Making a heart in Twitter

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Elon Musk Just Destroyed The Twitter Board!
Video: Elon Musk Just Destroyed The Twitter Board!


When twittering you can express how much you love your friends and their tweets by using the ♥ symbol. You can use emoticons, copy and paste, a key combination, or an emoji.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using emoticons

  1. Type the combination of characters. Instead of the Alt key combinations, control panels or copy and paste, you can also try emoticons: 3 is a way to make a heart, or 333 if your feelings run very deep!
  2. Spell it out. If you have enough space for characters, just say it: "I {heart} of this!" While it requires a lot more space, it has a style of its own, which could work better in some cases.
    • You can of course use all the different methods in one tweet! You're sure people will love that ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡!

Method 2 of 4: Using Copy and Paste

  1. To copy. This is a very easy way to put a heart symbol in your tweet: copy one of the hearts below, and go to Twitter.
    • ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
  2. To stick. Go to Twitter, and put the heart symbol in your tweet. One for a little bit of love, several times for a lot of love!

Method 3 of 4: Use keyboard shortcuts on a PC

  1. Hold down the Alt key. Press "3" on your keyboard and use it to type the heart symbol.
  2. Make an empty heart. Tweet "& # 9825;" (without spaces and quotation marks). This will create a symbol with an open heart, at the location of the cursor.
    • This also works when you tweet on a Mac.
  3. Use the Alt code for a heart. Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and press 3.
    • To use the Alt code on a laptop, you must first press "Num Lock" on the keyboard, then you can use the Alt code.

Method 4 of 4: Create Emoticons in iOS

  1. Open Settings. Tap Settings from the Home screen to open the Settings window.
  2. Tap on General. In the Settings window, tap the General button.
  3. Tap on Keyboard. Scroll down the General screen and tap the Keyboard button.
  4. Tap Keyboards. In the Keyboard control panel, tap the "Keyboards" button.
  5. Tap "Add Keyboard ..." This will open a screen that allows you to choose additional keyboard layouts for your iOS device.
  6. Tap "Emoji."This adds a keyboard with a wide palette of colorful (and sometimes practical) icons.
  7. Go to Twitter, and start a new tweet. Tap and hold the globe symbol to the left of the space bar on the keyboard. A menu will appear with the keyboards you have loaded. Select "Emoji."
  8. Tap the "!? # ". Swipe left until you reach the penultimate screen, where you will find a red heart. Tap it to insert it into your tweet.
    • Keep in mind that many browsers display the red heart in black.


  • If you prefer to use the "copy and paste" method (most reliable on all platforms), create a small text file on your desktop with your favorite characters so that you can bring them up with a click or two.


  • Not all methods work or display correctly on all browsers. For example, while & # 9825 may show a heart when you tweet from your browser, you may just see "& # 9825" when tweeting from your desktop or mobile app.