Cleaning a mattress

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean Your Mattress (Cleaning Motivation)
Video: How to Clean Your Mattress (Cleaning Motivation)


You spend about a third of your life on your mattress, so it's important to keep it clean. By regularly cleaning your mattress you will have fewer allergens in your bedroom and your mattress will stay fresh and look like new for years to come. It is also important to clean the mattress as soon as possible if you have something spilled on it so that it does not stain the mattress and prevent mold growth. The good news is that it is not that difficult to clean a mattress. You can already do this with the help of some simple tools and cleaners.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Pick up the bed

  1. Remove the pillows and other loose items from the bed. Before you can clean the mattress, it is necessary to remove everything from the mattress. Start by removing the top layer of items, including (decorative) pillows, blankets, toys and other objects.
    • When you take the pillows off the bed, take the pillowcases off and throw them in the laundry basket.
    • Fold up blankets and put things coming off your bed in a different part of the room so they don't get in the way when you're cleaning.
  2. Remove the linen from the bed. When you have removed all the decorative items, pillows, and blankets, take off all the sheets that cover the mattress. These include top sheets, fitted sheets, duvets, duvet covers and any mattress protectors you may use.
    • Put the cloth sheets in the laundry basket along with the pillowcases.
  3. Wash your bedding and linen. When you have completely removed the bed and the mattress is bare, you can start cleaning. Wash the sheets, linens, and pillowcases in the washing machine while cleaning the mattress. That way your bed will be completely fresh and clean.
    • Read the care labels and follow the washing instructions when washing fabrics. Set the washer and dryer to the highest possible temperature to kill any bacteria and dust mites that may be hiding in your linens.
    • If you have a duvet, remove the duvet cover and wash it in the washing machine along with the linen.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning and refreshing the mattress

  1. Vacuum the mattress. To thoroughly clean your mattress, you will first have to vacuum it. This allows you to vacuum all mites, dust particles, dead skin cells, hair and other dirt particles from the mattress. Use an attachment with a wide brush to vacuum the top of the mattress. Use the long upholstery nozzle to get into cracks, vacuum the edges and trim, and clean the sides and corners.
    • Before you start vacuuming, make sure the hose and attachments are completely clean.
  2. Blot up any spilled liquids. If you have just spilled something and the area is still wet, clean it immediately. Wet a clean cloth with cold water. Blot the area with the damp cloth. Do not scrub or rub the area, as this can cause the liquid to penetrate even deeper into the mattress. Keep dabbing until you have absorbed all the excess liquid.
  3. Remove stains. In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of liquid dish soap. Use a spoon to stir the substances together and create a foam. Dip an old toothbrush into the foam. Gently scrub the foam into the stains in the mattress. Wipe off the cleaner residue with a clean, damp cloth.
    • For a memory foam mattress, use the smallest amount of cleaner possible, because memory foam shouldn't get wet.
    • This mixture works well to remove stains caused by dirt, food and drinks.

    Clean biological stains with an enzyme cleaner. Spray a little enzyme cleaner on a clean cloth. Blot the stain with the cloth to soak it. Let the enzyme cleaner work for about 15 minutes. Blot the area with the same cloth to remove the stain. Blot the area with a clean cloth dampened with cold water.

    • Do not spray liquid cleaners on the mattress. Mattresses are not made to get wet, especially if it is a memory foam mattress. So use the smallest amount of cleaner possible to treat stains.
    • An enzyme cleaner breaks down the proteins in blood, urine, sweat, vomit and other biological stains. Such an agent also works well to remove grease and oil stains.
  4. Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress. When you have removed the stains, you can clean and refresh the entire mattress. To do this, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress.
    • To keep your mattress smelling fresh, stir five drops of your favorite essential oil into the baking soda before sprinkling it on the mattress.
    • To spread the baking soda more evenly over the mattress, first pour it into a strainer and then use the strainer to spread the baking soda over the mattress.
  5. Give the baking soda time to absorb odors. Leave the baking soda on the mattress for at least half an hour. It has time to break down acids, absorb foul odors and absorb the fluids of cleaning.
    • You can leave the baking soda on the mattress for several hours if you have time. The longer it is on the mattress, the more odors and liquids it will absorb and the better it will clean the mattress.
  6. Vacuum the mattress again. After you've left the baking soda on the mattress for a while, vacuum it to remove the baking soda. You also remove all acids, odors and liquids that the baking soda has absorbed. Use the brush to vacuum the top of the mattress and the long nozzle to vacuum corners, cracks, seams and edges.
  7. Let the mattress air out. Once the mattress is clean, it is a good idea to air it out for a while to allow any moisture in the mattress to dry. If moisture remains in your mattress, it can cause mold. Mold is very difficult to remove.
    • During the warmer months, open a window in the room to let in fresh air and help the mattress dry faster.
    • You can also open the curtains to let the sun shine in. The UV rays help to kill bacteria and fungi in the mattress, remove more odors and make the mattress dry faster.

Part 3 of 3: Protecting the mattress

  1. Flip or flip the mattress. If you have a regular mattress that does not have a specific top and bottom, turn the mattress over so that you sleep on the other side. If you have a mattress that does have a specific top and bottom, turn the mattress 180 degrees. This way the surface of the mattress will wear evenly.
    • Turn or flip the mattress every three to six months so that it wears evenly.
  2. Use a mattress protector. A mattress protector is a plastic cover that you can use to keep your mattress safe. You slide the cover around the mattress, just like you do with a duvet and a duvet cover. Then zip the cover to protect the mattress from spills, dust, dirt, stains and even bed bugs.
    • You can also purchase a mattress topper or sheet to protect only the top of the mattress from spills and dirt.
  3. Make the bed. When the mattress is clean, dry and upside down and there is a protective cover around it, you can make the bed with your clean linen. Start with the fitted sheet, followed by the top sheet. Put the pillows back in their pillowcases and put all pillows, blankets and decorative items back on the bed.
    • Feel the entire mattress before making the bed to see if it is still wet. A mattress covered with linens and blankets will not dry, allowing mold to grow in it.