Make a gratitude list

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creating A Gratitude List│Mental Health Tips
Video: Creating A Gratitude List│Mental Health Tips


If you want to feel more optimistic and live your life more consciously, making a list of everything you are grateful for can be a great exercise for you. Making a gratitude list isn't difficult, and doing this regularly can be quite transformative! You don't need any special tools to get started and it only takes a few minutes to write down a few things you are grateful for, so give it a try. After a few weeks you will start to notice the positive changes in your life.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Create a simple gratitude list

  1. Write down at least 5 things each time you make a list. A list of 5 things you are grateful for per session should be doable. If you still find that too difficult, start with 3 things. You can number your list, add bullet points, or simply write down the 5 sentences or statements one below the other. Just do it your way; there is no wrong way to do this!
    • If you're planning to make this a habit, get a special notepad or a nice notebook to keep your lists together.
    • If you prefer to do this on your computer or iPad, create a document for that.
  2. Try to be as specific as possible. The fact that you are specific forces you to examine the world around you more closely and gives you the opportunity to be grateful for a wide variety of things. As you think about things for your list, try zooming in on details as well.
    • "I am grateful that my friend brought me soup yesterday when I was not feeling so well", for example, is better than "I am grateful for my friend".
    • For example, instead of 'I am grateful for the beautiful weather' you could say, 'I am grateful for the sound the wind makes when it blows the leaves through my garden' or 'I am grateful for the warm sun on my shoulders when I walk outside '.
    • "I am grateful for my cat's lovely soft coat and how she purrs when I pet her" is better than "I am grateful for my cat".
  3. Focus on the details. By focusing on smaller details, your lists can have even more impact. Don't be afraid to elaborate on something and get into the details as much as you like. There is no word limit on your gratitude, and you will find that going into the small details can bring you a lot of satisfaction and pleasure. For example, you can write things like:
    • "I am grateful for the cool, sweet iced tea I drank with my friends today."
    • "I am grateful for the salty scent of the sea that blows in through my open window every morning."
    • "I am grateful for the juicy, home-grown tomatoes I cut for my cheese sandwich today."
    • "I am grateful for the scent of the pine trees and the damp earth as I walk through the park."
  4. Focus on experiences and people instead of objects. There is nothing wrong with being grateful for things you own and you can certainly write that down sometimes. However, keep in mind that gratitude lists are more impactful when you focus on your experiences with the people in your life.
    • For example, "I am grateful for my experience in the butterfly garden today" is better than "I am grateful for my television".
    • Something like "I am grateful for the smell of freshly cut grass in my garden" is better than "I am grateful for my garden".
    • "I am grateful to be able to afford my friend's lunch when we go out together" is better than "I am grateful for the money I have in the bank".
  5. Write freely and don't worry about spelling or grammar. Your gratitude lists are for your eyes only, so don't worry about perfectly written or imperfect sentences. Grammar and spelling don't matter here! Write naturally, without stopping and searching for the perfect word. Just focus on what you are grateful for and let the words flow.
  6. Take 15 minutes to make your list 1 to 3 times a week. If you like to start your day on the positive, write your list early in the morning, or try to do it at night before going to sleep. Studies show that writing a gratitude list 3 times a week has more impact than daily lists, so try starting with that.
    • If making daily lists feels right for you, then go for it! There is some evidence that some people can certainly benefit from doing this exercise every day.

Method 2 of 2: Try out other ways and techniques

  1. Write 1 or 2 pages in a gratitude journal at a time, if you like to write. There is no rule that says you should write about gratitude in the form of lists! If you like to keep a journal, you can write longer pieces and go into more detail. If you do this, consider limiting your diary sessions to once a week. Research shows that overdoing it can make the process less effective.
    • You don't have to buy a nice gratitude diary especially for this, but you can, if you want.
  2. Use a gratitude app instead of pen and paper if you are often on the road. Explore the gratitude apps available in your smartphone's app store and choose one you like. Apps offer unique benefits such as:
    • You can create your lists whenever and wherever. For example, you can make your list in the morning on the metro.
    • Apps send you a reminder. This is very helpful if you have a tendency to be forgetful or need a little extra help in getting into the habit of making lists.
  3. Write your expressions of gratitude on sticky notes, if you want to see them often. Using sticky notes is a great option if you are very busy, or if you want some positive thoughts to help you through a rough day. Write one thing you are grateful for on each sticky note and post the notes in places around your home or workspace where you can see them clearly.
    • For example, stick them on your bathroom mirror, above the dining table, or on your telephone.
    • Stick a note on your bedroom door so you can see it every time you leave your bedroom.
  4. Share your gratitude lists with some friends. If you can get some of your friends to start making gratitude lists, it can be a lot of fun to get together every now and then and share your lists or stories. You could meet weekly at an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice cream while everyone talks about their favorite gratitude of the week.
    • Another way to practice your gratitude is to text a certain friend every day that you are grateful for.
  5. Add inspirational quotes to your list to increase your positivity. As an added gratitude exercise, you may enjoy looking up inspirational quotes and writing them down every day. You can also use those quotes if you want to focus on specific topics or just think a little extra about it.


  • Some days it can be a bit harder than usual to feel gratitude and that's okay! Just hang on and keep looking for things to be thankful for.


  • Notebook or exercise book, diary, paper, etc.
  • Pen, pencil, or felt-tip pen