Remove an oil stain from the driveway

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
3 Methods of DIY Driveway Cleaning TESTED
Video: 3 Methods of DIY Driveway Cleaning TESTED


If you have oil in your driveway, there are several remedies you can use to remove the stains. You can start with cleaning products such as baking soda or dish soap and mix them with warm water. You can then scrub off the small stains with a wire brush. If you have bigger stains, use a hardware store degreaser and scrub the oil off the concrete with a wire brush. Finally, if you want a more eco-friendly solution, use a microbial cleaner that will break down the oil in your driveway without leaving any toxic residue.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Prepare and buy materials

  1. Decide which cleaning method you want to use to remove the oil stain. Depending on what kind of stain you have, you use different methods to remove the oil from your driveway.
    • If it's a new or small and stubborn stain, choose the method where you spread an absorbent mixture over the stain to soak it up.
    • If it is a small stain, you can use a regular household cleaner to remove the stain.
    • If it is a large stain, buy a degreaser or microbial cleaner to remove the oil.
  2. Buy or collect the materials you need for the job. You can buy all of the following materials at a hardware store or on the internet. Which materials to buy depends on the type of stain or method you will be using.
    • For small stains you will need: 1) a cleaning agent (baking soda, vinegar, soap, dishwashing or laundry detergent), 2) a bucket or pan and a garden hose for the water, 3) a wire brush or a stiff bristle brush .
    • If you have small, stubborn stains, use an absorbent material: 1) cat litter, 2) acetone, paint thinner or xylene, 3) a sheet of plastic slightly larger than the stain, 4) a wire brush or a stiff bristle brush.
    • For larger stains, you will need: 1) a degreaser or microbial cleaner (available for purchase on the Internet), 2) a bucket or garden hose for the water, 3) a wire brush or a stiff bristle brush.
    • If the stains are new or you think more oil will leak, consider buying a bag of baking soda or cat litter. You can then put this in the garage and use it when you have stains.
  3. Wear protective clothing and personal protective equipment when using a degreaser. Wear goggles or some other form of eye protection to protect your eyes from the chemicals. Purchase chemical resistant safety gloves from a hardware store or personal protective equipment store. You can wear this while scrubbing. If you have one, wear overalls that you would wear when working on your car. You can also wear clothing that covers your arms and legs completely and that you don't mind getting dirty or stained.
  4. Use a microbial cleaner instead of chemicals to remove oil from concrete. These biological products are better for the environment and are also used to clean up oil spills in the sea. The single-celled microorganisms in these products will remove the oil stains from the concrete without leaving any toxic byproducts. You can buy these products online or from a specialized wholesaler.