Keep a girl interested

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to keep a girl interested
Video: How to keep a girl interested


Getting a girl to go out with you is just the first step towards a relationship. From then on, you will have to work hard to keep her interested. Strengthen your bond by touching her regularly, by talking about your relationship, and by making time for her to do things together. Invest in the relationship and give her what she needs. Keep it interesting by doing new things with her, taking on challenges together, and being as adventurous and spontaneous as possible.

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Method 1 of 3: Strengthen your bond

  1. Touch her. Hold her hand, play with her hair and kiss her out of the blue. During your relationship, you must ensure that you maintain physical contact with each other. Especially if you have been in a relationship for some time, it is very easy to take your partner for granted. Regular physical contact is very important to create a strong bond with her and to keep that bond from weakening.
  2. Talk to her about your relationship. It may feel a bit strange, especially if you are not used to it, but it is very healthy and important to talk about your relationship with your partner. Making plans together for the future and talking about what you like about each other is usually a great way to strengthen your mutual bond. Talking to her about your relationship gives her a sense of security that she might not be able to have with anyone else.
    • Create a safe, neutral environment where you both know you can be honest with each other and where you don't have to worry about being laughed at or scolded.
    • Always discuss and resolve problems in your relationship before they become too big to solve.
    • For example, you could say something like, "At least you know how to make me laugh, even when I'm grumpy. I really like that about you, Feline. "
    • And if you have a problem, say something like: "Hey Lieke, I really don't like it when you ignore my messages. I wonder if I might have done something wrong. Is that sometimes the case? "
  3. Make sure she knows you believe in her. She also has her problems and challenges, of course, such as arguments with her friends, problems at work, or stress when she is very busy. Make sure she never has to doubt herself, because you know she can handle it all just fine. You know she's strong and smart enough to solve all her problems, so tell her that.
    • Say something like, "How uncomfortable for you that you ended up in that drama with Rose." It sounds like it's pretty complicated. But that's just so great about you: you are a super-loyal friend and you will always support her. "
  4. Ask good questions. When talking to each other, don't stop talking superficially and don't just talk about how your day has been. Knowing her middle name and knowing her favorite color is not enough. You also need to talk about things that really allow you to know what kind of people you are. Only then can you build a deep and long-lasting bond with her. For example, ask her things like:
    • "What does your ideal future look like?"
    • "Why are you actually avoiding your sister's calls?"
    • "How does it feel to be the captain of your team?"

    Make sure you have enough time for the two of you together. It is extremely important to your relationship that you make time for you as a couple. Whether you have been together for a long time or only recently does not matter. She needs to feel that you are really there for her, and that includes trying to be around her as much as possible.

    • For example, plan a night out just for the two of you, rather than with a whole group of friends.
    • If you live together, you could go to bed half an hour earlier so that you have time to chat and be intimate.

