Making a rice sock

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make A Hot Sock Rice Pack
Video: Make A Hot Sock Rice Pack


A rice sock is a homemade heating pad that you can quickly heat up in the microwave. You can then place the warm rice sock on different parts of your body to treat pain, chills, and other ailments. It's important to use a cotton sock for your rice sock that won't catch fire and melt when you heat it up. Also tie a knot in the sock so that you can put in a new filling if necessary.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Fill the sock with rice

  1. Choose a suitable sock. For a smaller heating pad, use a sock that reaches mid-calf. To make a larger heating pad, use a sock that covers your calf or a knee sock. Use a 100% cotton sock. Choose a thick, finely woven sock to protect your skin from the hot rice and prevent the rice from falling out.
    • It is important to use cotton as it does not burn or melt in the microwave.
    • Make sure no metallic threads, such as silver or copper, are woven through the sock as these materials can catch fire in the microwave.
    • Do not use a sock with holes in it as the rice will fall out.
    • To make a larger heating pad, use a small pillowcase instead of a sock.
  2. Add new rice when needed. Over time, the rice in the sock may start to smell stale or burnt. When this happens, open the sock, throw out the rice, and fill the sock with fresh rice. This way you avoid the risk of fire and ensure that your rice sock does not start to smell when you use it.

Part 2 of 3: Heating up the rice sock

  1. Heat the rice sock in the oven. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius. Place the rice sock in a deep baking pan or oven dish. Put a lid on or cover the can or bowl with aluminum foil. Fill an ovenproof dish or bowl with water. When the oven is hot enough, place the baking tin or baking dish on the top rack and the bowl of water on the rack underneath. After 20 minutes, check how warm the rice sock is. Heat the rice sock for an additional 10 minutes if necessary.
    • The water in the oven keeps the air moist and prevents the fabric and rice from burning.
  2. Place the rice sock on the heating. In winter, you can put your rice sock on a radiator if you have one at home. Wrap the rice sock in a sheet of aluminum foil. Place the sock on the radiator and let it heat up for 30 minutes to an hour. Turn the sock over every 10 minutes to make sure it heats up evenly.
  3. Stay warm. A hot rice sock is a great way to get warm when you're shivering, cold because you've been outside, or when the house isn't warm enough. If you have cold feet, warm the sock, put it on the floor and sit with your feet on the sock. When your whole body is cold, warm the sock, put it on your lap and wrap a blanket around you.
    • You can also put a warm rice sock in your bed at night to keep warm when you go to sleep.
  4. Soothes pain and cramps. When you are tired, sick or broke you often suffer from painful joints and muscles. Apply a warm rice sock to the affected area for 20 to 25 minutes to relieve the pain. For example, you can put the sock on your neck. In case of period pain, lie on your back and place a warm rice sock on your stomach for half an hour.
  5. Soothes a headache. Headaches, migraines, pressure in the sinuses and other ailments that cause head and face pain can sometimes be treated with heating pads. Lie on your back and place a warm rice sock on your forehead or face for relief. You can also lie with your head on the rice sock, as if the sock were a pillow.
  6. Soothes pain caused by arthritis. Pain caused by arthritis can often be relieved by heat, and a rice sock is an excellent way to take care of this warmth. Warm up the rice sock and place it on your aching joints for up to 20 minutes.


  • Never use a rice sock on a baby or anyone who is sleeping, paralyzed, or on medication that causes numbness. He or she will not be able to feel and move the rice sock and may burn himself as a result.