Using a balloon syringe

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Needle Through a Balloon - Science Experiments for School Kids
Video: Needle Through a Balloon - Science Experiments for School Kids


A balloon syringe is a type of syringe with a balloon-shaped part of latex or rubber at the end that you can squeeze and let moisture flow into. It is important not to use the same balloon syringe for multiple purposes and to use a different balloon syringe for each person. Even if you clean the syringe, you still run the risk of infection if you share the syringe with someone else.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Suck a baby's nose

  1. Gather your supplies. Sucking the snot from your baby's nose will make it easier for him or her to breathe and eat. The best time to clear your baby's nose is before you feed him or her as this will help your baby to suckle and eat. To empty your child's nose with a balloon syringe you will need the following:
    • Saline solution or nasal drops. Ask your doctor for a prescription.
    • A clean balloon syringe
    • Soft tissue paper
    • A blanket (optional)
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after vacuuming. There are bacteria on your hands and they should not get into your child's nose and mouth. To wash your hands properly, do the following:
    • Wet your hands with warm water.
    • Soap your hands by putting some soap on them and rubbing your hands together. Wash the backs of your hands, the areas between your fingers, and the gaps under your fingernails.
    • Scrub your hands for 20 seconds. If you don't have a clock, hum the song "Happy Birthday" twice.
    • Rinse your hands with clean, running water.
    • Dry your hands with a paper towel.
  3. Place your child on his or her back. Your child's face should be facing the ceiling.
    • You can ask someone else to carefully keep your baby lying down.
    • If you don't have help, wrap your baby tightly in a blanket. Swaddling your baby with arms by the side will help your child lie still.
  4. Drizzle three to four drops of saline solution into one of your baby's nostrils. Keep in mind that your child may not like this and may start squirming. Try to get your baby to lie still for about 10 seconds, with the help of another person or a blanket. The saline solution will help loosen the mucus that clogs your baby's nasal passages.
    • You can make your own saline solution at home, but this is certainly not recommended for a baby. If the proportions are not just right, the saline solution can have a strong drying effect. In addition, make sure you have distilled and purified water for making the solution.
    • Instead of a homemade mix, opt for one of the many saline solutions from the store that are specially designed for babies. These resources are inexpensive and have been specially formulated for this purpose.
  5. Squeeze out all the air from the balloon syringe. Use your thumb and your first two fingers to squeeze the balloon-shaped part.
  6. Insert the end of the balloon syringe into your child's nostril. Gently rest the syringe in your child's nostril. Slowly release the balloon syringe with your thumb, allowing air to flow back into the balloon syringe.
    • The suction will remove the snot from your child's nose and end up in the syringe. You may need to empty both nostrils several times to get rid of all the mucus. The snot can be very thick, especially if your baby has a cold.
    • If the mucus is too thick for the balloon syringe, dilute it with a few drops of saline and then try to gently suck it up again.
  7. Remove the balloon syringe from your baby's nose. Squeeze the snot from the balloon syringe onto a paper towel or tissue.
    • There may still be some mucus on the outer edge of your child's nostril. Make sure to wipe this off gently to avoid skin irritation.
  8. Repeat the process on the other nostril. Make sure to gently vacuum away the mucus to remove most of the mucus from your baby's nose.
  9. Clean the balloon syringe after use. Always clean the balloon syringe with warm soapy water after using it.
    • Make sure to rinse the syringe thoroughly to prevent soap residue from sticking in it. Squeeze the balloon-shaped part several times while holding the syringe in the soapy water to remove the mucus. Shake out the contents of the syringe before squeezing it.
    • Let the syringe dry overnight before using or storing it again.
  10. Do not exaggerate. Do not vacuum your baby's nose more than four times a day to avoid irritation of your baby's nasal mucosa.

