Become a hipster

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be a Hipster
Video: How to be a Hipster


Hipsters are people who enjoy clothes, music, food and activities outside the usual trends. If you also want to live a lifestyle that includes alternative music, vintage clothing and organic coffee, start reading at Step 1.

To step

Part 1 of 5: Hipster fashion

  1. Dress like a hipster. Fashion is just as important as your taste in music. While shopping in vintage stores remains the most important thing for hipsters, it is not an obligation, nor does it necessarily have to be part of the hipster wardrobe.
    • Avoid buying designer clothes from stores run by the brand itself (not such fun consumerism). Instead, look for independent shops, because supporting obscure businesses is all the rage.
    • Make sure you stand for what you wear. Do you wear different layers? Do you buy it locally? What is the right color or style for this season? Is there something on your shirt that hipsters can identify with?
  2. Wear skinny jeans. The classic skinny jeans define the hipster look, for both boys and girls. Hipster guys are usually as thin as the girls.
    • Note that boys are more likely to wear skinny's than girls (they prefer leggings, jeggings / treggings).
    • Alternatively, girls can also wear high-waisted pants.
  3. Wear glasses. Hipsters love ironic glasses like shutter shades, oversized plastic-framed glasses, Buddy Holly glasses, nerd glasses and - who can afford them - genuine Ray Ban Wayfarers in all the colors of the rainbow.
    • Some hipsters wear glasses even though they have perfect eyes! In that case, take the glasses out, or just make sure they have uncut glasses.
  4. Wear ironic tops. When it comes to tops, these are good choices: ironic T-shirts, lumberjack shirts, cowboy shirts, anything with little checks or squares, vintage flowers or paisley.
    • Many hipsters have tops with appliqués, images of animals or forests, other pictures, characters from children's series, ironic sayings or even book covers.
    • Tight hoodies (hoodies) are also perfect.
  5. Dress in vintage. Dresses are fine for girls, preferably with a floral print or lace. Grandma's closet is certainly a good resource; although you do need to know how to make vintage clothing well-fitting.
  6. Find suitable shoes. Hipster shoes include cowboy boots, vintage shoes, and all kinds of flats.
    • Converse are not worn that much anymore. They look nice and you can wear them almost anytime, but since everyone has them these days, Dr Martens or other vintage shoes are better.
    • If you like sneakers, check out Classic Reeboks.
    • For girls, the heels must be at least 12 cm high, and ankle boots are also very popular. Cute sandals, Keds, boots and granny shoes are not only very practical but also show how little effort you put into it (even if it took you ages to find the perfect pair).
  7. Wear accessories. There is a wide choice of accessories including large floral headbands, neon nail polish, buttons, bright belts, colorful patterned leggings, etc.
    • Don't forget your earrings, piercings and random scars that you supposedly got while chopping wood, or other carpenter-like features.
    • Appropriate ironic accessories are required, such as things that children would take to school, such as an animal picture on your lunch box.
    • Essential is also a courier bag, preferably something from Freitag, where you can store your MacBook, iPhone and vinyl records (never CDs) of your current favorite band.
  8. Make sure your layers don't match. Wearing things together that don't match is very hipster. It's that one I do not carelook that actually takes a lot of planning before you get the hang of it.
    • Remember that a hipster outfit never requires adjustments when you decide to hit the beach - just stick to your urban style and ironically look out of place.

