Make a strawberry smoothie

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Smoothies Using Strawberries & Milk : Making Smoothies
Video: How to Make Smoothies Using Strawberries & Milk : Making Smoothies


Strawberry smoothies are delicious, healthy and very simple to make. They can also be used as a great treat at parties or as a refreshing afternoon snack. Make delicious smoothies in no time. Try one of the following strawberry smoothie recipes.

  • Preparation time: 5-8 minutes
  • Preparation time (blending): 2-4 minutes
  • Total time: 10 minutes


Strawberry smoothie:

  • About 12 strawberries
  • 240 ml of ice
  • 120 ml yoghurt, plain or with fruit flavor.
  • Half a teaspoon of strawberry ice cream, strawberry banana ice cream, or vanilla ice cream (optional)
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 120 ml of orange juice

Strawberry blackberry smoothie:

  • About 12 strawberries
  • 80 ml orange juice (fresh or from concentrate)
  • About 10 blackberries
  • 120 ml of ice
  • 120 ml yoghurt, plain or with fruit flavor (optional).
  • 120 ml of orange juice

Honey strawberry smoothie:

  • About 6 strawberries
  • 240 ml plain yogurt (full fat or low-fat, they both taste great)
  • Honey to taste.
  • 1 sliced ​​banana

Vanilla strawberry smoothie:

  • About 10 strawberries
  • 240 ml of milk
  • Strawberry yogurt or vanilla yogurt
  • 360 ml vanilla ice cream or strawberry ice cream
  • Vanilla extract
  • 240 ml of orange juice
  • Ice cubes

Wild strawberry smoothie:

  • 180 ml apple juice
  • 240 ml frozen or fresh whole strawberries
  • 1 sliced ​​banana
  • 2 scoops of low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
  • 240 ml of ice

To step

Method 1 of 5: Strawberry smoothie

  1. Blend until smooth. Serve it in a chilled glass if you wish, or pour into glasses to hand out. Finish your smoothie with a straw and enjoy.

Method 2 of 5: Strawberry blackberry smoothie

  1. Pour orange juice into the blender. Depending on your preference, you can use orange juice without pulp or orange with pulp for extra firmness. Orange juice will add a bit of sour bite to your smoothie, contrasting nicely with the sweetness of the strawberries and blackberries.
  2. Add the strawberries and blackberries. You can use both fresh and frozen strawberries and blackberries. If you are using fresh fruit, make sure to wash and remove the crowns (the green leaf wreath at the top) from the strawberries before adding your mixture.
  3. Add ice. Adding the hard ice after the fruit will make the blades of the blender grind more effectively.
  4. If you are using frozen fruit, you may prefer to cut the amount of ice in half. If the strawberries and blackberries are frozen, they will make your smoothie cold and icy on its own.
    • Add yogurt if you wish (optional). Natural yogurt will give a more acidic taste and make your smoothie a bit creamier.
    • Blend for about 5 seconds, then pause and blend again. Repeat this until well blended. You may have to stir your smoothie with a spoon in between to make sure no strawberries, blackberries, or ice cubes get stuck.
  5. Listen to the sound of the blender. If the blender is noisy, keep blending until the sound is quieter. Stir with a spoon one last time to make sure your smoothie is well blended.
    • If your smoothie is still very weak when you are done blending, add some extra ice cubes until your smoothie has reached the consistency you want.
  6. Enjoy your smoothie. Pour your smoothie into chilled glasses or cups to hand out. Finish your smoothie with a straw.

Method 3 of 5: Honey strawberry smoothie

  1. Pour 240 ml plain yogurt (500 ml if you are thirsty) into the blender. Yogurt will make it creamier and will serve as the basis for the flavor of your strawberries. You can use fat-free, low-fat, or full-fat yogurt.
  2. Add the strawberries. You can use both fresh and frozen strawberries. If you're using frozen strawberries, you may not need that much ice. If you are using fresh strawberries, make sure to wash them and remove the crowns (the green leaf wreath at the top) before adding the strawberries.
  3. Blend until smooth. Blend for about 5 seconds, then pause and blend again. Repeat this until well blended. You may need to stir your smoothie with a spoon in between to make sure no strawberries or ice cubes get stuck.
    • Listen to the sound of the blender. If the blender is noisy, keep blending until the sound is quieter. Stir with a spoon one last time to make sure your smoothie is well blended.
  4. Add a sliced ​​banana (optional). You can use a fresh banana or frozen pieces. Blend until smooth.
  5. Add honey to taste. To start, use about a tablespoon. Sip your smoothie and add more honey if you want more sweetness.
    • Do not start with large amounts of honey right away. Your smoothie can become very sweet very quickly, and too much honey can ruin your smoothie.
    • Enjoy your smoothie. Serve your smoothie in tall chilled glasses or cups to hand out. Finish your smoothie with a straw and enjoy!
  6. Serve your smoothie with ice, or blend a few ice cubes into the mixture to cool your smoothie if you wish.

