Being a good wingman

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Help Friend Get Laid! 10 Tips To Be The ULTIMATE "Wingman"
Video: How To Help Friend Get Laid! 10 Tips To Be The ULTIMATE "Wingman"


Maybe your boyfriend just broke up with his girlfriend and you want to help him find a new girlfriend. Maybe he helped you in the last week and you went home with a 10. Whatever your reason for acting as a wingman for your friend, if you want to be good at what you do then you will have to teach yourself the truth. background, and how you can help your boyfriend win that one girl over without drawing too much attention to yourself. If you want to do more than just hang out, just follow the steps below and your friend will thank you for it.

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Part 1 of 3: Seeking rapprochement

  1. Don't try to swing in front of someone who's a lot less attractive than you. These are harsh words, but they are true. If you're a piece that looks like a mix between Ryan Gosling and Tom Brady when your boyfriend is just below average in the "attractive to women" section, then you probably have little chance of success. You will both need to be about equal when it comes to attractiveness, your way of interacting with other people, and how women respond to you. Otherwise, the girl will no doubt be attracted to you and your boyfriend will feel even worse.
    • This does not mean that your boyfriend cannot attract women just because he is less attractive. But if he also lacks the charisma and doesn't know how to talk to the opposite sex while you are comfortable with it, then you have a problem.
  2. Let your friend take charge. When you approach a bunch of girls, make sure they spot your friend first. If you go up to them and your friend keeps quiet, they probably think so he the wingman is ahead you and they will mix it up. He should be the one to introduce you and start the conversation while you join. You don't have to come across as a complete wimp, of course, but the girls should focus their attention on your boyfriend and not you.
    • If there is only 1 girl, you can let him talk to her first and join them later.
    • If there are two girls, which is more likely, you can approach it in two ways: some say you have to wait two minutes to join, while others like relationship guru Chase Amante say you should wait as long as necessary for your friend to talk to the girls before you join.
  3. Give him the right to choose first. That's what a wingman is for, isn't it? Sure, maybe the girl is from your hometown, likes the same sport as you and looks like Megan Fox's twin sister too, but she's not for you. If you are the wingman, you do so because your boyfriend has some credit, or because you are no longer single, or because you just want your boyfriend to have a good time. That means that you can't just decide on the road to like the other one more while your boyfriend had a crush on her. If there is only one girl, you will have to be even more restrained, but if there are two of them, let him choose and continue talking to her friend.
    • Learn to recognize the clues which girl your boyfriend likes best. Sometimes this is painfully obvious, but other times you will have to pay close attention to find out. See which girl he makes eye contact with and tries to get closer, or if he gives you a dirty look if you're paying too much attention to "his" girl.
  4. Separate yourself with the other girl. For the rest of the evening, it's your job to keep the girl's girlfriend busy. This can be hard work, but no one has ever argued that being a wingman is easy. You don't have to pull her away from her friend, just make it clear that she's "your" girl for the rest of the night. Try to pay as little attention as possible to the other girl, even if she's trying to make eye contact with you.
    • Once you figure out which girl your boyfriend is interested in, it's important that you stick with her girlfriend from the start. If you try to switch at the beginning or later, the girls will get confused.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding your role

  1. Intervene if necessary. Think of yourself as part friend and part bodyguard. If another guy comes along who's also got his eye on your boyfriend's love interest, you'll have to get that guy out of the way without looking like a jerk. It's very likely that other guys will want to talk to the girl too if she looks really good, so keep an eye out for intruders. However, if a friend of the girl comes over, you should try to be as nice as possible and avoid going elsewhere with the girl.
    • Sometimes you will have to intervene when it comes to other girls. It may be that the girl you are talking to or other girls are attempting to talk to your boyfriend, or that they are trying to get the attention of the girl your friend is talking to. Then try to distract them, stand between them, or just bore them until they have had enough.
  2. Know when to talk and when not to. This is another important skill of the successful wingman. You can talk and make the girls laugh, tell us a little bit about yourself and try to keep the conversation going, but try not to talk so much that you end up stealing the show and appearing nicer, smarter and cooler, or just your friend in the shade. He is the one who has to keep the conversation going and you have to step in when an annoying silence arises or when you can contribute something that makes your friend stand out ... but not too well (but more on that later).
    • Don't interrupt your friend when he's talking, unless you for real can add something. Doing so will make your friend look a bit silly.
    • If it starts to get a little quiet, don't say "Well, this is a bit clumsy ..." Just try to continue the conversation.
  3. Do not let yourself be distracted. Maybe a group of the prettiest girls you've ever seen just roll in. Maybe the draw will be on that one football match and there are only a few minutes left. Maybe your brother will call to ask you a favor. That's all well and good, but not tonight, not if you want to be a good wingman. You'll have to focus like a laser on the task ahead of getting your boyfriend the girl of his dreams, or at least her phone number.
    • Tell yourself that you are doing this for your friend and that it will be your turn some other time.
  4. Do not drink too much. This should not be mentioned, but it is a mistake that many wingmen are guilty of. You're helping your boyfriend continue talking to a girl you're not interested in, so can you help yourself to get drunk within 45 minutes of being bored to death? Yes, you can do something about that. How can you be a good wingman when you can no longer stand on your feet? That's not going to work. If you drink too much, you will come across as a fool and your friend will come across as a fool too. And who wants to go home with that now?
    • Hold yourself back. If it's a night when the flowers are thrown out and you let the others go for it, they should know, but you don't want to be the one who has already downed 5 tequilas while the others have just started sipping their first drinks .
  5. Hold on. Are you getting tired? Do you want to go home to play with your Xbox? Do you miss your girlfriend and would you like to whisper sweet words into the phone and wish her good night? Too bad. This is not your night to decide what happens, dear boy. Unless you have a really urgent reason have to go home or have a terrible time, you will have to grin and put up with it.
    • As soon as you indicate that you want to go home, the spell is broken and you have ruined your friend's chances, unless he is also ready to go home.
    • If you really want to leave, let your friend know in advance - even if you need to text him - so he can come up with a plan to get back to the girl later.
  6. If you are already taken, please tell us...but not immediately. Indeed, if you approach two girls and tell them you have a girlfriend within the first 5 minutes, they probably won't want to talk to you if they're out to hook up guys. But if you talk for an hour or two without notifying this, it will come across as very strange. Find a casual way to mention your girlfriend in the conversation, even if it sounds a bit forced, after getting to know the girl a little better.
    • You don't have to talk about your amazing girlfriend every 5 minutes, but it's important to let the girls know you're already taken so the right girl can focus even more on your boyfriend.