Method 2 of 3: Take some distance

  1. Be mysterious. Don't tell her your whole life story right away on your first date. Rather, reveal more details about yourself and your past little by little. For example, don't tell yourself that you were top of the class in math last year, but wait for her to ask you about school. Both your achievement and your modesty will impress her.
    • Don't tell your girlfriend you can make such a great lasagna. Instead, surprise her by making it for her at home once so she'll spontaneously praise your cooking skills. You can also cook at home once and bring the food for her if you can't have the kitchen to yourself.
  2. Develop yourself as a person. If you are genuinely interested in others, she is more likely to remain interested in you. Work on growing up and achieving new goals, and let your interests change naturally.
    • For example, choose one of your interests and make it a serious hobby. Do you love comic books? Then even try to create a comic strip.
  3. Respect her. To keep her interested in you, it is extremely important that you respect her. Show her that you take her opinion seriously and never forget to ask her how she feels when the two of you have to make a decision together. Don't interrupt until she has finished speaking, and never insult or belittle her. Always adhere to the following rule of thumb: Treat her as you would others to treat you.
  4. Be nice to everyone, not just her. Being nice is a quality that people don't always value enough, and your girlfriend will appreciate it if you are nice to others. So just being nice to her is not enough, and you will have to show her that you are someone who is genuinely nice to everyone. If you are mean to others, especially if they are people who are "weaker" than you, you are subconsciously giving her a sign that she might one day expect the same.
    • For example, if you gossip about him behind your best friend's back, she may assume you are gossiping about her even when she's not there.
    • Be polite to strangers. For example, keep the door open for the people who come in after you.
  5. Give her what she needs. If you are in a relationship, try to give her what she needs in a reasonable way. She has both physical and mental needs, and to win her over you will have to keep her satisfied on both counts. If you don't know exactly what she needs, ask her. She'll appreciate you taking the time to figure out how to make her happy.
    • Provide for her physical needs by being kind to her and making sure that she also enjoys you when you are intimate.
    • Provide for her emotional needs by listening to her, by supporting her, and by talking to her about interesting and inspiring topics.
  6. Make an effort. It can be very tempting to put less energy into your relationship once you've been together a little longer. But if you don't put in any more effort, she'll feel like you've come to take her for granted, and of course you don't want that. Therefore, keep paying attention to your appearance, do your best to surprise and delight her, and keep trying to impress her.
    • For example, think of an original way to invite her to the end-of-year party. Think about what she likes and is interested in and keep that in mind in your plan. For example, if she loves wine gums, make letters with them and write "Party?" Somewhere in her room (after getting permission from her parents).
  7. Also spend some time alone. On the one hand, it is extremely important that you do things together, but you should also each continue to do your own things. Couples who spend too much time together can get tired of each other's company. It's important that both of you also make sure that you both continue to have your own interests and friends. So keep going to poker night with your friends on a Tuesday night, or join a team that trains every Saturday so you can get out regularly.
    • For example, you can arrange to be together four evenings a week and to spend the other evenings with your own friends or family.

Method 3 of 3: Keep her life exciting

  1. Be adventurous. Even if she may not be directly looking for an adventurous man, she won't say no to someone who likes to try new things and do everything she can to keep her life interesting. If you just sit on the couch, it can be difficult to keep her interest. Solve this problem by going out with her and discovering new things together.
    • Take her to an amusement park and go on all the roller coasters together, just to name a few.
    • Travel and outdoor sports are always easy ways to try out a more adventurous lifestyle. For example, go for a walk in the Ardennes during your next long weekend. Guaranteed success!
  2. Try to find out what she likes. If you show her that you are interested in things that matter to her, and that you are willing to do your best to help her develop that part of her life, she will certainly be impressed. She would prefer to share her life with someone who understands her that way and who she can count on for the necessary support. Try to find ways to help her do the things she likes, and you'll be well on your way to maintaining her interest.
    • For example, if she's really into fashion, help her start a blog or vlog where she can advise others. You can take pictures of her and help her figure out how to design and maintain a website.
  3. Take on new challenges together. Taking on challenges together will undoubtedly make your life more interesting. In addition, you will become closer and trust each other in this way. After all, tackling challenges together is one of the most effective ways to build strong feelings between two people. You can think of things like:
    • Lose some pounds together or try out a new sport
    • Trying to get higher grades and better end results
  4. Learn new things together. Learning together can be a great way to keep things interesting. By learning something new you will not only put your brains to work (together!), But you will naturally have more things to talk about and increase the chances of a stronger bond between you. There are many ways you can learn together, and it doesn't have to cost anything. Plus, if you choose a topic that interests both of you, you're guaranteed to enjoy it.
    • Watch educational videos together on the Internet, such as TED Talks or Crash Course on YouTube
    • Take free courses together via the internet, for example on a website like Coursera. Or take a course together at school or in a community center.
  5. Be spontaneous. One of the worst things you can do for your relationship is let your life become a rut. Eating at the same restaurant every weekend and going to the same mall will eventually become boring, which will make her less and less interested in you. Instead, try to be spontaneous and original to show that you are always thinking of ways to make her happy, rather than just sticking to a set pattern.
    • Take her on unusual dates. Try something new and original like geocaching or volunteering for a good cause on a regular basis.
    • Buy her a small gift, such as a bunch of flowers or a cute stuffed animal, and surprise her with it at work or at school.