Method 2 of 3: Give an enema

  1. Understand the purpose of an enema. Constipation in babies is a common problem and if other methods fail to resolve the problem, you may need to give an enema to help your child. Your child is likely to be constipated if his or her stool is hard or has difficulty defecating. Talk to your doctor before giving your baby an enema using a balloon syringe. Sometimes giving an enema can cause irritation or chapping in your child's anus, causing your child to be in pain and holding up his or her bowel movements.
    • Breast-feeding is less likely to cause constipation and other digestive problems than bottle-feeding. A small amount of magnesium in a bottle can help a baby get rid of his or her stool.
    • You can also try rubbing your baby gently on the stomach before attempting an enema.
  2. Gather your supplies. To give your child an enema you will need:
    • A clean balloon syringe
    • Olive oil
    • A diaper
    • Warm water
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after an enema. Your hands should be clean before starting this procedure. The process can be messy if your child manages to get rid of his or her stool, so you will need to wash your hands again afterwards.
    • Make sure to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
    • Soak your hands, including the areas between your fingers, the gaps under your nails, and the backs of your hands.
    • Rinse your hands well and dry them with a clean paper towel.
  4. Fill the balloon syringe with one to three tablespoons of warm water. To fill the syringe, first squeeze out the air and then place the end of the syringe in a bowl of water.
    • With your thumb, slowly release the balloon syringe and the syringe will fill with water. Make sure the water is not too hot. The water should feel lukewarm to slightly warm. Don't use more than three tablespoons of water at a time.
  5. Coat the tip of the balloon syringe with olive oil. This will make the process more pleasant for your child.
    • Grab a teaspoon of olive oil and spread the olive oil on your finger.
    • Cover the tip of the syringe with a thin layer of oil.
  6. Insert the end of the balloon syringe into your child's anus. Insert the syringe only an inch in.
    • Do not squeeze the syringe or the water will flow out too soon.
    • This can be an unpleasant process so it is best to ask someone to help you distract your baby so that he or she does not experience any discomfort.
  7. Gently squeeze the syringe. The water will flow into your child's intestine and help to loosen the stool. After you give an enema, your baby should defecate in minutes.
    • Wait a few minutes for your child to defecate. To make sure this process is less messy, you can put a diaper on your baby.
    • Repeat the process if necessary.
  8. Wash the syringe after use. Clean the syringe with hot soapy water and let it dry overnight.
    • Make sure to rinse the syringe thoroughly to prevent soap residue from sticking in it. Squeeze the balloon-shaped part several times while holding the syringe in the soapy water to clean the syringe.
    • Never use a balloon syringe that you used to give an enema for anything other than giving an enema.

Method 3 of 3: Remove earwax

  1. Gather your supplies. If you have a build-up of wax in your ears, it may be time to rinse it out using a balloon syringe and wax softener. In most cases, you can simply remove any accumulated wax at home. Before attempting to remove the wax, gather the following supplies:
    • A clean balloon syringe
    • An agent that softens earwax. You can get such a remedy from your local pharmacy without a prescription or use a natural remedy like baby oil, mineral oil, glycerine, or hydrogen peroxide.
    • A clean towel
  2. Put several drops of the wax softener in your ear canal. This will help loosen the wax before removing it.
    • Tilt your head to the side.
    • Place five to 10 drops of the remedy or home remedy of your choice into your ear canal.
    • Let the drops sit in your ears for a few minutes.
    • Keep your head to the side or put a cotton ball in your ear canal to keep the drops from flowing out of your ear again. You can wait one to two days for the wax to soften and then use the balloon syringe.
  3. Fill the balloon syringe with warm water. Do this by squeezing the air out first. Then put the tip of the syringe in a bowl of warm water.
    • Release the syringe slowly. This will suck the warm water into the syringe.
    • Do not do this too quickly or too many air bubbles will enter the syringe.
  4. Insert the end of the syringe into the front of your ear canal. Tilt your head over a clean towel and pull your outer ear up and back. This will straighten your ear canal. Gently squeeze the water from the syringe and let it flow into your ear canal.
  5. Tilt your head to the side to allow the water to drain. When you have squeezed the water into your ear, let it run out along with the detached ear wax.
    • When all the water has run out of your ear, dry your outer ear with a towel.
    • You can repeat this process several times to rinse the wax out of your ear.
  6. Seek medical attention if the wax does not come off after several treatments. In some cases, the emollient only softens the outer layer of wax and the wax travels deeper into your ear canal or against your eardrum. If wax is not coming out of your ear or you are experiencing ear pain, get medical attention for your ear.
    • The doctor can also try to clean your ear with a balloon syringe. He can also spray or vacuum your ear canal, or use a microscope to get a better look at the inside of your ear.