Method 4 of 5: Vanilla strawberry smoothie

  1. Add the strawberries. You can use both fresh and frozen strawberries. If you're using frozen strawberries, you may not need that much ice. If you are using fresh strawberries, make sure to wash them and remove the crowns (the green leaf wreath at the top) before adding the strawberries.
  2. Pour in the milk. You can use low-fat or semi-skimmed milk, or you can make your smoothie extra creamy by using whole or farmland milk.
  3. Add strawberry yogurt or vanilla yogurt. Strawberry yogurt will give your smoothie a stronger strawberry flavor. If you prefer more vanilla flavor in your smoothie, use vanilla yogurt.
  4. Blend until smooth. Blend for about 5 seconds, then pause and blend again. Repeat this until well blended. You may have to stir your smoothie with a spoon in between to make sure no strawberries, blackberries, or ice cubes get stuck.
  5. Add the vanilla ice cream or strawberry ice cream and the vanilla extract (1-2 drops). You can play with the taste of your smoothie a bit. If you want more strawberry flavor, use strawberry ice cream. Blend until smooth.
    • You can also use an equal amount of both ice creams.
  6. Pour orange juice into your mixture. Depending on your preference, you can use orange juice without pulp or orange with pulp for extra firmness. Orange juice will add a bit of sour bite to your smoothie, contrasting nicely with the sweetness of the strawberries.
  7. Add ice. Adding the hard ice after the strawberries will make the blades of the blender grind more effectively. If you are using frozen strawberries, you may prefer to cut the amount of ice in half. Since the strawberries are frozen, they will already make your smoothie cold and icy on its own.
  8. Blend until smooth. Blend for about 5 seconds, then pause and blend again. Repeat this until well blended. You may have to stir your smoothie with a spoon in between to make sure no strawberries or ice cubes get stuck.
    • Listen to the sound of the blender. If the blender is noisy, keep blending until the sound is quieter. Stir with a spoon one last time to make sure your smoothie is well blended.
    • If your smoothie is still very weak when you are done blending, add some extra ice cubes until your smoothie has reached the consistency you want.
  9. Enjoy your smoothie. Pour your smoothie into chilled glasses or cups to hand out. Finish your smoothie with a straw.

Method 5 of 5: Wild strawberry smoothie

  1. Pour apple juice into the blender. Apple juice will give you a little sweetness so you don't have to add extra sugar to your smoothie. Apple juice also acts as the basis for the flavor of your strawberries.
  2. Add the strawberries and banana slices. You can use both fresh and frozen strawberries and banana slices. If you are using fresh strawberries, make sure to wash them and remove the crowns (the green leaf wreath at the top) from the strawberries before adding your mixture.
  3. Add frozen yogurt. Scoop your vanilla frozen yogurt into the mixture. You can try full-fat frozen yogurt, low-fat frozen yogurt, or vanilla soy frozen yogurt.
  4. Add ice. Adding the hard ice after the strawberries will make the blades of the blender grind more effectively. If you are using frozen strawberries, you may prefer to cut the amount of ice in half. Since the strawberries are frozen, they will already make your smoothie cold and icy on its own.
  5. Blend until smooth. Blend for about 5 seconds, then pause and blend again. Repeat this until well blended. You may have to stir your smoothie with a spoon in between to make sure that no strawberries, pieces of banana or ice cubes get stuck.
    • Listen to the sound of the blender. If the blender is noisy, keep blending until the sound is quieter. Stir with a spoon one last time to make sure your smoothie is well blended.
    • If your smoothie is still very weak when you are done blending, add some extra ice cubes until your smoothie has reached the consistency you want.
  6. Enjoy it. Pour your smoothie into chilled glasses or cups to hand out. Finish your smoothie with a straw.


  • If you want your smoothie creamier, you can add milk or extra ice.
  • Adding ice will make a thicker, creamier smoothie.
  • If you want a sweeter smoothie, try adding 1.5 teaspoons of sugar or honey and blending.
  • Freshly squeezed juice may taste less bitter than bottled juice.
  • Make sure to wash all of your fruit before using it!
  • If it is a very hot day, it might be nice to drink your smoothie from a chilled glass. Simply put your preferred glass in the freezer while making the smoothie. This way, your glass will cool while you work.
  • If you are lactose intolerant or sensitive to dairy products, you can replace the yogurt with soy milk or rice milk for a delicious smoothie.
  • Make your smoothie festive by garnishing it with thin slices of strawberries or bananas, blackberries or mint leaves.
  • Top your smoothie with a sprinkle of whipped cream to make it more of a dessert-like smoothie.


  • Always put the lid on the blender before turning it on and for the entire time.
  • Never pierce a blender with a spoon or fork to stir while the blender is on. Your fork or spoon can get caught in the spinning blades.
  • Never put your hand into the blender, even when it is off. Always use a fork or spoon to loosen any bits that have become stuck.
  • Drink your smoothie slowly to keep your brain from freezing!


  • Blender
  • Fruit
  • Ice cream (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Milk
  • Honey (optional)
  • Mint leaves (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Spoon
  • Glasses to drink from
  • Straws