage oil, bathrobe, lotions, etc., at every step of the treasure hunt. Once you have arrived at the final place, you can use all these items for your last surprise.

Part 3 of 3: Setting up the treasure hunt

  1. Take all supplies. Whether you're writing clues, putting photos in special places, or giving small gifts during your treasure hunt, you need to provide all the materials you need to make your treasure hunt. Buy these supplies when your partner is away from you so that he or she doesn't get suspicious.
    • You need to prepare all the steps of your treasure hunt, whether you're writing clues or giving small gifts.
    • Give each clue a number to make sure you put the clues in the right order.
  2. Set each step. Go to all places on your treasure hunt to set up the clues. Stick the clues in place, use an object to make them heavier, hang them from a fence with a ribbon, hang a banner from a tree, or have someone wait there to pass your clues to your partner. Any clue should be fairly easy to spot so that your partner has no problem finding them.
    • Involve your mutual friends to deliver the clues to your partner in each place.
    • You could also hire people to give directions to your partner. These people could dress up with costumes to take your treasure hunt to the next level.
    • If you are setting up directions in stores, restaurants, etc., then you need to talk to management to get their approval. Some of your clues may require the help of these things, so make sure they are willing to help.
  3. Do a test run of the treasure hunt. It is a good idea to do a test run of the treasure hunt so you know if it works, if it is too easy or too difficult, and approximately how much time it takes to complete it. This allows you to make the necessary adjustments before sending your partner on a romantic treasure hunt.
    • This way you can also determine what time you have to be at the end place to wait for him or her.
  4. Start the treasure hunt! Now that you have everything set up, you can start this romantic treasure hunt. Give your partner the first clue and let him or her begin the journey. Make sure you are at the end place by the time he or she gets there.