Part 2 of 5: Hipster grooming

  1. Ignore comments about poor hygiene. Some people associate hipsters with hippies and assume that they don't shower regularly or that they are poorly groomed in other ways. This is a misconception. While some hipsters have a no-shampoo policy (which doesn't make them any less clean than others), most take care of themselves as well as everyone else (with the added benefit of using handcrafted and eco-friendly grooming products).
    • While hipsters do shower and keep their teeth clean, they just don't feel like spending money on hairstyles, spa sessions, pedicures / manicures and big makeup boxes because they see that as a sign of adapting to cultural beauty ideals.
    • No doubt hipsters won't be that interested in emphasizing the best features of themselves because they see their whole selves as a characteristic; Seen from a self-esteem perspective, this is actually quite a healthy starting point.
  2. Keep your hair casual. Sloppy haircuts are fine. The "bed look", long, unkempt hair and hair that refuses to sit flat without chemicals are acceptable looks.
    • Blurring lines between boys and girls in hairstyles are part of hipster culture.
    • Oily hair is also seen as okay by some in hipster culture. That doesn't mean you should surrender to that, a fresh but uncombed head can be more your thing.
    • Some hipsters like to dye their hair a weird color.
  3. Adopt a green attitude to food. Grow your own vegetables and become a vegetarian. Use compost. Eating meat is not very popular in hipster culture, and many hipsters are vegetarian or even vegan. If you do eat meat, make it appear that you are above all those vegetarians who are trying in vain to save the world - your sense of irony says that movement has long since become obsolete.
    • Fruit, coffee, Asian food etc. are all hip foods.
    • If you really don't have a place to grow your own food (not even a balcony or windowsill), go to the health food store or organic market.
    • In fact, all hipsters love good food and they love to cook well. If you can't cook, get some good cookbooks today.

Part 3 of 5: Hipster lifestyle

  1. Make what's old new again. This requires a mix of sobriety, respect for things from the past and the will to demonstrate that new things do not warm you up. Of course, we have to grapple with the inconsistency that hipsters love new Apple products and new clothing from certain brands, but since we are all contradictory creatures deep down, we will understand and accept these contradictions so that we become a more complete human being.
    • Familiar old things associated with hipsters are American Spirit cigarettes (and flouting the smoking laws), grandfather's clothes, thrift stores, fixies (on which they cycle to the clubs), analog cameras, and recycle and reuse everything (involving a lot of ingenuity). , common sense and fun).
  2. Reject blind consumerism. Hipsters like "niche consumerism". If your purchase supports local entrepreneurs, the environment, a family business or artists, it's hipster.
  3. Be of the right age. Hipsters run from teens to thirties, today's extended puberty includes existential fear, seeking meaning and inner values, and giving meaning to everything.
    • Of course, this does not mean that you cannot be a hipster when you are a little older, but the fact is that you are less interested in what is going on in the world when you get older. That probably means a) you don't need any kind of label, b) don't feel like belonging to a subculture, and / or c) don't make you so angry anymore. You may also be trying to steer your own teenagers in a certain direction, and you may want to adopt equal values ​​yourself.
  4. Get where the hipsters hang out. Hipsters tend to live in urban areas and are in contact with each other worldwide thanks to the Internet. Most hipsters can be found in the big cities, where "everything is possible", near art galleries, cinemas and places where obscure bands play.
    • Don't just move to the big city just because you want to be a hipster. Maybe living in the city is not at all convenient in your case, and besides, you can be hipster wherever you want. An advantage of continuing to live in your own city is that people there may not know about hipsters, so they have no preconceptions about it. Note that the internet will always be your best friend.
  5. Be educated. Try going to college, as hipsters are often well educated in free arts, graphic arts, or math and science.
    • Read a lot, even if that means you sit down at the local bookstore, take in all of their knowledge, and don't buy anything. Try to get the highest level of education if you are having fun in college.
    • The library is also a good option, because then you don't have to buy books and you can return them when you finish them. It doesn't matter if you sit there all day reading without bringing a book - that's normal in the library.
    • Hipsters use their right brain more than the rest of society, so that's why many hipsters base their careers on music, art or fashion. While these areas aren't essential, they do provide an outlet for hipster creativity.
    • Their training allows hipsters to despise others who scream murder and fire; history just repeats itself, or it is a lot of hassle about nothing.
  6. Get there early. Hipsters have a sense of what is worth before it becomes popular. Many bands and DJs become famous after only a handful of hipsters stood in front of the stage. Many clothing trends were started by hipsters, only to be hijacked by major clothing brands. Many tech gadgets are the first to be picked up by hipsters before they become mainstream toys.
    • The irony of being a forerunner is that when something is taken over by the masses, it's time to look for something else obscure or unknown. That's the bad thing if you want to be an independent mind; you explore the paths, but you have to keep moving.
    • If you are really good at something, like math, physics, medicine, political science, eco-consciousness, etc., you might make some great discoveries ahead of their time. You know deep down that you've stumbled upon something that really matters, but you can't convince anyone because it does great unknown is. Be patient and be convinced of your knowledge that one day others will see the value of your discovery.
  7. Don't define yourself in front of others. One of the basic elements of being hipster is to deny this label itself. Don't go publicizing that it is you; if you do that, you make an alliance with all those narrow-minded people who want to put everything in boxes.
    • The moment you define yourself too clearly, you run the risk of stagnation. Many hipsters will therefore deny their hipsterness.
    • To ward off skeptics, some hipsters also turn their irony on themselves by admitting and ridiculing their hipsterness (for example, by wearing a shirt that says, "I hate hipsters"); that way, by mocking themselves, they are ahead of the rest.
  8. Keep a close eye on the hipster community. For example, if a new obscure band is playing somewhere, you should be aware of it. Look on the internet.

