Changing a negative attitude

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Change the Negative Attitude That is Destroying You!
Video: Change the Negative Attitude That is Destroying You!


Studies have shown that the way people react to other people and events is largely influenced by their perception and not so much by the people or events themselves. If you are a negative person, you are more likely to have a negative impact on everything and everyone around you. By taking some active steps to develop a more positive attitude, you can counteract negativity and change your negative attitude.

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Method 1 of 2: Letting go of negativity

  1. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. You are the only one in control of your life and many of the negative situations and negative thoughts you have have been directly affected by you. By taking responsibility for your actions, you can remove the negativity in your life and create positivity.
    • Negative thoughts contribute to negative actions. If you decide to adopt a positive attitude, you will be able to develop positive changes.
    • For example, if you didn't get the promotion you want at work, it's not because the boss doesn't like you, but it's probably because of your performance at work. Instead of directly blaming the boss, you could also talk to him or her. Ask your boss what you can do to improve the quality of your work and actively try to realize these desired changes.
  2. List all the negative things that are affecting your life and start making and making changes. By recognizing what things are having a negative impact on your life, you will gain a better understanding of the things that you control and can change. Then burn the list to symbolize letting go of all negativity.
    • Grab a piece of paper and write down all the things you experience as negative in your life. Review the list and try to determine which points you can change yourself. For example, you can change negative relationships with others by cutting off all contact with them or you can change bad financial situations by taking steps to save more.
    • Once you've figured out a way to change the things that are negatively impacting your life, you can burn the piece of paper to symbolize letting go of the negativity. You could then create a new list of the positive things in your life.
  3. Let go of expectations. Negativity often starts with expectations of yourself or others. Letting go of unrealistic or negative expectations will not only help you change your attitude, but will also help create a positive environment.
    • Accept the fact that nothing is perfect. Imperfection adds to your character and letting go of expectations for perfection will help you focus on the positive in a person or situation.
    • When something bad happens, try to forget about it as much as possible and imagine the things you want to see happen. This also applies to the times when someone else says something negative, think about it briefly and then leave it behind. Constantly thinking about the negativity will only make you feel negative.

    Forgive yourself and others. Holding a grudge and dwelling on your imperfections will only emphasize a negative attitude. When you are able to forgive and let go, you will allow yourself to focus on the positive in yourself and others.

    • Forgiveness will remove negative attitudes and create space for positive attitudes. It will also reduce feelings of stress and increase peace and tranquility in your life.
  4. Reduce or remove the presence of people with negative attitudes in your life. The people we gather around us have a major impact on our own attitudes. Reducing the presence of such persons or removing them from your life completely will help you change your attitude.
    • If it turns out that a certain person cannot be completely removed from your life or if you do not want to hurt this person, you could simply choose to spend less time with him or her. You can also debunk this person's degree of negativity and views by pointing out to her the positivity you perceive in his or her words. This prevents you from being sucked into the flow of negativity.
  5. Cope with change. Negative emotions often accompany change, and the best way to deal with change is to respond appropriately. Make a commitment to respond positively to any situation and this will allow you to keep negativity out.
    • You cannot control all situations or people, but you can control the way you respond to them. Approaching negative situations and people with positivity will keep your attitude positive and may result in positive solutions.
    • For example, if someone has sent you an annoying email, don't respond immediately. Write a response, save it to "Drafts" and wait 24 hours before sending the email. Check the email again the next day and you will see that your tone will likely be less harsh and direct. You could adjust your email, which is likely to prevent the situation from escalating.
    • If something unpleasant happens, such as losing your job, thank your employer for the opportunity you were offered and say something along the lines of, “This gives me the chance to find a new job that has more in common with passions. ”
  6. Keep making progress. You will still experience negative thoughts from time to time, which is not strange and completely normal, but you should learn not to dwell on such thoughts for too long. By trying to move towards positivity at all times, you will be able to change your negative attitude.

Method 2 of 2: Focus on positivity

  1. Try to see the positive in everything. Negative thoughts and attitudes are exhausting and if you give in to them, they will grow stronger. Seeing the positive in any person or situation will turn your thinking into positivity.
    • Even in the most dire of situations, there will always be something positive to be found. It may take you some time to recognize the positive, but being able to see the positive in everything around you will help you avoid negativity.
    • A study has shown that a positive attitude makes a greater contribution to success than, for example, knowledge and skills.
  2. List everything you are grateful for. Being grateful will help you develop a positive attitude. Writing down all the things you are grateful for will help you counteract negative thoughts that arise.
    • In situations where you are dealing with a negative feeling, you could pick up the list of the things you are grateful for. The points on the list will remind you to stay positive.
  3. Use positive words. Your way of speaking and the words you choose have a significant impact on your attitude and emotions. Using positive words and making positive statements throughout the day will help you stay positive and combat negativity.
    • Use phrases such as "I am hopeful." or "We will find a solution." Phrases like this help both you and those around you to stay positive.
    • By giving yourself a positive affirmation each morning when you wake up, you will start each day on a positive path. For example, you could say something like, “Today is going to be a great day. I feel good and I am ready to make a difference. ”
    • Write down a number of positive quotes and place or hang them in strategic places. When you are reminded of positive things, you will likely experience more positive thoughts and feelings throughout the day.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. Having positive people around you who can put things in perspective is important for developing a positive attitude. Surrounding yourself with people who are all positive can counteract negativity and change your attitude.
  5. Help others. Simple gestures of kindness and helping others can have a wonderful effect on your attitude. Not only will it put certain things in your life into perspective, but it will also distract you from your problems and make you feel more positive overall.
    • Consider volunteering at a hospital or homeless shelter. You need to realize that you are healthy and able to take care of yourself, this puts your life in perspective. Taking this step can also help you actively choose to change the negativity in your life.
    • Helping friends and family members can also help change bad attitudes, as doing something good for others will make you feel good too.
    • Giving and receiving love and support will positively change your outlook on life.