Picking out a gift for a boy

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Choose your gift | for boys🎁🦋
Video: Choose your gift | for boys🎁🦋


Gift giving is second nature for some people, a source of stress for others. Gender plays a big role in how people interact, and gift giving is no exception. Both boys and girls like to receive presents, but choosing a present for a boy needs to be done slightly differently than for a girl. If you are stressed about finding a suitable gift but can't seem to find it, follow the steps below. These steps will make your gift search a lot easier.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Choose a gift that he would like

  1. List the hobbies or sports that he enjoys. If you know the boy well, you will undoubtedly know which hobbies he has or which sports he practices. Try to identify which hobby or sport he likes best, or try to figure out what he doesn't have all the necessities for and create a gift idea around it. Don't worry if your gift isn't overly sentimental or meaningful. Some guys are more interested in a practical gift.
    • If he practices a particular sport, he may enjoy getting sports equipment, a signed sports item, or game tickets. If the boy in question is still quite young, you could buy him baseball tickets or a new football.
    • If he's interested in art or music, you could give him hobby or music supplies. You could even buy him music from iTunes, or put together a playlist if you have a little less to spend.
    • If he's more of a game-playing type, you can no doubt make him happy with a new game or new hardware for his system or computer.
    • Creatives always have an interest in hobby and craft supplies, so if he's quite creative you can make him happy with new brushes or paint.
    • Musicians always have an interest in an extra guitar strap, cables (for a DJ) or strings (for a violinist).
  2. Talk to him about his interests. If you regularly talk to the guy you want to buy a gift for, you can subtly ask what interests him during a conversation. Some guys are more open and these guys are more likely to name the things they have an interest in. However, other friendships can be less open. Try to subtly figure out what the guy in question wants, without giving up your intentions.
    • If you already have something in mind that you would like to give him, try to gauge his response by subtly bringing up the gift or category that the gift falls into.
    • If during a conversation he shows that he would like a certain item or article, try to remember it.
  3. Read blogs or magazines about the type of gift you want to buy him. Blogs, forums, and magazines are great places to find gift ideas. On blogs and forums you will find people with the same interests as the boy you want to buy a gift for. You will be immediately informed of the latest trends, newest products or upcoming events.
    • You do not need to create an account or post anything on the forum. You can simply go through other users' posts to see what others want or need.
    • Save links to websites and pages with useful information so that you can view them again at a later time.
  4. Reduce your gift options list to three. If you have too many gift ideas, try to reduce the number. Think about what he probably wants most, what he will use the most, and what fits within your own budget. Think about the type of gift that suits the situation based on the relationship you have with the boy in question. If he's your boyfriend, a close friend, or a family member, you may want to spend a little more on the gift than you would for a regular friend.
    • It is better to remove items that fall outside your budget from the list of options.
  5. Buy an accessory for the boy who has everything. If the boy or man's issue is successful and you feel like he already has everything, it may be difficult to think of something he would want or need as he can purchase the items himself. In such a case, you could buy him an accessory that he didn't think he needed, but that he will really enjoy. If he likes extravagant things like cars or expensive wine then you could buy him an accessory that doesn't cost much. Think of a stopper for a wine bottle or a nice gear knob. This is useful if you want to save yourself money or if your budget is on the small side.
    • The boy who already has everything is probably completely used to his own comings and goings. So don't try to change his daily routine.
    • If you are younger you could buy him a new album or comic book. Think about something that just came out and he hasn't gotten from his parents yet.
  6. Go do something fun together. An activity as a gift is great fun, as you can spend time together at the same time. You can go zip lining, rappelling, climbing, to the beach, hiking, exploring caves, or other activities in your area. Remember for your own safety, and always follow the rules and guidelines that have been drawn up for a particular activity. If you are quite young and cannot afford such an activity, ask your parents to see if they can help you with anything.
    • If you are still quite young, a visit to an arcade or computer game café will be a nice gift for a friend of yours. Ask your parents for permission first.
    • If your budget allows it, you could surprise him with a fun outing.

