Write a girl that you like her

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: FAKE FRIEND Ruins Birthday Party. Will the Rich Girl get away with it?


You've caught your eye on someone special, but you find yourself afraid to tell her how you feel about her. A letter is a way to express your feelings and share them with her in a beautiful and unexpected way. In the letter, write what you like about her and what you feel about her. After carefully checking the letter for errors and making improvements, rewrite it into the final letter. Give or send the letter and you no longer have to keep your feelings secret from the world.

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Part 1 of 3: Drafting the letter

  1. Compile a list of the things you love about her. Don't worry about the layout. Write down any reasons you have for writing this letter. If something sounds strange, you can cross this out later. Pay attention to her actions and the feeling she makes you, rather than just outward appearances.
    • For example, you can mention her radiant smile followed by the way she greets you every morning.
    • Write about your heartfelt feelings. For example, her smile can brighten a gloomy morning, making you look forward to going to school. That is a heartfelt compliment that you can include in your letter.
  2. Start with the reason for your letter. Now is the time to put your thoughts on paper yourself. Let her know this is a romantic letter. That way it is no surprise and she is prepared for it. Mention that you have important feelings that you insisted on telling her about.
    • For example, say something like, "You are a great person and you deserve to know."
    • Another possible introduction is, "I wasn't sure how to personally tell you how I felt, so I wanted to write this letter."
  3. State what she adds to your life. It takes more to make her feel special than compliments. Maybe she's a good friend who got you through a rough time. Being around her may help you to be a better person. By telling her these things you show her that her presence means a lot to you.
    • For example, you can say "You remind me who I am" or "Because of you, I am not afraid to be myself."
  4. Name personal memories. Even if you haven't spent much time together yet, you can come up with at least one anecdote. You will likely be able to vividly remember the day you first saw her, or the moment that gave you special feelings for her. Use that memory to describe your feelings for her.
    • For example, you could say, "I saw you in class, and you were so breathtaking that I had to talk to you. "But you were so beautiful that I couldn't say another word."
  5. Tell her what you like about her. Refer to the list you made earlier, but not just to repeat what you mentioned earlier. Look for details that make sense to you and work them out in short but powerful sentences. Compliment her, but don't overdo it by just writing praise.
    • Some examples you can include are, "You are sweet to everyone and so warm" or "I love how you keep smiling, even when things go wrong."
    • You can include comparisons such as, "Your eyes are like a deep blue ocean." However, don't overdo it and instead write your feelings in your own words.
  6. Close the letter by thanking her. Thank her for taking the time to read the letter. Tell her to remain a great person. Then you can indicate that you would like to go out with her or want to go out with her. For example, say, "I'd like to take you on a date" or "I'd like to get to know you, if you want to."
    • She may not have the same feelings as you. That's normal, and she should always feel like it's okay. Don't put pressure on her by planning a future together.

Part 2 of 3: Write the final version

  1. Read your first draft out loud. Find a quiet place and read the letter to yourself. It may feel a bit clunky at first, but keep going. Look for pieces that sound clumsy or don't run smoothly. Then read the letter at least again. This is a special letter, so make it the best you can.
  2. Mark any mistakes you need to correct. Have a pen handy and mark the mistakes as you read. Draw lines when you need to reorganize sentences to make them sound better. Circle all the words you want to change or correct. Cross out something that sounds strange and delete or change it.
    • Don't be afraid to take notes, such as "Expand this section" or "Add another example".
  3. Check your spelling. Her name is an essential part of the letter, and getting it wrong will spoil everything you say. In addition, look up any words that are long or difficult that you are unsure about. Make sure to spell words that sound similar, such as "she" and "said" correctly. Do not use internet language or abbreviations such as "wjmm" or "omg".
    • Abbreviations such as "wjmm" or "omg" are acceptable in text messages, but look tacky on paper.
  4. Rewrite the letter neatly. Take a deep breath, pick up a clean sheet of paper, and write the letter again. Write carefully so that your words are easy to read and understand. Bring any previous corrections you made with you. Make sure this latest version looks as good as possible.
    • Use blue or black ink for the latest version. These colors are the easiest to read.
    • You can also type the letter on a computer. Make sure to use the spell check and grammar checker in the word processing program.
  5. Read the letter one last time. Read the letter aloud to yourself again.You may see a few more places where you can improve your writing. Mark these places and rewrite the letter. It's meant to be sincere and impressive so that the rewriting is worth it, if you can make a letter that you're proud to give to the girl.
    • If you still found errors, you will have to rewrite the letter one last time.

Part 3 of 3: Delivering the letter

  1. Write your phone number on the letter to show how she can reach you. There's no guarantee you'll get a response, but she can call or text you if she has anything to say to you. She may be too nervous to respond personally. You can always talk to each other privately by phone.
    • If you don't have a phone number for her to call, leave your email or social media name.
  2. Include an envelope so she can write an answer. She may be more comfortable writing her response. Include the return envelope in your letter and give her time to respond. She may give your response as a letter or you may receive it by post. It may take a few days, but no one else will see her reaction.
    • This envelope must be smaller than the one in which you send your letter.
    • If you can't find a smaller envelope, you can also fold the return envelope.
  3. To remain anonymous, put the letter in her desk or locker. Find a place where only she will quickly notice the letter. You know that she will return to these places and that it is unlikely that anyone else will see the letter before her. Push the letter through the vent of her locker or put it on her desk.
    • If you put it on her desk, hide the letter from prying eyes by sticking it in a book or between some papers.
    • Alternatively, you can email the letter to her.
  4. Give the letter to her personally to make sure she gets it. This is difficult, but you are brave. Talk to her when she's alone and say, "I have something important to say to you." This way, no one will accidentally see the letter, and she can read it when she has time.


  • Take the time to write the letter so that you can turn it into something beautiful.
  • Make her the letter private so that no one teases you or her about it.
  • Smile when you give the letter to her.


  • Let the letter speak for itself. Don't give it over with a gift or anything else that will distract you.
  • Only use your own words. If you fall through the basket, you will screw up the letter with it.
  • Do not let anyone else read the letter or let anyone know that you are writing it.