Treating an inflamed blister

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Treat A Blister Correctly (First, Look At Your Blister Roof)
Video: How To Treat A Blister Correctly (First, Look At Your Blister Roof)


If you've ever walked in a pair of shoes or worked in the garden, you are probably familiar with blisters. Blisters are small air bubbles or fluid build-up in the top layers of the skin. Blisters can develop from friction (chafing), burns, infections, colds, or exposure to certain chemicals (including some medications). If you are dealing with an inflamed blister (a blister that is filled with green or yellow fluid), you should keep a close eye on it. In some cases, you can treat an inflamed blister at home, but more severe cases require medical attention.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Piercing an infected blister at home

  1. Wonder if you need to puncture the blister to let the fluid drain out. Normally, you should leave a blister that has not opened to prevent its condition from getting worse and the infection getting worse. However, if the blister is on a joint and is putting pressure on it, it may be wise to empty it.
    • Draining pus can relieve pressure and reduce pain. However, keep an eye on the blister and know to bandage the blister and keep it clean after removing the moisture.
  2. Clean the area of ​​the blister. To prevent the infection from spreading, wash your hands and clean the blister. Wipe the area around the blister with alcohol or an iodine solution to kill bacteria on the skin.
    • You should also disinfect the needle you will be using, by wiping it with rubbing alcohol or iodine solution, or holding it in a flame for about a minute.
  3. Pierce the blister. Take the disinfected needle and pierce the skin at the base of the blister. This should be roughly at the bottom of the blister. Make several holes so that the fluid can flow out of the blister. Don't apply too much pressure or the blister could burst.
    • You could take a cotton ball or piece of gauze to blot or wipe the fluid or pus that leaks from the blister.
    • Wash the infected area with hydrogen peroxide, saline solution, or soap and water. Do not use alcohol or iodine as these will irritate the wound.
  4. Apply an ointment. Once you empty the blister, you may notice that the overlying skin of the blister looks flabby. Do not pick at this skin as this can damage the blister and make the infection worse. Instead, leave the overlying skin as intact as possible. Apply antibiotic ointment to the pierced blister.
  5. Cover the blister with a bandage. Since the wound is technically open, you will need to apply a bandage. You can also put a piece of gauze on the blister. Change the bandage or gauze every day so that the blister has a better chance of healing.
    • Always wash your hands before and after changing the dressing.
    • Remove the dressing daily before washing and let the water cleanse the blister in the shower. After showering, pat the wound dry and reapply the dressing.

Part 2 of 3: Using unproven natural resources

  1. Apply garlic paste. Crush a single clove of garlic into a paste. You can also buy garlic paste, but make sure no other ingredients have been added. Apply the garlic paste directly to the blister. You can also mix the garlic paste with a few drops of castor oil (castor oil) to make it easier to spread.
    • Garlic has natural antibiotic properties that can kill bacteria and viruses that can infect your blister.
  2. Use aloe vera gel. Apply a few drops of aloe vera gel directly to the blister. If you are using gel directly from the plant, you will need to squeeze it from the leaf and rub it gently over your blister. When purchasing aloe vera gel, choose a product that lists aloe vera as the first ingredient and contains no other fillers.
    • Aloe contains natural anti-inflammatory and antibiotic compounds that can help treat the inflamed blister and help moisturize the skin.
  3. Apply tea tree oil to the blister. Look for a pure tea tree oil and apply it directly to your blister. The easiest way is to put the oil on a cotton swab and gently dab it on your blister. You can also choose a blister ointment that contains tea tree oil and apply it to your blister.
    • Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. More research is needed to determine how effective tea tree oil is for bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
  4. Apply soaked herbs to your blister. Take 1/4 teaspoon of thyme or oregano and stir it into about 1/2 teaspoon of hot water. Soak the thyme and oregano leaves in the hot water until they swell. Let the mixture cool and apply the thyme or oregano leaves directly to your blister. Both thyme and oregano have been traditionally used to treat infections.
    • If you can find swan flower, yarrow, or plantain outside, take some leaves (or swan flower flowers) and mash them into a paste. Add a few drops of castor oil if you want to make the paste easier to spread. Apply the paste on the blister. These plants have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Part 3 of 3: Caring for an infected blister

  1. Look for signs of infection. If your blister is infected, it will appear to be filled with a cloudy, yellowish, or greenish liquid. The skin around the blister looks red and may be swollen or tender. If you have more than three or four infected blisters, don't try to treat them at home. You may need medical attention.
    • If you see reddish streaks along your skin that start at or around the blister, or if you have persistent fluid, blister pain, or fever, you may have a more serious infection (such as lymphangitis). If this happens, call your doctor for advice.
  2. Keep your skin clean and dry. Blisters can be caused by sweat that gets trapped under the skin. If you exercise heavily or sweat, wash right away or rinse away the sweat right away. Using a mild soap is usually enough to prevent infection. Pat your skin dry gently.
    • Do not allow your blister to open. Never rub the blister while washing or drying.
  3. Prevent the blister from becoming irritated. If the blister hasn't opened, try to keep it whole. Consider using moleskin, bandages, or petroleum jelly to avoid rubbing your skin or shoes against your blister, which can further irritate the blister. If you have a blister on your hand, wear gloves.
    • Even damp skin can cause friction and make your blister worse. You can sprinkle aluminum chloride or talcum powder on the skin around your blister to keep the skin completely dry.
  4. Get medical attention if the blisters do not heal. If you have one or two blisters, you can probably treat them at home. But if you have multiple large blisters all over your body, you should see your doctor right away. Contact your doctor if you have painful, inflamed, or recurring blisters. You could have a more serious condition that needs different treatment, such as:
    • Pemfigus: a chronic skin condition
    • Bullous pemphigoid: an autoimmune disease of the skin
    • Dermatitis herpetiformis: a chronic skin rash