Method 2 of 3: Pick a gift he needs

  1. Investigate his room to see what is missing. Some guys don't really care whether or not they have the latest of the latest, some care little about this, and others simply can't afford it. This could be a new pair of shoes because his old pair is completely worn out, or a new phone because his screen is broken.
    • Buying a gift he actually needs can detract from the surprise factor, but he will probably use the item a lot.
    • If things need to be repaired in his apartment, buy spare tools or a tool box.
  2. Talk to close friends of his or his family members to get ideas for a gift. His relatives or friends will be more realistic, even if the boy doesn't want to admit he needs something. People who are close to the boy in question, especially the people he lives under one roof with, are likely to have a pretty good idea of ​​what he needs.
    • By inquiring from people he lives with, you can avoid buying something he already has.
  3. Ask him if he needs or would like to have anything. When you talk to the guy in question, you will gain a better understanding of what he needs. Try not to fish for information blatantly to avoid offending him. Listen to him when he speaks and ask questions to see if there is anything else he doesn't have.
    • Some guys are more open than other guys. If you're not getting any ideas from the conversations with him, it may be time to be a little more direct. Ask him if he needs anything for his apartment or house.
  4. Compare prices of the different ideas you have for a gift. Many people have set a budget in advance when looking for a gift for a friend. Partly because of this, you would be wise to compare prices online and in the store. Regardless of the item, always try to go for the highest quality so that the boy will be impressed with your gift. If the gift is not within your budget, it is better to look for something else.
    • Sometimes you will find the perfect gift in a place where you least expect it, such as a flea market.
    • Looking for the best price for the item not only saves you money, it also allows you to go for better quality.
  5. Buy him a gift card. If you can't come up with a suitable gift, give him a gift card. Think about what he likes and where he likes to shop, and try to buy a gift card from the appropriate store. Determine how close you are to the guy in question, how much you want to spend, and how much you can spare. For an acquaintance you could buy a € 10 or € 15 voucher. You probably want to spend a little more for a family member.
    • If he likes to work with his hands, a gift card from a hardware store is a good option.
    • It is not difficult to find something for people who love computer games and computers. For them, you can buy a gift card that they can spend at an electronics or multimedia store.
    • If you don't know what he likes, buy him a regular gift card that he can use at almost any store.

Method 3 of 3: Make something beautiful for him

  1. Consider making something for him that will actually benefit him. Try to remember a nice moment that both you and the boy have fond memories of and create a gift around it. Use your talents while creating a gift. Do not worry if you are not very creative. The quality of the final product is less important than the meaning of the gift.
    • If you are not very creative you can also make a photo collage. These are personal and quite easy to make.
    • If you are younger you could use an extra white T-shirt and make a nice design for it. Use a highlighter or paint. Think of creative things you can do with extra clothes to make a great gift.
    • You could also make a painting for him, write a song, or create a piece of art.
    • If you're planning on making a handmade gift, look online for inspiration.
  2. Make a list of what you need to complete your project. When you go to the store to get supplies, you don't want to go back because you forgot something. Making a complete list of all the supplies and materials for the gift will help you avoid giving the gift too late, or worse, being forced to cancel the project halfway through.
    • Remember that it can take up to a day if you have photos developed. Keep this in mind when creating your gift.
    • It's better to have supplies and materials left over than to find out halfway through your project that you haven't bought enough.
  3. Buy all your supplies and materials online or hobby store. As soon as you have an idea for a gift, it is wise to buy the supplies and materials. Visit a hobby store near you or buy them online.
    • Go to the hobby store and then compare prices there using your mobile phone. You can save money with this.
    • If you are going to order supplies online, make sure you take the delivery time into account.
  4. Create your gift. Take your time and make the gift you have in mind for him. Remember, the more time and effort you put into the gift, the better the finished product will be. So don't try to rush your creation. Once you're done, it's a good idea to put the gift where it won't find it.
    • Don't worry too much about whether the gift is perfect. It's more about the gesture and meaning of the gift and less about your artistic talents.
    • If your creation is about to fail, feel free to start over and try again.