Part 4 of 5: Hipster relaxation

  1. Read hipster classics. The books you read are important because they connect you with other hipsters, provide you with information about cultural issues and increase your knowledge. There's a lot to read, so separate the wheat from the chaff and delve into what's most important. Things you can read include:
    • Hipster magazines such as Vice and Wallpaper. Foreign leaves are good too.
    • Great books and poems from the likes of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Norman Mailer. Any other books you love. All books, period; Reading books sets hipsters apart from many other people. Make regular visits to the library's political science, anthropology, and sociology department.
    • Blogs from other hipsters. You can also have so much inspiration that you want to write your own blog.
  2. Watch hipster movies. Watch cult and foreign films and go to smaller theater productions, such as van Wunderbaum or the Veenfabriek. Watch Wes Anderson, Hal Hartley and Jim Jarmusch movies.
  3. Listen to emerging alternative bands. Indie is a big part of being hipster. Turn to the endless and ever-evolving list of alternative artists, especially in the nu-rave, minimalist techno, alternative rap, nerdcore, garage rock and punk rock corner.
    • Hipster artists of interest include Lana del Rey, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear, Belle & Sebastian, Electric President, Stray Kites, Jens Lekman, Neutral Milk Hotel, M83, Neon Indian, Neon Neon, Margot & The Nuclear So and Sos, and King Khan and the Shrines. The main thing is that you listen to music that most people have never heard of.
    • Music blogs such as Gorilla vs.Bear, Indiehere, / mu /, and Stereogum can help you find suitable bands to listen to. You can also visit people who know a lot about alternative music to get to know new things.
    • Perhaps the most popular hipster music site is If they rate an album well, it must be very hip.
    • A good indicator of whether an artist is hip is if your non-hipster friends have never heard of it.
    • Feel free to listen to music from other countries, because most mainstream music comes from America and England.

