Making a mosquito trap from a plastic bottle

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to make a mosquito trap with a bottle
Video: how to make a mosquito trap with a bottle


You can easily reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property with a plastic bottle trap that will attract and kill the mosquitoes. The moisture in each trap will last for about two weeks and can be easily replaced afterwards. To increase effectiveness, you can place several traps around your house or property.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing the materials for the trap

  1. Gather your materials. You will need all the materials below to make a plastic bottle mosquito trap. All items are easily available at the local supermarket and hardware store.
    • An empty, plastic 2 liter bottle
    • A pen or highlighter
    • A knife for cutting boxes
    • A tape measure
    • 1/4 cup brown sugar
    • 250 to 300 ml of hot water
    • 1 gram of yeast
    • Measuring cup
    • Adhesive tape (duct, clear, or electrical tape are fine)
  2. Measure out a quarter cup of brown sugar. Use your measuring cup to measure out a quarter cup of brown sugar. Leave the sugar in the measuring cup; you will pour it into the bottle in the next step.
  3. Let the mixture cool. Set the bottle aside until the water cools. Twenty minutes should be long enough.
  4. Turn the top half of the bottle upside down. The bottle lid will now face down. While holding the top half of the bottle upside down, grab the bottom half with your other hand.
  5. Pay attention if the bottle is full of dead insects or is no longer effective. Eventually many mosquitoes will die in the bottle, and you will have to clean the trap for it to be effective again. Even if there are not many mosquitoes, the liquid in the trap will eventually lose its effectiveness because the yeast has absorbed the sugar and no longer attracts mosquitoes; many sources indicate that this will take two weeks.
    • Use a calendar to keep track of when to change the fluid.
    • Replace the liquid when the bottle is full of insects, even if the two weeks are not over.
  6. Replace the yeast and sugar solution when necessary. Fortunately, this mosquito trap is reusable! Disassemble the trap by removing the tape. Then wash both halves of the trap by rinsing it with water. Now fill it up again with a new amount of the mosquito trap liquid.


  • An empty, plastic 2 liter bottle
  • A highlighter or pen
  • A knife for cutting boxes
  • A tape measure
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 250 to 300 ml of hot water
  • 1 gram of yeast
  • Measuring cup
  • Adhesive tape (duct, clear, or electrical tape are fine)