Part 3 of 3: Helping your friend to score

  1. Make your friend look good.... but not too good. If you've read enough advice on how to be a good wingman, you might start to think that you should fully sit that friend of yours up in front of the women; tell him he's the smartest, coolest, richest, and most talented guy in the whole world. Well, they'll figure that out soon enough when you get on like that, so get your friend off the hook, but only if you can naturally weave it into the conversation.
    • When you say something about your boyfriend, don't give the girls a scary look like, "Isn't that great?"
    • This doesn't mean putting him down or making your boyfriend look like a loser to the girls. That doesn't help either and in the end both of you will look pretty silly.
  2. Keep your friend looking presentable. Let him know if he's spilled beer in his crotch, if he needs to blow his nose or if his fly is open. Also let him know that he's starting to get drunk and embarrass himself. If you want your boyfriend to score, you'll have to make sure he continues to look his best for the girl of his dreams. Even if you're talking to another girl, don't forget your boyfriend and make sure he doesn't lose track. That way, you help him score without appearing to be holding his hand.
    • If you need to point out to him that he has spilled something on his shirt or that he needs to do something about his appearance, try to convey it subtly.
  3. Let your friend know he doesn't stand a chance. This is another aspect of being a wingman. Has your boyfriend been trying to talk to the same beauty continuously for the past half hour? If you find her looking around more than at him, constantly checking her phone, or just looking like she's in the middle of a chemistry class, you're just doing your friend a favor by saying, "Hey man, I guess. that we have to look elsewhere. " Although his pride has taken a dent, he will be grateful afterwards that his evening was not completely wasted.
    • Half an hour is quite a long time to wait. You can tell after 15 minutes whether the girl is interested. Sometimes you can see within a few minutes that he has no chance.
  4. Make sure you are a good matchmaker. This is another way to help your boyfriend get the girl. Try to think about the things that the girl and your boyfriend have in common and try to bond between the two whenever you can. If the girl tells you she just took a trip to L.A., tell her that your friend was there a few years ago (if so), if he didn't hear what she just said; if you see she's wearing a shirt from a certain band, tell her your friend has all the CDs of it. Look for opportunities to make sure your boyfriend and girl have more to talk about.
    • Don't make here too much a point of it. You can't force them to talk about a topic they just don't know much about.
  5. End the evening like a pro. At the end of the evening, you can sit back and let your friend practice his decorating skills. If there are two girls, you may be able to move elsewhere to make them feel more comfortable. But if you've been talking to a girl, go to the toilet, pretend to make a phone call, or order another drink while they finish. Do what you can to not get in the way so your friend can ask for the girl's phone number ... or ask her home.
    • If it looks like your boyfriend is leaving with the girl, have a way to get home. You don't want to ruin the atmosphere by having to take a taxi with your friend and his new flame.
    • If it still doesn't click between the girl and your boyfriend, don't worry. You have done your best and there will be another time when you can work on your skills as a wingman.


  • Be tactful and subtle when assisting.


  • Avoid getting into such a relationship yourself to avoid problems and arguments in the future.
  • Don't try to put yourself in a position where you feel obliged to spend the rest of the evening with your girlfriend.
  • This is also not a good idea if you really like the person your friend has caught his eye on.