Part 5 of 5: Socializing

  1. Use social media. Hipsters love Blogspot, Tumblr, Instagram and Wordpress, as well as taking photos with their Holga camera and editing photos to make them "dreamy". Social media is also a great way to discover new things before they go mainstream.
  2. Go out with other hipsters. The reason for hanging out with other hipsters is that you will probably have a good click and will be aligned on many points. The muscular twink or tanning booth is probably not your type, so a fellow hipster is the answer.
  3. Go to dance. If you want to see a hipster, next time you go to a concert, turn around and see who is talking in the back of the room with a beer in hand. Sometimes, if the music and the atmosphere are good, a hipster will dance.
    • When a hipster dances, he does not so much use the hips, but the upper body and arms all the more. Shake your head back and forth a lot, but only if you're not easily embarrassed (and as a hipster, you shouldn't care).
    • Although you hardly ever see hipsters dancing at concerts, they tend to enjoy parties where they can dance to some more upbeat hipster dance music.
  4. Take it language and attitude about. While there will be many variations - part of the reality of hipster culture is that things are constantly changing - there are a few things to know:
    • Remember to use the main hipster phrase: “I already liked them before they became known ".
    • Drop names often. Talk about all the obscure bands that you like but no one knows about. When your friends are talking about a band you don't know, say you know the name, but you haven't heard from them yet. Look them up as soon as possible. It makes you more credible.
    • Insult a lot of bands. If you like everything you hear, they think you're too fanatic. Make sure you give the impression that you feel too good for a lot of bands.
    • If you want to come across smarter, this is a good sentence: "I liked their first LP, but I didn't get much further".
    • Use self-made words as much as possible. Or use existing words that no one really knows what they mean.
  5. Sharpen your humor. A hipster is known for his strong sense of irony and sarcasm. If you are asked a question, please refuse to answer directly; confuse, answer a question, or just be sarcastic.
    • Make sure you chuckle because the other person may take your sarcasm for truth.
    • An example: If you are in the cinema, and the person next to you asks you "Wow, that was crazy, did you see that?", You can answer dryly: "No, I just paid 10 euros to watch it. ceiling to stare ".
    • For examples of good use of sarcasm, watch British comedy shows.
    • Look at things with humor and don't take yourself too seriously. Hipsters are often parodied, so you better get a laugh about it.
  6. Prepare for criticism. Know that being hipster is often parodied because hipsters offend people. You will have to get used to disdainful attitudes and come up with ways to respond to them that are most comfortable for you.
    • You will often hear that your subculture less is then where the hater is in believes.
    • Given the tendency of hipsters to embrace progressive politics, you're bound to hear some conservative scorn every now and then, so it might be good to have a few standard responses ready.
    • If people ridicule your clothing style, remind them that their so-called trendy mass clothing is being put together by kids in sweatshops, and that they should especially contribute if they want to. If they then answer that your Apple products also made under those circumstances, you change the subject to an obscure tape they've never heard of.
    • Recognize the root of the problem. Realize that many of the people who attack you are probably very insecure about their own place in society, and they have many different ideas about what culture is, or how to reconcile those different elements of their culture with their lifestyles and preferences. Try to have a little compassion.
    • Nerds have a weird relationship with hipsters. While some act disdainfully, some geeks do realize that they actually look a bit like it and sometimes mingle with hipsters.


  • A casual attitude ensures that you exude a mysterious character.
  • Always have the latest iPhone.
  • Coffee (preferably organic fair-trade coffee from a local cafe) is seen as an important foodstuff.


  • Don't take this article too seriously, see it more as some guidelines to work with if you're comfortable with that. Hipsters take pride in being separate from the crowd.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously either.
  • Sometimes, very sometimes, you can get really frustrated that other people don't see what's great about your music, fashion, and other choices. Do not give up; you'll never see, hear, or feel what they love about their lifestyle, and that's because everyone is different.
  • The goal of being a hipster is to look like you're not making an effort, when you probably are. Just accept it.
  • Don't expect to be a hipster right away. It's quite a process and you shouldn't rush it.
  • Negativity can permeate hipster culture, perhaps as a counterpart to the ridiculously positive, Emiel-Ratelband attitude found in many of the corporate and consumer cultures these days. But negativity isn't the answer, it's just a reaction. Always try to find balance and peace in your life instead of seeing everything gloomy. Yes, society is full of problems, but being negative does not solve them, while a realistic and pragmatic approach to doing things that make a difference can contribute to a better world. Also remember that every generation is cursed to think that everything used to be, or could be, better. We are time and body beings who must accept our limitations while making the best of what we know and can do. Constantly blaming and criticizing everything can lead to a paralyzing lifestyle, in which complaining becomes our natural state, while we have to get out of that status quo.


  • Hipster clothes (see above)
  • Checkered shirts
  • Scarves (all year round)
  • Vintage boots
  • Tattoo
  • Record player
  • Old camera (e.g. Polaroid)
  • Fixed-gear bike
  • Your own garden
  • Fountain pen
  • The latest Apple products
  • Instagram