Creating a harmless virus

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create an Awesome (Harmless) Computer Virus Prank (Fake Virus)
Video: How to Create an Awesome (Harmless) Computer Virus Prank (Fake Virus)


Want to trick your friends with a harmless fake virus? In this article we explain how to do that.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Building the virus

  1. Open the Notepad program. Notepad is a simple editor where you can enter text without much formatting. Click Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad.
    • On a Mac you use TextEdit.
  2. Create a small batch file. Enter the following text (without bullets):
    • @echo off
    • echo Message here.
    • shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Type the message you want to appear here"
  3. Click on "File" and then on "Save as...’.
  4. Name your file.
  5. Change the extension from ".txt" to ".bat" or ".cmd" (without quotes).
  6. Change the bar ".txt" to "All files".
  7. Click on "Save".
  8. Close Notepad.

Method 2 of 2: Create a fake icon

  1. Right click on the desktop and click on "new" and then on "shortcut".
  2. Choose the created virus as the location of your shortcut.
  3. Click on "Next".
  4. Give the shortcut a name that you think your victim will click on.
  5. Click on "Done".
  6. Right click on the shortcut you just created and select "Properties".
  7. Click the "Change Icon" button and view all the icons.
  8. Click on the desired icon. Click twice on "OK".
    • Note: this does not work on Windows 7 Pro.


  • You can name your virus "Internet Explorer" and add the Explorer icon to it. Remove the old shortcut. Now you know for sure that sooner or later they will click on it.
  • Do not let the virus turn off the computer too quickly. Then it doesn't look like a virus.
  • Set your batch file to full screen, it will look even scarier. Right-click on your file and click Properties> Options> Full Screen.
  • You can also start your "virus" the moment your victim logs into the computer. Go to Start> All Programs> Startup (right mouse button)> Open. Place your shortcut to your virus in this folder.


  • Only get this joke out of someone who can stand it!
  • Once the virus has started, it is often difficult to stop. If you need to stop it quickly you can go to a command prompt window and type "shutdown -a". This stops the fake virus immediately.
  • Never do this with computers that need to be available 24 hours a day, such as hospital computers.
  • If you have set a specific time before the computer will shut down, make sure you have enough time to prevent the shutdown if necessary.